Department of Philosophy, Dr. H.S. Gour V.V., Sagar (M.P.)

PHL-24-B.A. Course

Subject / Paper Code / Name of Paper / Per week load
Philosophy- 24 / PHL-C-111 / Outline of Indian Philosophy - A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-112 / History of Western Philosophy - A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-211 / Outline of Indian Philosophy - B / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-212 / History of Western Philosophy - B / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-311 / Epistemology & Metaphysics (Indian & Western) –A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-312 / Moral Philosophy (Indian & Western) - A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-411 / Epistemology & Metaphysics (Indian & Western) - B / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-412 / Moral Philosophy (Indian & Western) - B / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-511 / Logic (Indian & Western) - A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-512 / Philosophy of Religion - A / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-611 / Logic (Indian & Western) - B / 3 0 0 3
PHL-C-612 / Philosophy of Religion - B / 3 0 0 3

Core Course-B.A. Philosophy (PHL-24) 2012-13

U.G. Ist. Semester

PHL-C-111 Outline of Indian Philosophy -A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Nature of Indian Philosophy – Plurality as well as common concern.

Unit-2: Charvaka – Epistemology and Metaphysics.

Unit-3: Jain – Syadavada, Anekantavada, Jiva, Ajiva Bondage and Liberation.

Unit-4: Bauddha – Four Noble truths, Doctrine of Momentariness.

Unit-5: Nyaya – Theory of Pramanas, God.

Suggested Readings-

1.  M. Hiriyanna – Outlines of Indian Philosophy.

2.  C.D. Sharma – A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy.

3.  S.N. Dasgupta – A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I&II.

4.  S. Radhakrishnan – Indian Philosophy, Vol. I&II.

5.  Datta & Chatterjee – Introduction to Indian Philosophy.

PHL-C- 112 :History of Western Philosophy - A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Socrates – Socratic Method.

Plato – Theory of Knowledge.

Unit-2: Aristotle – Theory of Causation, Form and Matter.

Unit-3: Characteristics of Medieval Philosophy.

Unit-4: St. Thomas Aquinas – God.

St. Anselm – God.

Unit-5: Descartes – Method of Doubt, God.

Suggested Readings:

1.  E. Copleston – A History of Philosophy.

2.  D.J.O. Connor – A critical history of Western Philosophy.

3.  C.R. Morris – Locke Berkeley of Modern Philosophy.

4.  W.K. Wright – A History of Modern Philosophy.

5.  W.T. Stace – A Critical History of Greek Philosophy.

6.  Roger Seruton –A History of Philosophy from Descartes to Wittgenstein.

U.G. IInd. Semester

PHL-C-211 :Outline of Indian Philosophy - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Vaisesika – Padartha’s.

Unit-2: Sankhya – Prakriti and Purusha, Evolution, Satkaryavada.

Unit-3: Yoga – Astanga Yoga, God.

Unit-4: Vedanta (Advaita) Adhyasa, Maya, Brahman, Jiva, Moksha.

Unit-5: Visistadvaita – Saguna Brahaman, Refutation of Maya, Jiva, Moksha.

Suggested Readings-

1.  M. Hiriyanna – Outlines of Indian Philosophy.

2.  C.D. Sharma – A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy.

3.  S.N. Dasgupta – A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I&II.

4.  S. Radhakrishnan – Indian Philosophy, Vol. I&II.

5.  Datta & Chatterjee – Introduction to Indian Philosophy.

PHL-C-212: History of Western Philosophy - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Spinoza – Substance attributes, Modes.

Unit-2: Leibnitz – Monadology, Pre-established harmony.

Unit-3: Locke – Theory of Knowledge.

Unit-4: Berkeley – Rejection of abstract ideas and secondary qualities.

Unit-5: Kant – Theory of criticism, categories of Understanding, Antinomies, Space and Time.

Suggested Readings:

1.  E. Copleston – A History of Philosophy.

2.  D.J.O. Connor – A critical history of Western Philosophy.

3.  W.K. Wright – A History of Modern Philosophy.

4.  W.T. Stace – A Critical History of Greek Philosophy.

5.  Roger Seruton –A History of Philosophy from Descartes to Wittgenstein.

U.G. IIIrd. Semester

PHL-C-311 :Epistemology & Metaphysics (Indian) - A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Introduction to Indian Epistemology.

Prama and Aprama.
Difference between Prama and Aprama.

Unit-2: Nature of Pramana: Types of Pramana, Perception.

Unit-3: Anumana, Upman, Shabda.

Unit-4: Introduction to Indian metaphysics, Padartha (Vaishesika), Dravya, Guna, Karma.

Unit-5: Padartha (Vaishesika), Samanya, Vishesa, Samavaya,


Recommended Books:

1.  C.D. Sharma – A critical survey of Indian Philosophy.

2.  M. Hirriyanna – Outline of Indian Philosophy.

3.  Dutta and Chatarjee – Indian Philosophy.

4.  S. Radhakrishnan – Indian Philosophy, Vol.I&II.

PHL-C-312:Moral Philosophy (Indian) - A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Definition of Ethics.

Nature, Importance and utility, Relation with other Sciences.

Unit-2: Moral Concepts – Good, Right, Duty, Non-violence, Freedom and responsibility.

Unit-3: Ethics of Bhagavad-Gita – Karmyoga, Gyanyoga, Bhaktiyoga, Nishkam Karmyoga and Swadharma.

Unit-4: Ethics of Buddha Philosophy – Four noble truths and Pratityasamutpad.

Unit-5: Sadharana Dharma (Manusmrati).

Jain Ethics – Anuvratas and Mahavratas, Triratan.

Suggested Books:

1.  Manual of Ethics – J.N. Sinha.

2.  Outlines of Indian Philosophy – M. Hirriyanna.

3.  Ethical Philosophy of India – C. D. Sharma.

4.  A critical survey of Indian Philosophy – C.D. Sharma.

5.  Applied Ethics – Dr. A.P. Dube

U.G. IVth. Semester

PHL-C-411 :Epistemology & Metaphysics(Western) - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Nature of the knowledge: (Rationalism and Empiricism)

Origin and development.

Sources of knowledge.

Unit-2: Nature of rationalism: Characteristics

(i). Descartes method of doubt.

(ii). Spinoza – Pantheism.

(iii).Leibnitz – Theory of Monadology.

Unit-3: (i). Locke’s theory of knowledge.

(ii). Berkley: Esse Est percipi.

(iii). Hume: Scepticism.

Unit-4: Kant’s theory of criticism.

Reconciliation of Rationalism and Empiricism.

Unit-5: Nature of God.

Proofs for the existence of God.

Recommended Books:

1.  C.D. Sharma – Western Philosophy.

2.  Thilly – History of Western Philosophy.

PHL-C-412 :Moral Philosophy (Western) - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Moral judgment – Nature and subject.

Unit-2: Moral Values – Nature, kinds and relation with other values.

Unit-3: Hedonism – Bentham’s Utilitarianism and Evaluation.

Mill’s Utilitarianism and its evaluation.

Unit-4: Ethics of Kant –

Moral maxims.

Categorical Imperatives, Goodwill, Duty for Duty sake.

Unit-5: Evil, Sin and Crime.

The main theories of punishment.

Suggested Readings:

1.  Manual of Ethics – J.N. Sinha, Publisher (Jai Prakash Nath or company), Meerut.

2.  Applied Ethics – Dr. A.P. Dubey.

U.G. Vth. Semester

PHL-C-511 :Logic (Indian & Western) - A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: (i). What is Logic?

(ii). The Nature of arguments.

Unit-2: (i). Deduction & Induction.

(ii). Truth & validity.

Unit-3: (i). Informal fallacies.

(ii). Types of Preposition, Relation and Opposition of Preposition.

Unit-4: (i). Quality, Quantity & distribution.

(ii). Standard form of categorical syllogism.

Unit-5: (i). Venn Diagram Technique for testing syllogism.

(ii). Statements – Simple & compound, Truth functions.

Suggested Readings:

1.  I.M. Copi – Introduction to Logic (Sixth edition).

2.  Cohen and Nagel – Introduction to Logic.

3.  S.P. Gupta – Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method.

4.  S.C. Chatterjee – Logic Theory of Knowledge.

5.  S.S. Barlingay – Nyaya and Scientific Method.

PHL-C-512 : Philosophy of Religion - A


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: (i). Meaning of Religion.

(ii). Nature and Problems of Philosophy of Religion.

Unit-2: (i). Various views on the place of religion in human life.

(ii). Relation of Religion with Philosophy and Science.

Unit-3: (i). Religious experience and its difference from ordinary experience.

(ii). The nature of religious belief.

Unit-4: (i). Intellect and intuition, Revelation, Faith.

(ii). Concept of God.

Unit-5: (i). God and the World.

(ii). Proof for the Existence of God.

Suggested Readings:

1.  William James – Varieties of Religious Experience.

2.  Caird J – Introduction to Philosophy of Religion.

3.  Hick John – Philosophy of Religion.

4.  D.M. Edwards – The Philosophy of Religion.

5.  Brain Davies – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.

6.  S. Radhakrishnan – The Idealist view of life.

U.G. VIth. Semester

PHL-C-611 :Logic (Indian & Western) - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: Logical & Non-Logical connectives – some important logical connectives- conjunction, Negation, Disjunction, Implication and equivalence.

Unit-2: (i).Tautologies, contradiction and contingent statements.

(ii). The nature of scientific explanation.

Unit-3: (i).Distinction between scientific and non-scientific explanations.

(ii). Science and hypothesis.

Unit-4: Nyaya and Buddhist theories of Inference:

(i). Definition and nature of inference in Nyaya and Buddhism.

(ii). Kinds of Inference.

Unit-5: (i). Vyapti.

(ii). Hetwabhasa.

Suggested Readings:

1.  I.M. Copi – Introduction to Logic (Sixth edition).

2.  Cohen and Nagel – Introduction to Logic.

3.  S.P. Gupta – Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method.

4.  S.C. Chatterjee – Logic Theory of Knowledge.

5.  S.S. Barlingay – Nyaya and Scientific Method.

PHL-C-612 : Philosophy of Religion - B


3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Unit-1: (i). Atheism.

(ii). Immortality of Soul.

Unit-2: (i). Liberation and means for its attainment.

(ii). Problem of evil.

Unit-3: (i). Vivekanand – Universal Religion.

(ii). Gandhi – Sarvadharma-sambhava.

Unit-4: (i). Secularism.

Unit-5: (i). Religious Conversion.

Suggested Readings:

1.  William James – Varieties of Religious Experience.

2.  Caird J – Introduction to Philosophy of Religion.

3.  Hick John – Philosophy of Religion.

4.  D.M. Edwards – The Philosophy of Religion.

5.  Brain Davies – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.

PHL-24-M.A. Course

Subject / Paper Code / Name of Paper / Per week load
Philosophy- 24 / PHL-C-121 / Indian & Contemporary Indian Philosophy – A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-122 / Western & Contemporary Western Philosophy - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-123 / Indian & Western Ethics - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-124 / Philosophy of Religion - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-221 / Indian & Contemporary Indian Philosophy – B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-222 / Western & Contemporary Western Philosophy - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-223 / Indian & Western Ethics - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-224 / Philosophy of Religion - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-321 / Indian Epistemology & Metaphysics - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-322 / Western Epistemology & Metaphysics - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-323 / Indian Logic - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-324 / Western Logic - A / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-421 / Indian Epistemology & Metaphysics - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-422 / Western Epistemology & Metaphysics - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-423 / Indian Logic - B / 4 0 0 4
PHL-C-424 / Western Logic - B / 4 0 0 4
Any one of the following three:-
PHL-E-121 / Political Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-122 / Social Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-123 / Logic (Especially designed for competitive exams) / 3 0 0 3
Any one of the following three:-
PHL-E-221 / Political Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-222 / Social Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-223 / Logic and Scientific methods / 3 0 0 3
Any one of the following three:-
PHL-E-321 / Environmental Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-322 / Philosophy of Human Rights / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-326 / Philosophy of Religion / 3 0 0 3
Any one of the following three:-
PHL-E-421 / Environmental Philosophy / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-422 / Philosophy of Human Rights / 3 0 0 3
PHL-E-423 / World Religions & Religious Harmony / 3 0 0 3

Core Course-M.A. Philosophy (PHL-24) 2012-13

(Four Credit Course)

@@izFke lsfeLVj@@

PHL-C-121- ikjEifjd ,oa ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n’kZu -A


4 / 0 / 0 / 4

bdkbZ&1 % oSfnd ,oa voSfnd n’kZuksa dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl] Hkkjrh; n’kZu dh eq[; fo’ks"krk,Wa % deZokn] lalkjokn] eks{kokn ds fo’ks"k lUnHkZ esaA

bdkbZ&2 % lka[;&;ksx n’kZu & lka[; n’kZu dk dk;Z&dkj.kokn] lka[; n’kZu dk fodklokn] ;ksx n’kZu esaa fpŸk rFkk mldh o`fRr;kWaA

bdkbZ&3 % U;k;&oS’ksf"kd n’kZu & oS’ksf"kd inkFkZ O;oLFkk] U;k; n’kZu dk prqfoZ/k izek.koknA

bdkbZ&4 % ckS)&tSu n’kZu & ckS) n’kZu ds prqfoZ/k lEiznk;ksa dk ifjp; ¼oSHkkf"kd] lkS=kfUrd] ek/;fed ,oa ;ksxkpkj foKkuokn½] tSu n’kZu dk nzO; fl)kUr] vusdkUrokn ,oa L;kn~oknA

bdkbZ&5 % v}Sr ,oa fof’k"Vk}Sr osnkUr & v}Sr osnkUr dk czg~e] ek;kokn] jkekuqt dk bZ’oj& fopkj] jkekuqt }kjk 'kadj ds ek;kokn dk [k.MuA

lgk;d xzUFk%

1.  Indian Philosophy : Dr. Radha Krishnan.

2.  Constructiv survey of Indian Philosophy : M. Hiriyanna.

3.  Hkkjrh; n’kZu % cynso mik/;k;A

4.  Hkkjrh; n’kZu % pUnz/kj 'kekZA

5.  Hkkjrh; n’kZu % nRr ,oa pVthZA

6.  Hkkjrh; n’kZu % ch-,u- flagA

7.  ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n’kZu % ch-ds- ykyA

8.  ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n’kZu % y{eh lDlsukA

9.  ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n’kZu % ch- ujoM+sA

10.  Contemporary Indian Philosophy : B.K. Lal.

PHL-C-122- ijEijkxr ,oa ledkyhu ik’pkR; n’kZu -A


4 / 0 / 0 / 4

bdkbZ&1 % xzhd n’kZu & izeq[k fo’ks"krk,Wa] lqdjkr dh Kkuehekalk vkSj uhfr’kkL=] IysVks dk izR;; fl)kUr] vjLrw dk nzO; ,oa vkdkjA

bdkbZ&2 % e/;;qxhu n’kZu & izeq[k fo’ks"krk,Wa] vxLrkbu dk bZ’oj&fopkj] ,Dohukl dh bZ’oj&ehekalkA

bdkbZ&3 % vk/kqfud cqf)okn & izeq[k fo’ks"krk,Wa] nsdkrZ dh nk’kZfud&i)fr vkSj mldh fu"ifRr;kWa] fLiukstk dk nzO;] xq.k ,oa i;kZ; fl)kUr] yk;cfuRt dk fpn~fcUnqoknA

bdkbZ&4 % vk/kqfud vuqHkookn & izeq[k fo’ks"krk,Wa] ykWd dh Kkuehekalk] cdZys dk vkRefu"B izR;;okn] g~;we dk lUnsgoknA

bdkbZ&5 % vk/kqfud leh{kkokn & dk.V dk leh{kkokn] ns’k&dky dh vo/kkj.kk] cqf)&fodYiksa dk Lo:i ,oa egŸoA

lgk;d xzUFk%

1.  History of Western Philosophy : Franck Thilly.

2.  xzhd n’kZu dk oSKkfud bfrgkl % ts-,l- JhokLroA

3.  ik’pkR; n’kZu % ch- ,u- flagA

4.  vk/kqfud n’kZu dk oSKkfud bfrgkl % ts-,l- JhokLroA

5.  ik’pkR; n’kZu dk bfrgkl] Hkkx 1 ,oa 2 % lEik-& n;kd`".kA

6.  vk/kqfud ik’pkR; n’kZu dk bfrgkl % d`".k eqjkjh izlkn oekZ

7.  dk.V dk n’kZu % lHkkthr feJA