Yate Library Management Board Meeting - 7th February 2008
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Present Martin Burton, Grainne Stables, John Abraham, Hannah Mitchell, Cllr June Powell, Martin Monk, Cllr Kay Crowe, Granville Olive, Carol Zorzo, Cllr Ann Aplin, Sheridan Crewe, Cheryl Kirby, Neil Weston, Clare Nelmes.

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Apologies Lloyd Pellow, Eleanor Windram

3.  / Minutes of previous meeting.
Correction – June Powell did send her apologies to that meeting.
Boiler – to be installed at the beginning of March.
Terms of reference – have been accepted by the National Lottery
4.  / Librarian’s Report
In addition to the events that were mentioned in the report activities surrounding the National Year of Reading were highlighted with each library leading on a different theme each month. Yate will be leading on the theme ‘You are what you read’ in September. It was reported that South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) as a whole have been awarded 3 star status (out of 4). All of the SGC libraries will be offering free CD hire as part of a Valentines promotion.
5.  / Children’s Work
A report highlighting all the schemes relating to children that the library service are involved with was discussed. This is being brought before all SGC library committees. Hannah Mitchell was able to speak from experience about several of these including Booked Up, Chatter books & the Teen Focus group.
6.  / New Library Update
Those architects tendering for the library project will be interviewed on 11th February before presenting their “best offers” by 18th February. Cheryl will be involved in the selection of the architect and it is hoped the successful company will attend the next meeting. A summary of all the public and staff comments received about what they would like included in the revamped library was circulated. Clare Nelmes (SGC Consultation Officer) demonstrated the on line questionnaire that will shortly be available via the SGC website, this will also be available in hardcopy for those without access to IT. Still no news yet on the temporary arrangements for the library and the organisations it hosts. / Grainne
7.  / Any Other Business
Briefing of council members – it was hoped to brief SGC members on the library scheme at a meeting on 25th February where they will be briefed about developments in Yate Leisure Centre.
Active Card/scheme – Martin Burton explained that a new combined library and leisure centre card called Active will be launched later this year. This will combine the membership databases of both services and present promotional and marketing scope for both services. / Martin Burton
8.  / Date of next meeting
Monday 10th March at 7.30pm at Yate Library