Bio 216 Final Exam

Name ______Date ______

1.Negative feedback results in a response that opposes that of the original stimulus.
A. TrueB. False

2. A decrease in mean arterial pressure is detected by
A. an effector. B. an integrating center.
C. a sensor. D. a chemical messenger.

3. In positive feedback mechanisms, the action of an effector is
A. unchanged. B. increased.
C. decreased. D. decreased, then increased.

4. Homeostasis is best thought of as being a state of
A. constant fluctuation. B. stasis.
C. dynamic constancy. D. inconsistency.

5. Which of the following is NOT a primary tissue of the body?
A. nervous B. epithelium
C. muscular D. osseous

6. These muscle cells do NOT have a striated appearance.
A. skeletal muscle cells B. smooth muscle cells
C. cardiac muscle cells D. both smooth muscle cells and cardiac muscle cells

7. Histological examination of a membrane shows several layers of keratinized flattened cells. This sample most likely came from
A. the epidermis of the skin. B. the lining of the oral cavity.
C. the lining of the urinary bladder. D. the lining of the digestive tract.

8. ______glands secrete chemicals through a duct that leads to the outside of a membrane.
A. Endocrine B. Exocrine

9. Tissues are groups of cells that have similar functions.
A. TrueB. False

10. Enzymes ______the rate of a specific chemical reaction.
A. decrease B. increase C. have no effect on

11. Energy transformations increase the entropy of a system is a statement of the
A. first law of thermodynamics. B. second law of thermodynamics.
C. law of mass action. D. law of conservation of energy.

12. Energy can change forms, but cannot be created or destroyed is a statement of the
A. first law of thermodynamics. B. second law of thermodynamics.
C. law of mass action. D. third law of thermodynamics.

13. ______is the universal energy carrier.
A. Glucose B. ATP

14. In the reaction (H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3), increasing the concentration of H2O would
A. decrease the concentration of H2CO3. B. increase the concentration of H2CO3.
C. increase the concentration of CO2. D. have no effect on either CO2 or H2CO3 concentrations.

15. During oxidation, a molecule or atom
A. gains protons. B. loses protons.
C. gains electrons. D. loses electrons.

16. During reduction, a molecule or atom
A. gains protons. B. loses protons.
C. gains electrons. D. loses electrons.

17.Glycolysis converts glucose into two ______molecules.
A. glycogen B. lactic acid
C. acetyl CoA D.pyruvic acid

18. Which of the following can undergo metabolic conversion to acetyl CoA and enter the Krebs cycle?
A. glucose B. fatty acids
C. protein D. All of these choices are correct.

19.Active transport proceeds when energy is expended.
A. TrueB. False

20.Passive transport of water is known as
C.facilitated diffusion.D.a water pump.

21.A solution consists of a ______which dissolves the ______.
A.solvent, soluteB.solvent, solid
C.solute, solventD.liquid, solid

22.Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will
A.decrease in volume.B.increase intracellular solute concentration.
C.increase in volume.D.lose water to the solution.

23.The Na+/K+ pump transports ______into the cell and ______out of the cell per cycle.
A.3Na+, 2K+B.2Na+, 3K+
C.3K+, 2Na+D.2K+, 3Na+

24.Most cells have a resting membrane potential between
A.+60mV and -90mV.B.-60mV and -90mV.
C.-65mV and -85mV.D.+65mV and +90mV.

25.What is necessary for a target cell to respond to a cell signaling molecule?
A.being close togetherB.a second messenger
C.specific receptor proteinsD.All of these choices are necessary.

26.The brain and spinal cord comprise the
A.central nervous system.B.peripheral nervous system.
C.peripheral ganglia.D.spinal nerves.

27.The myelin sheaths of CNS neurons are produced by
A.Schwann cells.B.oligodendrocytes.
C.ependymal cells.D.leukocytes.

28.The myelin sheaths of PNS neurons are produced by
A.Schwann cells.B.oligodendrocytes.
C.ependymal cells.D.leukocytes.

29.The gap of exposed axon in the myelin sheath is the
A.neurilemma.B.node of Ranvier.
C.sheath of Schwann.D.white matter.

30.The membrane of resting nerve cells is more permeable to ______ions than ______ions.
A.sodium, potassiumB.calcium, potassium
C.potassium, sodiumD.chloride, potassium

31.During an action potential
A.Na+ efflux causes depolarization.B.K+ influx causes repolarization.
C.Na+ influx causes depolarization.D.K+ influx causes after-hyperpolarization.

32.Conduction of an action potential in a myelinated axon is called
A.point to point conduction.B.saltatory conduction.
C.refractory conduction.D.cable conduction.

33.Cholinergic fibers use ____ as the neurotransmitter.


34.Parkinson's disease is associated with the loss of dopaminergic neurons.
A. TrueB. False

35.Most synapses in the body are electrical.
A. TrueB. False

36.In the cerebrum, the ______matter is generally superficial and the ______matter is deep.
A.white, grayB.gray, white

37.Which of the following is used to map neuronal activity with scalp electrodes?

38. Cerebral lateralization, in which the _____ cerebral hemisphere is specialized for language and analytical ability and the ______for visuospatial ability, is true for 97% of all people.
A. right, left B. left, right

39.Aphasias are most often associated with damage to ______and ______areas.
A.Wernicke's and the angular gyrusB.fornix and Broca's
C.Broca's and Wernicke'sD.the angular gyrus and septal nuclei

40.The cerebellum is the largest brain structure.
A. TrueB. False

41.A cranial nerve with only sensory fibers is the
A.hypoglossal nerve.B.vestibulocochlear nerve.
C.vagus nerve.D.trigeminal nerve.

42.What condition is caused by a sudden failure of the RAS?
A.narcolepsyB.Parkinson's disease
C.Alzheimer's diseaseD.insomnia

43.Except for the sense of ______, all sensory information is relayed through the thalamus.

44.The spinocerebellar tract would carry information from sensory receptors to the cerebral cortex.
A. TrueB. False

45.The paravertebral and collateral ganglia are associated with the ______division of the autonomic nervous system.

46.______ganglia are associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

47.Mass activation is a property of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
A. TrueB. False

48.The neurotransmitter released by terminal ganglia is

49.The sympathetic chain ganglia is found laterally on both sides of the spinal cord.
A. TrueB. False

50.Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers are relatively long.
A. TrueB. False

Match the type of receptor with the stimulus that would activate it.

51.nociceptors / A.smell of pizza
52. photoreceptors / B.a refreshing cold drink
53.chemoreceptors / C.a pat on the back
54.thermoreceptors / D.seeing an old friend
55. mechanoreceptors / E.burning your mouth

56.Having the ability to ignore constant phasic stimuli is called
A.the law of specific nerve energies.B.tonic adaptation.
C.sensory adaptation.D.phasic adaptation.

57.The capsaicin receptor serves as both an ion channel and a receptor for the molecule in chili peppers that causes sensations of
A.heat and pain.B.cold and pain.
C.pressure and pain.D.heat and pressure.

58.Sensations are sharpened via
A.two-point discrimination.B.adaptation.
C.lateral inhibition.D.phantom limb.

59.Which of the following are NOT types of tongue papillae?
A.foliate papillaeB.circumvallate papillae
C.glossoform papillaeD.fungiform papillae

60.Which of the special senses is most closely linked with the limbic system?

61.The structures that function in equilibrium are known as the
A.vestibular apparatus.B.cochlea.
C.bony labyrinth.D.organ of Corti.

62.Which of the following structures are important to the maintenance of balance and equilibrium?
A.eyesB.proprioceptors from joints and muscles
C.vestibular apparatusD.All of the choices are important.

63.Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle?


64. Blockage leads to glaucomaA. fovea centralis

65. Area of retina with no photoreceptorsB. refraction

66. Area of retina with only conesC. canal of Schlemm

67. Bending of light as it passes through corneaD. optic disc

68.Myopia B. eyeball too short (farsightedness)
69. HyperopiaC. loss of accommodation with age

70. AstigmatismD. asymmetrical cornea or lens

71. PresbiopiaE. eyeball too long (nearsightedness)

72.The vascular link between the hypothalamus and the ______is called the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system.
A.posterior pituitaryB.anterior pituitary
C.pineal glandD.thalamus

73.What is the function of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?
A.stimulates loss of water by the kidneysB.causes large urine volume

C.causes a darkening of the skinD.stimulates retention of water by the kidneys

74.______is a potent mineralocorticoid that helps increase blood volume and pressure.
A.Antidiuretic hormoneB.Aldosterone

75.The pancreas secretes hormones involved in regulation of
A.blood glucose.B.the stress response.
C.metabolic rate.D.growth and reproduction.

Match the muscle action term to the correct description.

76. adductor / A. increases the angle at a joint
77. depressor / B. moves limb toward the midline of the body
78. levator / C. moves insertion upward
79. extensor / D. turns a bone along its axis
80. rotator / E. moves insertion downward

81.Motor unit recruitment allows for ______contraction strength. change in

82.What muscle structural and functional unit runs from Z disc to Z disc?
A.A bandB.I band

83.When a muscle cell generates tension but does not shorten, a(n) ______contraction occurs.

84.A shortening of the muscle that occurs when the tension is greater than the load is a(n)
A.concentric contraction.B.isometric contraction.
C.eccentric contraction.D.isokinetic contraction.

85.How much blood does the average-sized adult have?
A.2 litersB.4 liters
C.5 litersD.7 liters

86.Blood globulins include which of the following types?
A.alpha globulinsB.beta globulins
C.gamma globulinsD.All of the choices are correct.

87.Having no nucleus, a biconcave shape, and the function of gas transport would describe a blood cell.B.platelet.
C.white blood cell.D.albumin.

88.What hormone stimulates the process of erythropoiesis?
A.multipotent growth factor-1B.interleukin-1

89.What is the stimulus for the release of erythropoietin?
A.low RBC countB.decreased blood oxygen levels
C.low amount of hemoglobinD.All of the choices are correct.

Match the surface antigen with the blood type

90. Type AA. surface antigen B

91. Type BB. surface antigens A and B

92. Type OC. surface antigen A

93. Type ABD. no surface antigen

94.The pathway of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is the
A.cardiac circulation.B.systemic circulation.
C.pulmonary circulation.D.pleural circulation.

95.Systole refers to the ______of the heart.
C.contractionD.blood flow

Match the following

96.Bundle of HisA. indicates atrial depolarization

97.refractory periodB. nonresponsive interval

98.P wave C. indicates ventricular repolarization

99.T wave D. AV conducting fibers

100.Which of the following is true of atherosclerosis?
A.It is most likely an inflammatory disease.
B.Blood C-reactive protein levels are better predictors than LDL cholesterol levels.
C.Antioxidants may be used to prevent or treat it.
D.All of the choices are correct.


101. resting heart rateA. stroke volume x cardiac rate

102. bradycardiaB. 70 beats per minute(BPM)

103. tachycardiaC. amt of blood in ventricles at the end of diastole

104. cardiac outputD. < 60 BPM (resting)

105. end diastolic volumeE. >100 BPM (resting)

106.Norepinephrine is released from ______nerves, causing heart rate to ______.
A.parasympathetic, increase.B.parasympathetic, decrease.
C.sympathetic, increase.D.sympathetic, decrease.

107.Acetylcholine binds to ______receptors of the heart and causes the opening of ___ channels.
A.muscarinic, K+B.nicotinic, K+
C.muscarinic, Na+D.nicotinic, Na+

108.The ______is equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the capillaries minus the hydrostatic pressure of tissue interstitial fluid outside the capillaries. filtration pressureB.blood pressure
C.osmotic pressureD.None of the choices are correct.

109.What is the main force that causes fluids to enter the venous end of a capillary?
A.hydrostatic pressure in the capillary
B.hydrostatic force in the interstitial fluid
C.colloid osmotic pressure in the capillary (blood plasma)
D.colloid osmotic pressure in the interstitial fluid

110.A decrease in total peripheral resistance would cause blood flow to
A.increase.B.decrease.C.remain unchanged.

111.If cardiac output increases, the peripheral resistance must _____ for arterial blood pressure to remain constant. change

112.Which blood vessels have the lowest pressure?

113.Which cell combats most bacterial infections?
A.B lymphocyteB.T lymphocyte

114.The two categories of immune defensive mechanisms are ______and ______.
A.innate (nonspecific) immunity, adaptive (specific) immunity.
B.passive immunity, active immunity.
C.heavy immunity, light immunity. immunity, indirect immunity.

115.______is the ability of antibodies and complements to enhance phagocytosis.
A.OpsonizationB.Complement activation
C.Cell—mediated immunityD.Inflammation

116.______is a technique for artificially gaining active immunity through exposure to non-virulent pathogens or nonpathogenic antigens.

117.Tissue transplants should have matching ______to prevent rejection in the host.
A.MHC moleculesB.perforins
C.interleukinsD.All of the choices are correct.

Match the Laws to their definitions:

118.The pressure of a given quantity of gas is inversely proportional to its volume.A. Henry's Law

119. The pressure in a small alveolus is greater than a large alveolus as long as
the surface tension is equalB. Boyle's Law
120. The total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pressures that

each gas in the mixture would exert independently C. Laplace’s Law
121. The amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial

pressure of the gas D. Dalton’s Law

122.What phospholipid decreases the surface tension of the alveoli?

123.The volume of gas inspired or expired in a quiet respiration cycle is the
A.tidal volume.B.vital capacity.
C.inspiratory reserve volume.D.residual volume.

124.What instrument is used to measure the percent oxyhemoglobin saturation of the blood?
C.pulse oximeterD.stethoscope

125.Decompression sickness is caused by ascending to sea level too quickly which results in bubbles of _____ to form in the blood.
A.oxygenB.carbon dioxide
C.carbon monoxideD.nitrogen

126.The respiratory rhythmicity center is located in the
A.pons.B.cerebral cortex.
C.medulla oblongata.D.midbrain.

127.What is the normal value of arterial percent hemoglobin saturation?

128.What disease is characterized by the abnormal hemoglobin S?
A.sickle-cell anemiaB.thalassemia
C.cystic fibrosisD.emphysema

129.The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as
A.dissolved carbon dioxide in the blood.B.bicarbonate ion.

130.A pH above 7.45 is considered


131.Wavelike muscular contraction of the gastrointestinal tract is calledA.deglutition.

132.Chewing of foodB.segmentation.

133. Swallowing of foodC.peristalsis.

134.The mixing movement of the small intestine is calledD.mastication.

135.The movement of digested food into the blood or lymph is

136.What structure keeps food from entering the larynx during swallowing?
C.soft palateD.tongue

137.The stomach churns food into a pasty material called
A.a bolus.B.chyme.

138.Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium associated with
A.peptic ulcers.B.hiatal hernia.
C.acid reflux.D.pancreatitis.

139.What commonly ingested substances are absorbed through the stomach wall?
A.water and alcoholB.antacid and water
C.alcohol and aspirinD.penicillin and aspirin

140.Which of the following is NOT a section of the small intestine?

141.The process of waste removal is called

142.The liver will detoxify ammonia by converting it into
A.uric acid.B.ammonium ions.
C.urea.D.amino acids.

143.Converting glucose into glycogen is the process of

144.Protection against atherosclerosis is believed to be associated with an
A.elevated HDL-cholesterol.B.elevated LDL-cholesterol.
C.elevated total cholesterol.D.elevated VLDL-cholesterol.

145.Where does the bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas come from?
A.bicarbonate in the bloodB.CO2 in the blood
C.acini cellsD.pancreatic islets

146.The functions of the kidney include regulation of
A.blood plasma pH.B.blood plasma volume.
C.blood plasma electrolyte concentration.D.All of the choices are correct.

147.The process of urination is called
C.incontinence.D.glomerular filtration.

148.The average glomerular filtration rate is equal to
A.180 L/day.B.5.5 L/min.
C.100 mmHg/hour.D.8 mg/hour.

149.Sperm are stored and matured in the
A.vas deferens.B.seminal vesicles.
C.epididymis.D.prostate gland.

150.What hormone triggers ovulation?