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City Commission Special Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2015
A meeting of the City Commission of the City of Tioga was called to order at 5:30 pm on April 23, 2015, at the Tioga Senior Center, by President of the City Commission Drake McClelland.
PRESENT: Drake McClelland, John Grubb, Todd Thompson, Heather Weflen, Ronda Davidson, Tarie Bunner, Ben Johnson
Guest: Neil A Olson, Dennis Rehak, Candice Wenger, Bob Wenger, Steve Bratlein, Marcy Spooner, Gary Spooner, Kenny Bugbee, Mark Heilman, Harlan Germundson, Malonie Jorstad, Lea Heiney, Darcy Anderson, Sheri Branham, Judy Heilman.
Old Business
Discussion was held on the 2 sign permit applications for Microtel Hotel regarding height requirements. Motion made by Grubb to approve the sign permit applications for Microtel Hotel, second by Thompson. Roll Call: Ayes; 5 Nays; 0 Motion carried
Discussion was held on the Conditional Use renewal application for David Hedditch. Motion made by Grubb to approve the Conditional Use Permit renewal application for David Hedditch for one year and under the circumstances that he must abide by the City of Tioga’s Nuisance Ordinance regarding trash cleanup, second by Weflen. Roll Call: Ayes; 5 Nays; 0 Motion carried.
Discussion was held on Dennis Rehak’s application for Conditional Use Permit renewal. Motion made by Davidson to approve the conditional Use Permit renewal application until the end of December, second by Grubb. Roll Call: Ayes; 4 Nays; 0 Weflen abstained. Motion carried
Discussion was held on the Conditional Use Permit renewal application for Gunn Enterprises Inc. Motion made by Grubb to approve the Conditional Use renewal for Gunn Enterprises Inc, for 1 year under the conditions that they abide by the Tioga Ordinance regarding Nuisance, second by Weflen. Roll Call: Ayes;5 Nays; 0 Motion carried.
With no further business the meeting of the Tioga City Commission was adjourned by McClelland at 5:40 p.m.
The next meeting of the City of Tioga is scheduled for Monday May 04, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., to be held at the Tioga City Hall.
Drake McClelland, President of the City Commission
Tarie Bunner, City Auditor