Маgnetic-impulse plants IM in systems of gas purification.

Research and production enterprise ‘MITEK’, Ltd ( Nikolaev) has been specializing in the field of magnetic-impulse engineering and is the leading designer and producer of magnetic-impulse plants of IM TU U3.01.-19289902-170-98 type designed for prevention from collapse of bridging and cleaning of metal hoppers and other metal surfaces from adhered loose substances,

including clearing electrodes of electrofilters and sleeves of sleeves’ filters.

Method of cleaning, device to perform it as well as trade mark MITEK® are registered in patent authorities of Ukraine and Russia (Patent of Russia №2153403, Patents of Ukraine №44783, №28666, №28667, №28820, №29040,№39269,№37190, №37191. Certificate for the trade mark №17417, №97672, №7375.

In 2008 plants got Certificate of identification of CE on Directives of security and electromagnetic compatibility.

Products of RPE “Mitek” were appropriated with the Sign of quality “The Highest Test” and an enterprise was awarded with the diploma “Ukraine-the best enterprisers” and is the laureate of competition “Metal-progress-2005” in a nomination “The Best innovation in area of production”.

Since 1993 an enterprise “MITEK” has produced and introduced nearly 350magnetic-impulse plants on different enterprises of Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Slovakia. Among them there are metallurgical combines of “Azovstal”, “ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih”, “Zaporozhstal”, “U.S.Steel, s.r.o. Kosice”, Alchevsky MC, Dneprovsky MC, Enakyevsky MF, Donetsky MF, Zaporozhsky “Ukrgrafit” and “Abrasive combine”, Cherepovetsky “Ammofos”, “Vorkutaugol”, Mykhaylovsky MC, bakery integrated works of S.Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov, Minsk, confectionaries of Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, butter-cheese factories , milk plants, mixed fodders factories and other enterprises.

Alongside with other areas magnetic-impulse plants IM are applied in systems of gas purification, including collapse of bridging in hoppers with a dust and for regeneration of sleeves and electrofilters.

The structure of magnetic-impulse plant IM is the following ( fig.1): power block, control stand, control cable, high-voltage coaxial cables, complete set of executive mechanisms ( inductor and stalealuminum plate), connecting boxes.

Fig.1 Original appearance of magnetic-impulse plant IM

A power block is made as dust- and moisture-proof closet and intended for forming of powerful impulses of current. A power block consists of charge device , capacity store of energy, block of thyristor switchboards, control and defence systems. A power block is made multichannel, besides one or two executive mechanisms can be connected through connecting boxes and high-voltage coaxial cable to every channel. The number of channels depending on updating plant can be from 1 up to 16. An executive mechanism consists of inductor and stalealuminum or stalecopper plate. A control stand is connected to the power block through the control cable.

Flow diagram of plant IM is shown on a fig.2

Fig.2 Flow diagram of plant IM

Installations IM are divided into types according to the size of maximal working voltage: IM1 - to 1000V, IM2 - to 2000V, IM3 - to 3000V, IM4 - to 4000V, IM5 - to 5000V.

The structure of conditional denotation of types of plants IM is presented on a fig.3:


Fig.3 Structure of conditional denotation of types of plants IM

Collapse of bridging in hoppers of dust gathering under filters and in hoppers of a section of shipment of a dust.

The scheme of equipment of hoppers by magnetic-impulse system of collapse of bridging on the basis of plant IM is resulted on fig.4

Fig.4 System of collapse of bridging in hoppers on the basis of plant IM.

Collapse of the adhered material is carried out as follows (fig.5):

Fig.5 The Scheme of the executive mechanism of system of collapse of the adhered material in hoppers on the basis of plant IM.

A power block generates the powerful impulse of current in the winding of inductor. The magnetic field of inductor, created by this current, induces the impulse of current in the plate set near by an inductor. As a result of co-operation of impulsive currents, flowing on a winding of inductor and pointed in a plate, a plate renders impulsive mechanical influence on the cleared surface, that results in the origin of local resilient deformation in the cleared surface, and in the layer of sticking material - to the origin of shear stress. The united action of these processes violates integrity of layer of sticking material, destroys adherence of material to the cleared surface and results in its cleaning. Power of mechanical influence and amount of impulses are regulated and are got out sufficient for the assured bringing down of sticking materials.

At surface clearing ( walls of a hopper) a series of impulses is transmitted in a sequence on each involved channel of installation ( two of executive mechanisms). Quantity of impulses in a series and an interval between them are regulated, usually 3÷6 impulses in a series with an interval 3÷8 seconds between impulses. After consecutive transmission of a series of impulses to all involved channels installation comes in an expectation mode. The following transmission of impulses in executive mechanisms occurs according to the established operating mode (either from a manual signal, or from a transducer signal, or according to the established program).

Depending on size, capacity and construction of hopper, thickness of the cleared walls and surfaces, presence of ribs of inflexibility, physical and chemical properties and humidity of the loaded material the different variants of constructions of fastening and placing of executive mechanisms on the cleared surfaces are possible.

At high inflexibility of walls (large thickness, presence of the close located ribs of inflexibility) hoppers are equipped by additional flat sheets ( vibrating sheets) inside having as compared to a wall less inflexibility, on which power influence is made.

Usually plants of type IМ30,8-n-, IМ3-1,2-n, IМ4-0,8-n, where n – quantity of channels are applied tohoppers with a dust in systems of gas purification.

Regeneration of sleeves’ filters

The scheme of equipment of sleeves’ filter by magnetic-impulse regeneration system on the basis of plant IM is presented on fig.6.

Fig. 6. System of regeneration of sleeves’ filters on the basis of plant IM.

Regeneration of sleeves’ filter is carried out as follows (fig.7.):

Fig.7 The Scheme of system of stirring of sleeves of sleeves’ filter on the basis of plant IM.

The filter contains the frame on the top of whicha motionless inductor is fixed. Above the inductor with a clearance in relation to it the stalealuminum plateis located which connected with traverse through stay brace. On traverse sleeves are suspended.

The stalealuminum plateis attached to the rigid basis the edges of which lean on the rigid stays fixed to the top part of the frame of the filter. In the bottom part of the frame there is a hopper for gathering a dust.

The power block generates a powerful impulse of a current in a winding of inductor, thus there is a force which parts forcibly aninductor and astalealuminum plate. As a resulta stalealuminum platemakes a start from a motionless inductor and actuates traverse with the sleeves suspended on it. As a result of this influence, sleeves « in a pulse mode » are stretched, and after a return of traverse in a starting position they accept the initial condition. Thus elements of a dust are liberated from a fabric and by gravity they are showered into the hopper.

Pulse processing of sleeves’ filters is carried out by consecutive submission of the certain quantity of impulses in executive mechanisms with the parameters set at adjustment. Upon termination of a running cycle plant maintains a pause and then fulfils a series on all executive mechanisms again .

Usually for regeneration of sleeves’ filters plants are used of the following type:

Iм2-1,2-n, Iм3-0,8-n, Iм3-1,2-n.

Regeneration of electrofilters.

The scheme of equipment of the electrofilter by magnetic-impulse system of regeneration on the basis of plant IM is presented on fig. 8.

Fig. 8. System of regeneration of electrofilters on the basis of plant IM.

Regenerationof electrodes of electrofiltersis carried out as follows:

The drive of the device of regeneration is executed in the form of motionless flat inductor, placed on the external part of the frame of the electrofilter and the mobile part executed in the form of astalealuminum plate, placed with air clearance

concerning motionless inductor and connected with one of the ends ofstay brace. Stay brace is placed in the frame of the electrofilter with an opportunity of moving along the axis and supplied by nozzles, each of which is fixed or adjoins with air clearance or without to electrodeposition of the electrofilter.

At flowing a current on the coil of motionless inductor there is a magnetic-impulse force which pushes away a stalealuminum plate from inductor and leads to longitudinal moving of stay brace. Nozzles on stay brace push and strike with the big force on electrodeposition, causing occurrence of the elastic fluctuations in them extending on all height of electrodes and clearing a surface of electrodes from a dust which have settled on them.

For the decision of a problem of clearing corona-forming electrodes theyare rigidly incorporated to a bar which is passed through located apertures on a level of corona-forming electrodes in electrodeposition and rigidly incorporated to stay brace by means of racks from an isolating material.

For the present moment the project on use of magnetic-impulse plants IM for regeneration of electrofilters is in a stage of development. There are positive results of trial operation of the experimental sample of the system on the basis of plantIМ3-1,2-n on ТripolskayТES. Designs with a relation to concrete electrofilters on a number of industrial objects are developed.

The long-term practice of operation of plants IMМIТEК® at the various enterprises testifies to higher efficiency of a magnetic-impulse way of collapse of bridging and clearing in comparison with vibrators (vibrobottom) and pneumatic collapse.

Besides,magnetic-impulse plants are more economic in operation.

BASIC ADVANTAGES of magnetic-impulse systems for collapse of bridging and cleaning:

- More high efficiency of the magnetic-impulse systems of cleaning, realized by the magnetic-impulse installations IM, as compared to other systems (vibrators, pneumocollapse) due to possibility of concordance of amplitude-frequency characteristics of influencing impulse with the physiotopological parameters of hopper and friable material and, as a result, to achievement of the assured collapse of sticking material with minimum power expenses;

- Low operating costs. Magnetic-impulse technologies in the essence are power-saving. The rated power of installations makes 0,5-4,5 kW. The average consumption of electric power is to 0,2-0,5 kW per hour. Unlike the system of pneumocollapse compressors and devices of preparation (drainages) of air are not required;

- Increase of labour productivity, volumes of the produced products due to the increase of carrying capacity of hoppers, conveyor tracts, diminishing of time of the forced outage related to the manual purging of hoppers and chutes, loadings shoots of agglomachines, especially using damp mix materials ;

- Increase of quality, decline of reject of the prepared products due to the timely exit of materials from hoppers, that promote the observance of requirements of technology of production;

- Increase of safety of labour due to the considerable diminishing, and in some cases exclusions of necessity of application of manual labour for cleaning of hoppers and other objects. Structural execution of IP54 and contactless impulsive influence on the wall of hopper provides possibility of application of installations IM in the premises of enhanceable danger;

- Providing integrity of walls of hoppers at their cleaning, unlike application of eccentric vibrators or hand labour;

- Reliability and longevity of the magnetic-impulse systems due to absence in the executive mechanisms colliding details and interacting surfaces, application of original schemes decisions, presence of a number of protections from the nonpermanent modes. Term of service of installations IM to major repairs is no less than 10 years. In practice the term of exploitation is considerably longer at timely repair-prophylactic service;

- Possibility of functioning of installations IM both in manual and in automatic modes, with the different algorithms of starting work in the interface with the modern automated technological processes control systems.

- The magnetic-impulse installations IM do not have harmful influence on sensitive elements of control and measuring apparatus. The installations have the European certificate CE on the directives of electrosafety and electromagnetic compatibility, consonant with the different tensoisometric devices.

In case of interest we are ready to consider technical and organizational questions of delivery and implementation of plants IMМIТEК.

Director - MatvienkoOleg Vladimirovich -( +380965443358)

Technical director – BortkevichSergey Pavlovich ( +380679457812)

Leading engineer-designer – Belov Igor Leonidovich ( +380934457588)

Translator - Strelchuk Yana Vycheslavovna ( +380672630104)


Gorkogo str., 24-A, Nikolaev, 54018, Ukraine

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