Outline for Director of Operations at the ARTCURIAN GALLERY


22 Chapel St., Brooklyn NY 11201

The ARTCURIAN GALLERY located at the ARTC/URI headquarters, at Jay and Chapel St. downtown Brooklyn, is one of the largest exhibit and performance spaces that isprivately owned in New York City.

For the past two and a half years Emmet Wigglesworth and OgundipeFayomi, A.I.R.s at ARTC/URI along with the ARTCURIAN ARTISTS have created art exhibits, poetry events, chess tournaments, art seminars, dance and music performances and the Black Writers Conference Dinner, for Toni Morrison, at the gallery space. This space can comfortably hold 250 people and has a small stage, a sound system and track lighting.

Up until recently the ARTCURIAN ARTISTS (which grew out of E. Wigglesworth’s concept of a “unified community artist group”) and the galleryspace, was funded by the Addiction Research and Treatment Corp./Urban Resource Institute (ARTC/URI) under the auspices of its director Dr. BenyPrimm. But because of budget restraints, they can no longer give financial support to this space or the ARTCURIAN ARTISTS.

Emmett and Ogundipe have been given a short period of time to find a director for this “Arts” facility.

The director for the ARTCURIAN GALLERY would be responsible for:

* All programming. Meaning that, exhibits, performances, etc., would be their responsibility and would be on a weekly basis. As it stands, the programs would have to be on the weekend for now.

* All funding. To research grant opportunities and find funding sources for the operation of the space.

* To work with ARTC/URI and the A.I.R.s, as a partner to facilitate the goals and mission of ARTC/URI.

* To share profits with ARTC/URI on a percentage basis. There may be a rental agreement also offered.

* To outreach to the community, and to grow the “brand” of the ARTCURIAN GALLERY and ARTC/URI.

In essence, the director would have total responsibility for the space, with the understanding that this is a building owned and operated by ARTC/URI and all events would have to be scheduled around ARTC/URI’s schedule.

For more information on ARTC/URI please go to their website, artcny.org. For info on the ARTCURIAN ARTISTS please go to, artcurian.org .

The interview process is under way for this great opportunity. We hope that you may consider it.

Thank you,

Emmett Wigglesworth, OgundipeFayomi, A.I.R.s,ARTC/URI

Please contact: OgundipeFayomi, tel. 917-476-0488