Accessible Materials Consideration Form

What are Accessible Educational Materials (AEM)?

Accessible educational materials (AEM) are digital, braille, large print or audio textbooks for students who qualify. The IEP team must consider whether or not the student requires specialized formats to standard print material.

Who Qualifies?

Students qualify if they meet one of the following criteria:

●Student has a visual impairment

●Student has a physical limitation that impairs his/ her ability to access standard print material

●Student has a documented reading impairment that prevents reading or using standard print material.

What happens if they qualify?

  1. CCC discusses the needs of the student and if they meet one of the criteria for eligibility for accessible educational materials.
  1. Answer “YES” to the accessible materials question: Does the student need instructional materials provided in an accessible format to receive a free and appropriate public education? (FAPE)
  1. In the narrative section, put what category of accessible materials the student needs and which criteria they meet. For example, “Digital/audio books due to reading impairment”

●Categories: Digital, Audio, Digital/Audio, Braille, Large Print

●Criteria: Physical limitation, visual impairment, reading impairment

4. Below narrative, you will see: Complete the NIMAS order form:NIMAS order form. You do not need to complete this form. Currently, this link does not take you to the form.

The AT team will complete this form and have the correct individual sign it.

5. After adding accessible materials to the student’s IEP, please contact the assistive technology coordinator OR we will pull student information from monthly reports.

6. AT coordinator will send TOR an email with a Google form to submit Titles and ISBN numbers for books the student needs. The book form can be filled out prior to receiving an email at this link:

7. Books will be received and delivered to student’s and TOR’s Google Drive or Bookshare account if Digital or Audio format is requested.

8. When books are delivered, TOR will receive email with instructions for how to access and utilize the digital books. If further help is needed, assistive technology team member or OTs and PTs can assist with downloading and accessing books.

Directions for loading the books are linked below:

Directions for accessing PDF digital books:

Directions for accessing Bookshare books onto computers: