Combined Genetics FRCPath Part 1 written exam study group 2018

The study group will follow the format established previously and is aimed at those planning to sit the exam in 2018. There will be two meetings, the first meeting on Wednesday 10th January will be held at Birmingham Women’s Hospital and a final meeting will be held at Birmingham Womens’ Hospital in early Autumn 2018. The rest of the sessions will be carried out online using the website at which will allow participants to share notes, practice writing essay plans, and interact with facilitators without the need to meet up regularly.

  • The initial meeting will include discussions on the topic list, presentations on the structure of the exam, tips and advice from previous candidates and guidelines for using the website.
  • There will be seven on-line sessions, one every four weeks, each covering one broad subject area. Each participant will be assigned topic(s) within this to write notes on or review previous participant’s notes. The number of topics assigned will depend on the number of participants.
  • A set of facilitators for each session will provide guidance and support online.
  • All topics and deadlines will be available at the start of the course to allow workload planning.
  • Participants will also be asked to write an essay plan per session (except the first session). One participant will be assigned to compile a combined essay plan, to include all the key points raised by the group.
  • Notes and compiled essay plans will be uploaded to the website and be available to all participants.
  • The final meeting will be for those planning to sit the 2018 written exams. This will include a mock exam session, and discussions around recent developments and problem areas.

This year there will be a small ‘joining fee’ of £10, which is to cover the charges for the website, and reimburse travel costs for any external speakers. This fee should be paid by bank transfer:

Account name: Association for Clinical Genetics Science

Account number: 44660331 Sort code: 40-35-18

Reference: ‘EV70’ followed by up to 11 characters from your name.

For example: ‘EV70JONESAB’.

If you are intending to take part in the course for 2018, please complete the form below and return to 31stDecember 2017.



Email address:Contact phone no:

I’m signing up to the self-help group and willpay the £10 joining fee: Y/N

I will be attending the initial meeting on 10thJanuary 2018: Y/N

I have taken part in the self-help course in a previous year: Y/N Year:

(Please note, participants from the 2016-2017 course will continue to have access to the website contents for the next year, and are able to attend the final meeting if they register to sit the exam in 2018)