August 8, 2007

The Martin County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Martin County Governmental Center, 305 East Main Street, Williamston, North Carolina.


Chairman Tommy W. Bowen, Vice Chairman Ronnie Smith, Commissioners Elmo “Butch” Lilley, Alphonzo Perry and C. Mort Hurst, County Manager W. Russell Overman, County Attorney J. Melvin Bowen and Clerk to the Board Linda G. Hardison were present. No one was absent.

Chairman Bowen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance which was led by the Chairman, the Invocation was given by Vice Chairman Smith..

Chairman Bowen began the meeting in his usual manner by introducing fellow Board members, staff and elected officials.


A MOTION was made by Commissioner Perry, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board.


No one was present to offer any comments.


There were no new employees to introduce.


Vice Chairman Smith made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Lilley, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

The following items were approved with this motion.

·  Minutes: Minutes of the July 11, 2007 Regular Session, July 18, 2007 Special Session and July 30, 2007 Special Session were included.

·  Financial Report for July, 2007.

·  Tax Collector’s Report for July, 2007.

July, 2007 Year to Date

Property Taxes $ 47,111.34 $ 47,111.34

Motor Vehicles 123,855.67 123,855.67

·  Annual Settlement of Taxes:

State of North Carolina

County of Martin

Annual Settlement of Taxes for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007

Taxes Receivable July 1, 2006 $1,865,522.06

Adjustment for Computer Errors 0.00

Net Beginning Balance, July 1, 2006 1,865,522.06

Tax Levy for 2006-2007 14,914,249.57

Total Taxes Charged to Tax Collector, Including years 1996-2007 $16,779,771.63

Collection of Principal -$14,744,786.77

Write-off of 1996 Delinquents to Conform to Audit Report -32,828.03

Discounts and Write-offs 1997-2007 (2) -94,057.05

Releases *** -292,447.64

Adjustments 18,813.44

Refunds 67,310.40

Total Credits and Adjustments $15,077,995.65

Total Receivable as of June 30, 2007 1,701,775.98

Cast Collections Summary

Principal amount of taxes 14,744,786.77

Interest 231,223.52

Over/Short Net Balance 11.75

Total Cash Deposit (Automated) $14,976,022.04

Notes to the Settlement Report

1)  We are utilizing the automated deferred billing system; therefore, deferred disqualifications are no longer stated as a separate item

2)  Mostly discounts; also adjustment of small overpayments/underpayments (-1.00 to 1.00)

***NC Dept of Revenue sent corrected information for Dominion Resources that resulted in release of their original bill of $223,502 and rebilling them at $221,605. This was processed as a release/rebill; thus the true releases for the year were $70,842.64.

·  Order to Collect Taxes

Order of Collection



To the Tax Collector of the County of Martin:

You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the offices of the Martin County Tax Assessor and Tax Collector and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amount of $12,196,134 and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of Martin, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with law.

You are hereby authorized to collect taxes on motor vehicles in the estimated amount of $1,211,082 in accordance with the law.

·  Tax Relief Orders: Tax Relief Orders in the amount of $623.28.


Levy Name Remarks Value Total

2002 Pineda Lisa Davenport Garcia Out of County 9,370 82.93

2003 Pineda Lisa Davenport Garcia Out of County 8,770 77.62

2004 Pineda Lisa Davenport Garcia Out of County 8,240 72.92

2005 Pineda Lisa Davenport Garcia Out of County 7,760 75.55

2006 Pineda Lisa Davenport Garcia Out of County 7,300 71.08

2007 Whitaker Kathryn M Error in Value 684 5.78

2007 Roberson H Kenneth Error in Value 5,070 42.34

2006 Daniels William Michael Wreck MV 3,995 33.16

2007 Knott Delorese A Error in Value 1,770 14.78

2007 Taylor Jimmy D Bill of Sale 8,055 127.67

2006 Roche Victor Thomas High Mileage 1,975 16.49

2007 Mills Larry W High Mileage 350 2.96

·  Southern Albemarle Delegates: Mike & Kay Kilpatrick; Dan & Charlotte Bowen; Lula Council; Herman Daniels; Ann Britt; Barbara Cotton; Tina P. Manning; Frank Measamer; M/M Gene Powell; Tommy Roberson; Milton Bennett, Jr.; Junious J. Horton; M/M Jerry Harrell; M/M George Matthews; John S. Faulk; Thomas Chavis; Butch & Becki Lilley; James Batchelor; M/M Haywood Harris; M/M Moses Matthews; John H. gurganus; Beulah Bennett; Janie Griffin; M/M Dempsey Bond, Jr.; Dan & Amy Gibbs; M/M Henry Wilson; Tonya C. Leggett; Dennis C. Briley; Jane Wolfe; Brad Sommerer; C. Mort Hurst; Tommy Bowen; Ronnie Smith; Alphonzo Perry; W. Russell Overman; M/M Hallet Davis and Ray Deans.

·  Disposition of Water Department Records: The following records have been requested to be disposed of in accordance with the State Archives’ Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.

Cash Receipts 2001-03

Daily Cash Reports 2001-03

Deposits 2001-03

Customer Work Orders 2001-03

Meter Reading Records 2001-03

Customer Account Histories 2001-03

Customer Financial Records –Billing 2001-03

Customer Financial Records – Adjustments 2001-03

Customer Financial Records – Unpaid Bills 2001-03

·  Clerk’s Report: Information included in each Commissioner’s packet for informational purposes.


Ms. Donna Harward, Director of Education for the UNC Kidney Center, addressed the Board about the Center’s Education Outreach Program. This program is designed to raise citizens’ awareness about the primary risk factors for developing chronic kidney disease and the importance of early diagnosis and intervention to achieve prevention and slowing of the progression of the disease. They provide free screenings that target citizens at greatest risk for developing chronic kidney disease. They are working in counties with the highest prevalence rates of end-stage kidney disease first and the program has already been implemented in Anson, Edgecombe and Montgomery counties. The program is being expanded to Bertie, Martin and Caswell counties.

North Carolina is 9th out of the 50 states in the percentage of citizens who are suffering from end-stage kidney disease and are in need of kidney replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation). Martin County ranks 5th in the state.


Ms. Jennifer Sheppard, Director of Genealogical Research and Chairman of the Williamston Committee for the Lost Colony Center for Science and Research, began her presentation by introducing the Director, Fred Willard and the Williamston Committee members: Wayne Fox, Glinda Fox, Fred Harrison, Jean Rogers, Barbara Revels and Luella Faucett who lives out of state.

Ms. Sheppard pointed out one section of the mission statement: The primary mission of the center is to fund education and research in history, geology, archeology, genealogy and environmental studies related to the biggest and most exciting unsolved mystery in North America. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOST COLONY?

The second most important goal is to focus on a large untapped potential of history and tourism to help produce revenues and enhance North Carolina’s economy through hands on experience in public archeology. Mr. Willard has partnered with Holiday Inn to achieve this objective. A 30 foot sailboat, donated to the Center, will be used for excursions into areas not accessible by vehicle.

It is believed that there are descendants of the Lost Colony living in Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Martin and Tyrrell counties today and should that theory be proven, it will change the history of our country. History tells us the Croatan/Hatteras/Mattamuskeet Indians are extinct but that’s already been proven wrong through the center’s genealogy research. She asked the Board to review the “Wanted Dead or Alive List” of surnames believed to be connected to the Lost Colony.

Since public records don’t go back to 1587, the only chance of proving this theory would be through DNA testing as well as genealogy. Therefore, the center and the most credentialed DNA lab in the world are sponsoring a DNA symposium on September 7-9th here in Martin County. The Center has partnered with the Holiday Inn and the Martin County Committee of 100 for this event.

Roberta Estes, a professional scientist and business owner in the information technology arena, will conduct the symposium. Her company provides personal DNA results analysis and genealogical services to individuals seeking assistance with their results. She is thrilled about the Center’s purpose, and Martin County could benefit tremendously if she chooses to move her business to Farm Life. (That would mean a larger tax base for our county.)

The event will also include the Elenor Dare stone, which will be on display, under guard, during the symposium and at the Holiday Inn in the evening. This is bid news for Martin County. The Associated Press wire picked up the story about the symposium and it has appeared on the front page of newspapers in Indonesia, Australia, India, Poland and Austria among others. There have been well over 32,000 hits on the center’s website since the story broke. The center has also been featured in American Archaeology, Native Peoples and Our State magazines.

She asked the Board to adopt a resolution in support of the center to be used for funding and grant writing purposes. Following these comments, she invited the Board to attend the symposium.

Commissioner Perry encouraged everyone to go to the Farm Life school and look at the inside of this building.


Set Length of Terms for Tax Assessor and Tax Collector: At last month’s meeting the terms for the two positions (Tax Assessor and Tax Collector) were not established.

NCGS 105-294(a) states that the commissioners “shall appoint a county assessor to serve a term of not less than two nor more than four years”. Typically, Martin County has made this appointment for two-year terms.

Commissioner Perry made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to set the term for the Martin County Tax Assessor for two years. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board.

NCGS 105-349(a) states the commissioners “shall appoint a tax collector …to serve for a term to be determined by the appointing body and until his successor has been appointed and qualified”. Typically, Martin County has made this appointment for a one-year term; however, the last time the appointment was made for a two-year term because the Tax Assessor and Tax Collector were the same person.

Commissioner Lilley made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to set the term for the Martin County Tax Collector for one year. The motion was APPROVED by a vote of 4 to 1: Ayes – Commissioners Lilley, Smith, Hurst and Bowen; Nay – Commissioner Perry.

Appoint Deputy Tax Collector: Tax Collector Tommy Roberson has requested the Board to appoint Clara Christine Blevins as Deputy Tax Collector of Martin County as set out in Section 105-349(f) of the Machinery Act of North Carolina. He asked that her term coincide with the Tax Collector’s appointment.

Vice Chairman Smith made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Lilley, to appoint Clara Christine Blevins as the Deputy Tax Collector for a one year term. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Workforce Development Board Appointments: Clerk to the Board Linda Hardison explained that she has spoken directly with Becky Edwards of Quintiles and Carrie Roberson of Hershey’s Ice Cream of Williamston. Ms. Edwards confirmed that she resides in Winterville. Miss Roberson stated that her permanent residence is 1051 Clide Drive, Williamston. She also stated that she is a registered voter in Martin County even though she stays in Greenville while school is in session.

Clerk Hardison also pointed out that Reginald Speight who was reappointed at the last meeting has sent a letter explaining that he has been appointed to a state board and will not be able to accept the reappointment. Martin County has vacancies on this board for one representative of community-based organizations and two for private industry. According to the Mid-East Commission, this board is not scheduled to meet until September.

Chairman Bowen tabled these appointments until the September meeting.

Women’s Council Appointments: Ms. Nikki James has recommended the following be appointed to serve on the Women’s Council, and they have agreed to serve if appointed: Rita Martin of Jamesville, Donna Ward of Williamston, and Hope Wynne of Williamston. She is continuing to look for interested people to fill the remaining vacancies.

Commissioner Lilley made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to appoint Rita Martin, Donna Ward and Hope Wynne to the Martin County Women’s Council to fill three of the vacancies on this Board. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.


Resolution of Memoriam – Marvin Howell: The following resolution has been prepared in memory of Marvin Howell. It is to be sent to his family following the meeting.

Commissioner Hurst made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Perry, to approve the following Resolution of Memoriam for Marvin Howell as presented. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.


WHEREAS, the Martin County Board of Commissioners has learned with deep regret of the death of Marvin Eugene Howell; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Howell, a North Carolina State graduate, also served his country in the United States Army; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Howell served his church in various positions not only locally but also on the District level; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Howell served with distinction for more than 30 years as Assistant District Director of North Eastern North Carolina Rural Development USDA; and

WHEREAS, more recently, Mr. Howell worked closely with the Board of Commissioners to help provide good quality drinking water for the citizens of Martin County by assisting in the sign-up process for Water District No. 1 and Water District No. 2; and

WHEREAS, during his lifetime Mr. Howell gave untiring public service to his Church, his County, his State, and his Nation.