Journal Format Example

Oct. 2nd

·  Katie Ellis and Laura did their de-briefing for the dodge ball tournament

·  My group got together and started brainstorming for our next program. We came up with the Mario Kart Tournament

Oct. 4th

·  In class was a work day

·  Figured out what order our next five programs would come in

·  For the Mario Kart Tournament I was assigned to do Animation Plan

·  Our group also decided to go ahead and assign everyone their assignments for future programs

·  Worked on my evaluations that night and turned into Jenny and Mark

Oct. 9th

·  I had a rough draft of the animation plan to turn in so the group could look at

·  I came up with the idea that if the Mario Kart Tournament wasn’t going to work that for a back up plan then we could do a driving range tourney.

·  We came up with the final dates of our programs

·  Our group still needed to get in touch with Sally Cox about licensing permits for the Mario Kart Tournament.

Oct. 11th

·  Worked on the final preparations for the Mario Kart Tournament

·  We decided to have a booth to market the program

·  We also worked on the business development program and I volunteer to be a model in the fashion show.

Oct. 14th

·  Turned in the animation plan by deadline

Oct. 15th

·  Sat at the Mario Kart Tournament booth with Margo from five to seven

·  Was Approached by Anna Mallory from the Roanoke Times to do a story on our class and told her what we did during the semester.

·  Went to Meg’s to try on clothes for the fashion show

Oct. 16th

·  Rob and Carly gave their pre-briefing of the Mario Kart Tournament

·  Everyone has to be there at four o’clock

·  I will be supervising the players as they play.

Oct. 18th

·  Day of the Mario Kart Tournament

·  Showed up at 4 o’clock

·  Helped set and get ready for the players

·  Supervised the players to make sure they were having a good time and no one was breaking the rules

·  Talked to Anna Mallory and gave her an overview of what would be happening during the night

Oct. 23rd

·  Rob and Carly gave their de-briefing on the Mario Kart Tournament

·  Everyone went around the room gave their opinions about the program and how they felt it went.

·  Scott and Margo gave their presentation of the pre-briefing for the professional development program.

Oct. 24th

·  Made the brownies that Margo gave the night before the program for Hillary and my table on dining etiquette.

Oct. 25th

·  Day of the Professional Development Program

·  Met at Waldron at 3

·  Went over everyone’s etiquette so we were all knew how to answer questions on everything if a participant were to ask.

·  Hillary and I served brownies and sparkling cider at our table and informed the participants on dining etiquette.

·  I participated in the fashion show at the end of the program.

Oct. 30th

·  Margo and Scott did their de-briefing for the Professional Development Program

·  Katie and Andrew gave their pre-briefing on the Mr. Radford pagnent

·  Went around and gave our opinion about the Professional Development Program

Nov. 1st

·  Day of the Mr. Radford pageant

·  I worked in the back with Stephanie and Kristina to tell the guys when to go out on stage and help them with anything.

Nov. 6th

·  Stephanie gave the pre-briefing for the Senior Citizens program

·  Katie and Andrew gave the de-briefing for the Mr. Radford pageant

·  Went around and gave our opinion about the Mr. Radford pageant

Nov. 7th

·  Went to Wal-Mart with Hillary and Stephanie to buy picture frames for the Senior Citizens Program.

Nov. 8th

·  Day of the Senior Citizens Program

·  Arrived at Radford Recreation Center at 2 o’clock

·  Hillary and I were greeters as the people came in

·  Hillary and I also were servers and had two tables

·  Helped clean up at the end of the night

·  Took pictures with some of the wonderful ladies!!!

Nov. 13th

·  Stephanie gave the de-briefing of the Seniors Citizens Program

·  Kristina and Angela gave the pre-briefing for the Girls Scout Program

·  We went around and gave our opinion of the Senior Citizen Program

Nov. 15th

·  Day of the Girls Scout Program at RU West

·  Got there at 3:30

·  Brought picture frames for the girls to have

·  Led the game Human Knot with Scott