Club Council Minutes of meeting held at Dry Doddington 17.2.’11 Action

(Subject to ratification)

Present- Pres. Denis Power-Neads, Rtn’s Jenny Gadsby, Peter Heard, Nigel

Holt, Michael Ross Sergeant, David Shannon, Ivor Walker.

Apologies:- John Marshall, Malcolm Humphries, David Pattinson, Mike Wright.

Minutes of Council 20.1.11 approved. N.A.

Matters Arising – none. N.A.


Mansfield R.C. Courage Evening 8.3.11. DPN attending

Presidential Citation 2010/11 – at this stage of year, we will not be involved but

information to be passed on to M.H. for possible consideration next year NH/MH

Treasurers Report – filed

Foundation Contribution 2010/11 - £32 agreed as budgeted DP

Outstanding Charity A/C cheques –

Stroke Association collection £24.85 sent with covering letter and documentation

from 2010 “Know Your Blood Pressure Day”

Mr & Mrs P White - £50 sent for their appeal fund for their disabled daughters


Budget 2011/12

Polio Plus Contribution – potential commitment queried PH/DP

Wine Draw, Pennies, Buster – if necessary could this income be allocated to Polio-

Plus for 2011/12

With the approval of Mahes, IPP Ivor has divided last year’s £1400 income

from the Cleo Maheson Fund, between Mercy Ships and the Newark Pod, a care

project serving people with learning difficulties, which they have used to purchase a

Communication System to produce their written material

Committee Reports

Membership & Services – minutes 3.2.11 filed.

Recruitment – NH to present paper at Business Meeting 21.3 NH

Cleo Maheson Trust – Alan Haines/NH finalizing proposal for Council regarding future

Investment policy NH

New Member Progression – IW continuing to monitor Gordon Brooks integration as his

sponsor. IW

Grace/Announcements etc. Lunch Meetings – slightly revised procedure trial at last


Town Club Caterer – a letter has been received setting out a proposal for our return.

Deincourt Food – concerns continue to be expressed regarding the variable standards

of the main course MH

MH has started discussions with the Manager.

Annual Members Award – new award for service to Club or high attendance, to be MH/NH


International & Foundation Action

Speakers for future Lunch Meetings:-

7.3.11 – Lily Gong – Ambassadorial Scholar

16.5.11 – David Wallwork, David School in Sierra Leone

Singen Visit – PH seeking confirmation of dates/suitable destination airport as PH

flights now open for September bookings.

David School – Singen RC name should feature on Solar panels presentation plaque

and in promotional publicity with copies to Singen. PH


Showcase event – took place on 16/2 at Everday Champions Centre – successful

event involving 25 performers from Magnus School, show compered by Tony Roberts

Young Musicians – heats at Highfield School 15 &16.3.

finals Barnbygate Methodist Church 24/3

Youth Speaks – unfortunately due to delays by Headmaster, Magnus entry was too

late for inclusion in the District Competition.

Community – minutes 8.3.11 filed.

“Know Your Blood Pressure” 9.4.11 – arrangements in hand with David Buckler

co-ordinating the event.

Childs Play 1.5.11 – fund raising event for Rainbows Hospice involving Newark Castle JG

and Vale of Belvoir R.C’s. Jenny Gadsby has already raised £350 commercial

sponsorship and is our co-ordinator. Our marquees will be used on the day and

helpers will be required for this major event.

Fund Raising - minutes 11.1.11 filed. IW/JM

Articles Night – unusual items held by Ian Glennie, this could form the basis of a 5th

Monday evening.

Race Night. Elston – very successful evening run with the Village Hall Development

Committee – raised £315 for our funds.

Health & Safety

“Know your Blood Pressure” – DPN to action DPN Charter Night – MH carried out, report awaited. MH

Any Other Business

Rotary Foundation Exchanges – PH reported on future exchanges through District to PH

South Africa and Thailand. This involves individual Club members and partners joining

a District group to stay with Rotarians in participating overseas Districts, with

reciprocal visits to our District. PH to promote these at a Club meeting

Council on Legislation Ballot – nominations to represent District were discussed,

David Curtis was selected. NH

Attendance Procedures – work in progress NH/MH Charter De-brief – DPN praised MH/NH and team, for their hard work and attention

to detail resulting in an excellent evening with venue, food and service good.

NH reported Club costs were £316 against a projected £335.

14 other Rotary Clubs were represented – it was agreed in future we should promote

other Charters, particularly from clubs who support us. NH

Swimathon – 4 members visited the recent Grantham event. Considered this a

possibility for Newark next year – NH to write up for Fund Raising NH


Robin Hood Theatre – confirmed that they have now replied but still did not meet

necessary conditions and until this changes Clouncil agreed official club visits should

not resume. Obviously private organised parties are the individuals responsibility but

would not be promoted within or by the club

Eddie Wagstaff Cup - this appears irretrievably lost.

District Directory – this to be used for our Club members data through the annual hard NH

copy and the District database which is The information on our

Web-site will be deleted.

Schools Aquabox Appeals – IW reports over £80 raised by Elston Primary PH to send

certificate PH

Next Meetings – 7.00pm, Thursday 17th March,

21st April

19th May . 2011

Our thanks to Valerie and Denis for their appreciated hospitality.