March 11, 2016


The PTA Family Bingo Night is tonight in the Eagleview gym starting at 6:30 p.m. Sounds like a fun evening! The charge is $3 per child, and parents play for free!
Report cards will be sent home next Friday, March 18.
Don’t forget our Kindergarten Musical on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Hughes and the students are working really hard to make this a special evening!
March Book-It forms are due on March 31. Let’s make it 100% this month. Some students have turned them in all six months! Way to go!
Our new sight words with be come and with. This makes a total of 43 so far! By the end of kindergarten we will have 50 words! Keep practicing! We will keep working on writing sentences next week. The students are getting braver sounding out words to write longer sentences. Some are even starting to write short stories! Way to go!
In math, we will start our chapter on adding groups together to find out how many in all.


We will continue our study of Ireland next week. We are writing a book about Ireland, and will do some art projects for St. Patrick’s Day. Wear green next Thursday!
We have finished our study of the presidents! Have your child recite them to you and sing the song we learned! Next, we will start learning a song called “Fifty Nifty Unites States”. When we are done, the students will be able to sing all the states in alphabetical order!
We had an all-school tornado drill this week. We practiced what to do in case of severe weather. The students did a great job!
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night! It’s time to “spring forward”!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Simpson