Town Of Goshen - Board of Fire Commissioners

Regular Meeting - Goshen Fire House

July 6, 2016, 7:00PM

Present: Martin Connor (Chairman), William P. Lane (Commissioner), Donald M. Sage (Commissioner), Tony F. Damiani (Alternate)

Excused Absence: Bill Baldwin (Fire Marshal)

Others: William Gelormino (President), Barry Hall (Fire Chief), Peter Bernard (Captain), Stan Detwiler (Member), Chris Mitchell (Member).

Late arrivals: Tony Damiani (Alternate) arrived at 7:10pm, Barry Hall (Fire Chief) arrived at 7:15pm

Call Meeting to Order: Martin Connor called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

Reading of the Minutes: The Commissioners read the minutes from the Special Meeting on June 2, 2016.

IN A MOTION made by Bill Lane, seconded by Don Sage, it was VOTED to approve the June 2, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes as submitted. Motion carries.

Fire Chief’s Report tabled till arrival of Chief.

Correspondence: An email received from First Selectman Bob Valentine was read to the Commissioners. The email was in regards to the Hurst tool repairs and the policy concerning specialty companies with limited service areas. If there is only one company that provides service to the area, it follows section G-1 in the purchase policy, which states circumstances do not require a bidding procedure.

Fire Marshal Report: The report for May and June of 2016 was read by the clerk.

Bills/Vouchers: The BOFC members reviewed and signed all vouchers. The clerk will deliver to the Fiscal Office.

IN A MOTION made by Bill Lane, and seconded by Don Sage, it was VOTED to accept and pay all signed bills and vouchers. Motion carries.

Fire Chief’s Report:

Monthly Call Report: Total 38

EMS 27

Motor Vehicle/ATV 5

Automatic Alarm/CO 5

Dive Call 1

Barry reported that Engine 1 is back in service. The valves/valve gates were repaired and are now functioning properly.

Barry also reported that Ambulance 9 is out of service. It is back in house but will need a test run and may be back in service after the drill for the Company following this meeting.

Barry said he received the insurance packet with the list of coverage for all equipment in the Fire Company’s possession. All equipment is covered for full replacement value. The premium has only increased by 2%.

Barry informed the Commission that the Ambulance bid was to be published onto the website by the end of the business day. He had not had a chance to look at the website to confirm. The final bid document was forwarded to the Commissioners on Tuesday, July 5, 2016.

Board of Fire Commissioners

July 6, 2016

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Barry continued with his report on the UTV purchased by the Company. There are accessories for the UTV that can be purchased to make the UTV more adapted to responding to medical emergencies.

IN A MOTION MADE by Don Sage and seconded by Bill Lane, IT WAS VOTED to accept the Fire Chief’s Report as given.

OLD BUSINESS: A. Ambulance bid package. Concerns were expressed by some members of the Company that the bid specifications were not specific enough in regards to the compartments in the “box” of the ambulance. The concern is that the size of the compartments offered by the bidders may not fit the equipment already owned by the Company. The Commissioners are also planning to attend the opening bid meeting so that they will be able to review the bids and give a recommendation to the Boards of Selectmen and Finance.

B. EMS plan. Bill Lane continues to talk with Bob Valentine about the plan that is a State required document. Mr. Valentine is forwarding any questions to the EMS contact at The State. Thus far, the EMS contact seems to be pleased with the questions and approach that Bill is taking to complete this project. Some of the items required to be included with the report will be set as goals for the future. Bill will have a draft to be presented to the Commission at the next meeting and to pass on to The State for review and approval.

C. AED’s have been received and are in service. Stan delivered the Recreation AED to Camp Coch and explained the procedure for use to the Assistant Camp Director.

NEW BUSINESS: Terry Mahoney, a Paramedic in Torrington, offered to do a once a month training course for the EMS service of the Company for a fee of $75 for a 2-3 hour session. This is not a certification class but a refresher/training course. The EMS crew always enjoys his training sessions and feel more confident on calls following his sessions. The Commission feels this is a good opportunity for the Company to pursue.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm in a motion by Bill Lane and seconded by Don Sage

Respectfully Submitted,

Erin Hurlburt

Commission Clerk

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