Meeting Minutes #2

I. Call to Order

Mercedez Jones, President, called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 5:05PM on Monday, January 25, 2016 in the Commuter Resource Center.

II. Roll Call

The following persons were present: Pooja Baxi, Christian Goddard, Ahmad Albanna, Kiana Narvaez, Xiao Yan Hu, Mercedez Jones, Christen Lee, Gabriella Bedolla, Flordalia, Jashaun Bowens, Sun Choi, David Li, Nancy Camacho

III. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

There was a motion to approve the minutes made by Peter. The meeting minutes were approved.

IV. Approval of the agenda

Motion to hold elections for the position for CRC Directior.

Motion to approve the agenda made by Peter. Approved.

V. Ceremonial Induction(s): Nancy Camacho,

VI. Guest Speaker(s): Wellness Center: Agent of Peace

VII. Reports


Advisor / Dean DuJuan Smith / Official welcome back! The administrators have put up non-smoking signs all over campus, so that’s moving forward. The Dean wants to come to the meeting to talk to us about USG elections this semester.
Student Member of Board of Trustees / Jauwan Hall / Not present.
President / Mercedez Jones / Jashaun asked the President for an overview of Lobby Day.
Vice-President / Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia / Not present.
Speaker of the Assembly / Gabriella Bedolla / If reports could be submitted by Sunday night, that’d be great.
Treasurer / Christen Lee / Dean asks the treasure what we could do to increase awareness about the amount of money we have to offer to the people. Christen wants to work with Christian and Asha to access social media and talk to students directly. We could also write resolutions to point our spending in the right direction. Jashaun had a clarifying question about how exactly we could spend our money.
Read from the standing rules in order to figure out how to handle new business as opposed to old resolutions.
Director of SIC / David Lin / Liz reached out about the gender neutral bathroom, begin planning and drafting next week.
Director of IRC / Asha Binbek
Director of URC / Sun Choi
Director of CRC / Christian Goddard / Will put posts about funding on social media as well as the kiosk.

VIII. Resolution Proposals.

·  Resolution 2016-2S-400

o  What exactly is happening on the tutoring website, a question from the President.

o  Discussion about the efficiency of this website, we can talk to all learning centers to coordinate.

·  Resolution 2016-2S-301

·  Resolution 2016-2S-300

o  Discussion about the efficiency and necessity of both service hours as well as kiosk hours

IX. New Business

X. Service hours: Elections: Christian Goddard nominated for CRC Director. He accepts. Christian is the new CRC Director.

XI. Items for discussion.

·  Returning the new promo items.

o  Can we return the items?

XII. Public Forum and announcements. None.

XIII. Voting in New Members: None.

XIV. Adjournment

There was a motion to adjourn. Speaker Bedolla adjourned the meeting at 7:13 PM

Minutes submitted by Assistant Secretary Pooja Baxi