Post-Operative Instructions

Garth F. Essig, Jr., M.D.

Amanda: (614) 366-1876

Office: (614) 366-3687

Septoplasty/Turbinate Surgery

This post-operative instruction sheet is designed to help you care for your nose/sinuses after surgery and help answer any of the common questions you may have. It is not entirely comprehensive, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office 24 hours a day. You may call the office at (614) 366-3687, Dr. Essig’s secretary Amanda at (614) 366-1876, or the Ohio State University Medical Center operator after hours at (614) 293-8000 and ask for the otolaryngology resident on call. If you are having a medical emergency, you should not hesitate to call 911.

What to Expect:

·  It is normal to have some bleeding for several days after surgery. If bleeding occurs, tilt your head back slightly and breathe gently through the nose. If you leave the hospital with a dressing under your nose, you may change the dressing as needed. If bleeding persists for an extended period of time, please call our office.

·  Do not blow your nose for one week following surgery. After one week, you may begin to blow your nose gently. If you feel the urge to sneeze, try to sneeze with your mouth open.

·  For one to two weeks after surgery, use a saline nasal spray if instructed by Dr. Essig. You should use 2 sprays to both sides of your nose every 1-2 hours during the day to keep your nose and sinuses moisturized.

·  Your doctor may order a sinus kit for you. The purpose of the sinus rinse is to flush out any accumulated blood clots and to speed the healing process of the nose and sinuses. The sinus rinses should be done over a sink or in the shower.

·  Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, or any other products containing these medications. You may take Tylenol if you wish an alternative to a narcotic pain medication.

·  Avoid any heavy lifting (more than 20 lbs), straining, bending over, exercise, or sports activities for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

·  You can expect some nasal congestion for the first 1-3 weeks after surgery as the nose/sinuses heal. If you have splints placed during surgery, they will need to be removed in one week after surgery.

·  Call the office or Amanda if you experience any of the following:

Fever higher than 101 F

Clear, watery nasal discharge

Any visual changes or marked swelling around the eyes

Severe headache or neck stiffness

Brisk bleeding.


·  Some patients have less of an appetite, but it is very important to continue to drink plenty of fluids.

·  Drinking fluids will help lessen the discomfort.

Safety Information for Giving Medications:

·  Each time you give a medication, read the label

·  Do not measure liquid with a kitchen spoon. There are pediatric measuring devices available at the pharmacy. Ask for one when you get your prescription filled.

·  Use the exact amount ordered by your surgeon. If you have questions, ask the pharmacist.

·  Always watch your child take all of their medication

·  Store all mediations out of reach of children.

·  Call the Central Ohio Poison Center if your child takes too much of any medicine. (614) 223-1323 or 1-800-682-7625.

Follow-up Appointment:

·  Call the office at (614) 366-3687 or Amanda at (614) 366-1876 to schedule your first follow-up appointment with Dr. Essig as instructed.

·  This appointment is critical if splints are in your nose as these will be removed at that visit. This appointment should be one week after surgery if you had a septoplasty.

Important Phone Numbers:

·  Dr. Essig’s assistant Amanda: (614) 366-1876

·  OSU Medical Center Operator: (614) 293-8000. After hours ask for the ENT resident on call.

·  OSU Department of Otolaryngology: (614) 366-3687

·  Children’s Hospital: Operator (614) 722-2000. Ask for the ENT resident on call

Emergency Department (614) 722-4333