January 12, 2005


SUBJECT: 2006TEXASTeacher of the Year Nominations

“Texas Teacher of the Year” is the highest honor that the State of Texas can bestow upon a teacher. The Texas Education Agency will reward and recognize excellence in the teaching profession through the Texas Teacher of the Year Program once again this year.

The Texas Teacher of the Year Program annually selects a Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year and a Texas Secondary Teacher of the Year. In addition to these two awards, the program also selects Regional Teachers of the Year at the elementary and secondary levels in each of the state’s 20 education service center regions. These Regional Teachers of the Year each receive a $500 cash award from SBC Communications, Inc., and become semi-finalists for the state Teacher of the Year competition. The teachers chosen as the Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year and the Texas Secondary Teacher of the Year each usually receive $5,000, as well as other recognition and prizes, including a technology package valued at $20,000. The panel that selects these two outstanding teachers also will select one of these teachers to represent Texas in the National Teacher of the Year Program, sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers.

The Nomination Guidelines and Application for theTexasTeacher of the Year Program are available on the Texas Education Agency’s Web site at The guidelines outline the program and contain suggestions for conducting local Teacher of the Year contests. Local school districts may select their Teacher of the Year in any manner they choose. Please note that the completed application for each local school district’s Teacher of the Year must be received at the district’s respective RegionalEducationServiceCenterno later than 5 p.m.Friday, June 24, 2005, to be eligible to compete for regional and state honors.

Sponsorship and support of the program are provided by the TEA, SBC Foundation, H-E-B, The Texas A&M University System, The University of Texas System, The Texas State University System, The Texas Tech University System, SMARTer Kids Foundation, Dell Inc., Southern Security Life College Fund Division,Edugration, Unison, LLC, ETS South Texas, Harrison, Walker & Harper, L.P. General Contractors, SHW Group, Dallas, and the state’s major education associations.

Each school district is encouraged to have a local Teacher of the Year contest and to participate in the Texas Teacher of the Year Program to recognize and rewardoutstanding teachers in this state. For information or assistance, please contact Marilyn Kuehlem atthe Texas Education Agency (512) 463-9103.


Shirley J. Neeley

Commissioner of Education