EM Committee Meeting
July 9, 2015
Dan Fulscher David Christensen John Dwyer Lee Shannon Tom Smith Joe Jones Robert Gessner Curtis Hawk Robert Washam Herold Damron Dawn Cook
Mr. Fulscher called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.
Mr. Fulscher welcomed all to the meeting. He noted that a lot will be happening in the weeks to come.
Weather Radio Update
Mr. Fulscher explained the distribution of the radios. Mr. Smith suggests the next purchase of weather radios be the portable type. He feels they are more valuable. The group agreed. Mr. Smith made a motion that the next purchase of weather radios be portable. Mr. Shannon was the second and the motion carried. Mr. Shannon asked if defective radios could be returned. Mr. Fulscher feels that it is unlikely.
EM-COM Report / Site Visits
Mr. Washam stated that four of the five CMS trailers will be transferred by July 10th. Mr. Hawk and Washam will be transporting an EMAT trailer to Springfield on the 14th for an exercise. Mr. Washam explained his visits to Northern Illinois generator sites for inspections. He went on to inform everyone that a meeting with the new sheriff of Ogle County and EMA Director took place and it was very positive. He feels that the generator cache and supporting equipment will soon be back under EM-COM tracking. Mr. Smith asked if that would put generators in back to back counties. Mr. Fulscher noted that there are no plans to move generators out of Lee County. Mr. Smith feels they should be spread out more. Mr. Fulscher noted that Lee County has shown to be a good host. Mr. Christensen feels that both sites are good for Northwest Illinois because there is little support in that area. He also reminded the group that being a host site is not cheap. Discussion took place on the problem of weight distribution on the support trailers due to the heavy cables. Suggestion was made to move the heavier cables to the rear of the trailer and lighter item forward. Mr. Smith believes there is still a learning process on how to best use the equipment. Mr. Fulscher will have Mr. Washam work on the coordination of training the best way to use the equipment. Mr. Fulscher went on to discuss the five trailers from CMS that when repaired, will be assigned just as the EMAT trailers were in the past by the EMAT Committee. Options for what to do with them should be discussed at the next meeting.
ITTF – EM Committee Current and Future Structure Ideas
Mr. Fulscher explains the committee’s homework which is item a, b, and c on the agenda. Item (a) is the committee mission statement. Mr. Christensen would like to add “strategic coordination” to the statement. Item (b) is 3-5 core capabilities that directly relates to the committees purpose/function. Under Prevention, Intelligence and Information Sharing was chosen. Under Protection, Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities was chosen. Under Mitigation, Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment was chosen. Under Response, Public and Private Services and Recourses along with Situational Assessment were chosen. Economic Recovery was chosen as an extra consideration.
A motion to accept chosen core capabilities by Mr. Smith with a second by Mr. Hawk and motion carries.
Item (c) is to provide 3-5 ideas how coordination/communication with other ITTF committees can be enhanced. 1. Look for new members. Ask those that may want to serve on a committee. 2. Have all chairs present written/verbal reports at full chair meetings. 3. Instruct committee chairs to promote ITTF funded training and exercises. Crosstrain committee members and let other committees know when there is training available. 4. Share information with others.
A motion to forward the four ideas made by Mr. Shannon with a second by Mr. Hawk and the motion carries.
Old Business
Mr. Fulscher reminded all that the Private Sector Protocol outline will be available at the IEMA summit for statewide distribution. He added that IEMA may have already taken that step. The committee agrees IEMA should distribute.
New Business
Mr. Christensen noted that the ITTF attendance requirements should be the same with the EM Committee. He also noted that Mr. Genesio has not been present for two years and recommends that he be removed from the committee. He would like a letter sent to Mr. Genesio concerning this consideration and inform him that if he desires to remain on the committee to contact Mr. Kauerauf.
Adjournment motioned by Mr. Dwyer
Second by Mr. Damron
Motion carried – Adjourned 11:50 AM
Next meetings will take place in September and December with dates and times to be determined. The December meeting will include information for the following year.