Minutes for the Dudley LOC Committee Meeting held at 6.30p.m. on Monday 28th April 2014

Russells Hall Hospital, Education Centre

Committee in Attendance

Charles Barlow (Vice Chair), PaulSidhu (Sec), David Wright (Treasurer), Rosie Birhah, Kay Reeves, Sonia Tyrell, Sunit Jolly

Also in attendance

Mark Tuffin

1.  Apologies

Shamina Asif, Devan Chauhan, Peter Bainbridge, Niirinder Hunjan

2.Declarations of Interest

PS will be screening from Wednesday 30th April in Wolverhampton until further notice.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were accepted as an accurate record, Proposed by KR, seconded by RB.

4. Matters Arising

·  PS published and circulated HWMROC minutes.

·  PS replied to John Hollingsworth regarding the children’s vision screening situation GOS vs. HES.

·  A breakdown of the costs for the AGM has not been possible as RB is still waiting for Sponsors to confirm previously promised sponsorship. This could alter the total sponsorship from £750 to £1250. DW happy with the level of information received.


·  CET details have been released by PS and 96 people have confirmed attendance.

·  KR/RB have decided to ask for a voluntary donation at the CET day for the Beacon Centre.

5. Correspondence

PS distributed all Hot Briefs prior to meeting.

5.1 PS has received a request for a donation to the National Eye Health Week and proposed to the Committee an amount of £250 as a suitable amount. Voted and carried (PS abstained).


6. NHS Updates

NHS updates will be covered later in the minutes.

PS attended a Primary Care Support (PCS) Services Stakeholder meeting. There will be changes to the organisation that pays our GOS fees. This will either be from a smaller number of sites provided by the NHS, or SSCL (a Cabinet Office joint venture with Steria Ltd, a private sector partner), will be contracted to provide this. PS felt that at the meeting it wasn’t clear just how much if any effect stakeholder input would influence the process or service once commissioned. PS also voiced that the most important matter was that contractors were paid correctly and on time.

CB reported that at present, NHS England have still yet to decide whether to use their existing resources or to use an external service. This matter is being considered nationally at board level.

7.CCG Engagement

CB has been re-invited to another meeting as most of the people attending the previous meeting have been moved to other posts. Await further developments at future meeting.

8. Chair’s Business

SA was not able to attend the meeting but had updated PS and CB via email:

SA Not attended any meetings and has been mainly interaction via email.

SA asked PS to advise everyone that Clair from public health coming at the next meeting in June

College of Optometry - no update

Special needs sight test- SA sent in proposal to Stuart at the CCG, awaiting response

The Committee send their best wishes to SA who is currently unwell.

9. Secretary’s Business

9.1  Cataract Direct Referral Payments

Dudley CCG has rolled over the current service until further decisions have been made. This differs to other areas. Referrals depend upon not where you practice but depending on which GP your patient is registered with, for example a patient with a Sandwell GP will have to be referred using a GOS 18 as the direct referral service has been suspended in that area. The LOC have forwarded a document produced by the ROC detailing the provision in different areas across Birmingham, the Black Country and Solihull. The LOC are also looking to send out a list of GPs for each area. CB has reported that Mark Curran is in charge of organising software from Webstar to manage the new service. This will need the name, address, GP and outcome to be entered onto a web-based interface with the fees to be paid quarterly. Although the software is ready to go the CCG is yet to confirm they are willing to pay for this service. CB to keep Committee updated on developments.


PS/CB attended the most recent meeting where the HEFT representatives were present. As the Committee is probably already aware HEFT has won the contract to provide Diabetic eye screening services. In order to win the bid they have had to show cost savings. They are looking to improve engagement with optometry via the ROC and produce a formal complaints/dispute procedure, as well as consulting with the ROC on contract terms. HEFT had not yet had their final contract from commissioners so were limited in what they could discuss or commit to. PS asked for the current fee plus an inflationary rise when the new contract commences. No reply was given, though the need for cost savings was again underlined.

9.3 Diabetic Eye Screening (including approval for LOC time)

PS asked the Committee to consider whether they should be spending time and LOC money discussing Diabetics as not all practices carry out Diabetic Screening and therefore not representative of all LOC members.

DW is not happy with Diabetic expenditure from LOC funds, for the above reason. He suggested that practices in the DR scheme should fund this work. CB in agreement, and proposed that only time dealing with DR business as part of another meeting should be funded e.g. at HWMROC committee meetings. KR pointed out that if the LOC did not represent them, no-one else would. CB proposed that the LOC should ratify expense payments on an individual basis for Diabetic work. A vote was taken results as follows:

One person voted not to fund

Four people voted to fund

Two people voted to fund subject to conditions as per CB’s proposal.

It was therefore agreed to fund all work.

PS will also look at the possibility of those practices who are in the diabetic screening scheme providing funding separate to their LOC contributions, but he was not optimistic that all would agree to this.


9.4  Russells Hall Optometrist Communication

Nicola Ferguson has contacted PS as she would like to send out some guidelines/protocols regarding Paediatric patients. PS has agreed to discuss her request with the LOC at the next meeting. RB has spoken with Nicola and is trying to organise to spend a day working with her to appreciate the problems that are being encountered.


9.5  AGM Email Proposal

PS is proposing that future invites to the AGM be via email. The constitution in fact already permits this but PS wants to ensure this is specifically ratified at the AGM. The committee agree to this proposal being put before the AGM.

10 . Treasurer’s Business

DW presented the accounts for consideration by the committee ahead of the AGM (see appendix)

DW reported that income for the year was up. Our LOCSU costs were down and the number of meetings was down probably due to the NHS changes this year. This has resulted in an operating surplus for the year and at present our account stands at approx. £34,000. CB proposed a reduction in the Levy of 0.25% to be proposed at the AGM. DW also proposes to use the same auditors for next year.

11. Vice Chair/LOCSU Reps Business

CB reported that LOCSU has been carrying out large amounts of work in supporting “Primary Eye Care” companies. Assistance has been necessary due to ensuring compliance with the very detailed and long NHS standard contract. Sub-contracts will be issued to practices and they also need to undertake contract assurance. An updated Quality in Optometry website has been produced to assist with this.

LOCSU are issuing guides on dealing with CCGs.

The NOC will be held on 23/24th October. Subsidised places will be available via LOCSU.

LOCSU has organised training courses for the Lead Co-ordinators of the new service contracts with NHS England.

CB discussed the Healthy Living Optician scheme (CB checked on the minutes and this was first muted in 2006). This is an extension of the existing Healthy Living Pharmacy scheme. Practices can take on all or part of the options available and this will include training from Public Health. CB reported that he has already distributed the fees available. At present not all Pharmacies have signed up and SA/CB only expect a couple of optical practices to take on board some of the options available and then to feed back their experiences. CB noticed that one of the most important criteria for these schemes was having a separate room available. CB will continue to report back with the latest developments.

PS/CB proposed that the AGM consider a £500 donation to be given to the Central LOC Fund. This needs to be put onto the AGM agenda.


The Wolverhampton tender for PEARS, Cataract Pre-op and Repeat IOP Measures is expected anytime now. This is due to be implemented by 1st August 2014.

12. CET Officer’s Business

RB informed the Committee that 96 delegates have confirmed for the next event and that all is under control. RB also reported that she has an additional side room organised for Hoya to give a talk for DO’s if they don’t want to take part in the Peer Discussion as they don’t need the CET points. (This is also open to Optoms who wish to join them as CET points will be accredited to both).

RB has organised a First Aid course on Tuesday 24th June. This will be run by St. Johns Ambulance and the cost will be £37.50 per delegate. (Maximum of 12 delegates per session, 2 sessions organised one afternoon one early evening). RB asked if the LOC would be willing to pay for the venue. CB proposed that the LOC should pay for the venue but the attendees to pay for their own course and bring their own refreshments. This was voted and carried unanimously. RB asked the Committee if she could bill the LOC for her time spent organising this course and the Committee agreed.

RB is currently organising the September CET day and has asked the Committee if they have any preference to which day. PS reported one constituent had expressed the desire for a different day than Monday. The Committee agreed to leave date to RB depending on speaker availability.

13. Low Vision Officer’s Business

The Low Vision Officer has not attended the last 3 meetings and according to the Constitution PS is to contact him and find out reason for non-attendance and report back.


CB is trying to get a new Low Vision Committee started and he has raised this issue with Public Health who agree that this should be implemented.

14. AOB

There was none

15. Date for Next Meeting

AGM – 19th May 2014, straight after CET event

LOC Committee Meeting - 2nd June 2014 at the same venue

The meeting closed at 8.45p.m.

Action / Action by
Donate £250 from the LOC to national eye health week / DW
Look into Diabetic Screening practices providing funding for work relating to diabetic screening / PS
Liaise with Nicola Ferguson at Russells Hall regarding issues with management of children in practice / RB
Put Central LOC fund donation on the agenda for AGM / PS
Contact Nirinder Nunjan and find out reasons for non-attendance at the last 3 meetings, and present to the committee for consideration / PS


Proposed accounts to be ratified at the AGM




2013/2014 2012/2013

£ £

Income on Account of:

Statutory Levy 27429.23 25824.94

Sponsor 1434.06 550.00


28863.29 26374.94


Expenditure on Account of:

LOCSU 8053.24 9774.07

Committee Meeting Expenses 481.86 642.81

Committee Meeting Attendance Fees 3294.35 4001.00

Other Meetings Costs (AGM) 220.20 566.68

Honoraria 900.00 900.00

National Optometric Committee 750.00 688.84

CET Provider Fee 59.32 454.80

Health Service Meetings 1483.29 3302.80

CET Lecture Costs & Fees 4460.14 8526.86

Website Costs 48.00 97.40

Secretarial Support 1530.00 1315.23

Travelling Expenses 41.76 544.56

Miscellaneous 466.24 486.59

Glaucoma Survey Costs 0 179.00

Accountancy 240.00 240.00


22028.40 31720.64


Excess of income over expenditure 6834.89 (5345.70)




AS AT 31 MARCH 2014

£ £

Current Assets:

Cash at bank 34637.40

Less Current Liabilities:

Creditors (240.00)


Net Current Assets 34397.40


Financed by:

Consolidated Fund as at 1 April 2013 27562.51

Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure

for the year ended 31 March 2014 6834.89


Consolidated Fund as at 31 March 2014 34397.40