Elham Farmers’ Market: Registration Form

Name of stallholder
Trading as (if different)
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address (this makes our communication much cheaper)
What products will you sell? Please note, you are asked not to expand your range without asking the organisers first.
If you sell primary (unprocessed) food produce, are these products solely grown, reared, caught or shot by you, your family &/or your direct employees on your land?
If not, how are they sourced?
If you sell secondary (processed) food produce or non-food/craft products, are these made by you, your family &/or your direct employees?
What ingredients grown, reared, caught or shot within the policy guidelines do they contain, and how are they sourced?
You need to hold Public Liability Insurance of a minimum of £5 million. Please provide a copy of your policy schedule.
If you are selling food, are you aware of the Food Safety Act and its requirements and the weights and labelling regulations?
Please provide a copy of your Basic Food Hygiene certificate.
If you are selling organic food, please provide a copy of your accreditationcertificate and display it at your stall.
If you are a meat producer, please state which abattoir you use and the licence number of that abattoir/butcher.
Please confirm whether the food you will sell is local producer/reared, fresh and quality assured and that food safety controls, including HACCP and traceability, will be observed. In the case of reared stock, confirm that you follow the codes of practice on the welfare of livestock and rules on identification and movement documentation.
Please note there is no access to electricity and you must make your own provision to ensure food that needs to, remains chilled.

Points to note

  1. We do not provide tables, so please bring your own stall (table and awning if wished). Maximum table size is 6ft (there is no reduction in stall fee for a smaller table).
  2. If the stall rental is not paid on the day of the market the stallholder’s permission to trade at Elham market will be withdrawn.
  3. The fee of £15 is for a 6ft table. Smaller is allowed but larger will be charged as a double pitch.
  4. You are perfectly free to leave before the end of the market but if you do so you incur a £10 penalty.

Signed by stallholder ______

Name of signatory (in capitals) ______

Date ______

Please return this form to:

Anne Leva

Elham Farmers’ Market Manager

1 The Row


CanterburyKent CT4 6UN

T: 01303 840144

M: 07962 480144