What To Do In Case Of An Auto Accident!

One in eight is pretty high! According to the National Safety Council, 1 in 8 drivers will have a motor vehicle collision this year. Are you prepared? Would you know what to do and what to ask?

Here is a list of 8 easy steps to remember, as compiled by the National Safety Council, the Oregon DMV, and Drs. Vroom and Waggoner:

  • Stay calm and make the accident scene as safe as possible. Be courteous even if you are angry or the other parties are belligerent.
  • Stop your vehicle if it is clear, safe and legal. Take steps to prevent further accidents (park vehicle safely, set warning devices). Turn off the ignitions of the cars involved.
  • Make a first aid check of all persons involved in the accident. After an accident, getting help for the injured is always the first priority. If you think you're injured, stay in your car and try to relax. Be honest if anyone asks how you are. Ask someone to call for help and let a professional assess your condition.
  • Call the policeregardless of the circumstances and, if necessary, emergency medical services, using 9-1-1. When they arrive, cooperate, supplying your name address and license number.
  • Exchange Information. Ask to see the other driver's license* and write down the number. Exchange insurance company information.DO NOT discuss "fault" or make statements about the accident to anyone but the police.
  • Find witnesses. Get the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. If you can't get their names, at least get their license plate numbers. Attempt to obtain a short summary of what they saw, and, if possible, take notes.
  • Collect Info. Sketch a diagram of the scene, pace off distances, and note skid marks, broken glass, positions of the cars, and locations and extent of damage. Take photos of the scene and the cars if you have a camera (a disposable one can be kept in your glove box). Try to clarify what happened while events are still fresh in your mind.
  • When to leave? Unless your injuries are severe, do not leave the scene of the accident until you have: 1) assisted the injured, 2) protected the scene, 3) called an officer and assisted him, 4) identified the other driver, obtained the names, addresses, and statements of all witnesses and made notes. Do not drive an unroadworthy vehicle from the scene of the accident.

What you should do after an accident and completing the above steps:

  • Call Dr. Vroom or Waggoner at Advanced Care Chiropractic
    Serious injuries do not always show immediate symptoms. It would be wise to have your doctor examine you as soon as possible even if you are uncertain if you sustained an injury. If there is a chance that you may be injured, call us at (503) 669-9495 or after hours at (503) 358-0293. Automobile liability and automobile Medical Pay Insurance will pay for chiropractic examination and treatment. Remember, it is your right to receive treatment from whom ever you choose. Your attorney or insurance company can make suggestions, but the final decision is yours.
  • Call your insurance company or agent. Tell them that you will be seeing your doctor to make sure you are OK. Do not speculate about your condition, this may come back to haunt you later!
  • Report the accident to DMV: if there were damages over $1,500 to the vehicles or property, if anyone was injured, or if any vehicle is towed due to damages from the accident file an Accident and Insurance Report Form within 72 hours. Keep a copy of your accident report.
  • Get a copy of the police report of the accident from the local precinct.
  • Contact a PI attorney. If you have been seriously injured in an auto accident, we highly recommend that you contact a personal injury attorney to discuss your legal rights. We have had great experiences with the lawyers at Gatti,Gatti & Maier,1-800-289-3443

Did you know? Massage, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy are often 100% covered by auto insurance when you are in a car accident.

* use the form on the back to help gather the information


Fill Out This Form at the scene of the accident

Date Time Location

Name Vehicle Lic. # State:

AddressPhone #

Year, Make, and model, of car

Insurance Carrier Policy #

Any verbal statement made by other driver as to cause of accident






Other Car

WITNESSES? (Name and phone #)


SPECIAL CONDITIONS:(including position of cars, skid mark, road, traffic, and weather conditions, traffic controls, etc.)
Draw a diagram of the accident showing the direction of both cars and the site of the accident. Show street names, location of traffic signs (stop, yield etc.) and traffic lights.