Street Properties & Small Blocks Forum

Minutes of Meeting

Date: Wednesday 8 July 2015

Venue: The Grange

Start time: 7pm


Name / Address/Residents Association/Post
Richard Scott (RS) / Dunmore House
Luke Hartfield (LH) / Hartfield Road
Paul Gayford (PG) / Lake Road
Janet Mockler (JM) / Lee House
In Attendance:
Nadine Saakwa (NS) / Neighbourhood Manager
Geneva Bartley-White (GBW) / Neighbourhood Officer – Minute Taker
Enyi Njoku (EN) / Neighbourhood Warden Supervisor
Kim Stampton (KS) / Leasehold Property Manager
Apologies / Harriet Wibrew
Item / Details / Action
1. / Welcome & Introductions
1.1 / NS welcomed the group introduced herself and thanked them for attending.
2. / Service Improvement Groups (SIG’s)
2.2 / The SIGs have recently held the following meetings;
·  Tenancy fraud - the impact and how we tackle/identify it.
·  Neighbourhood Wardens – Wardens that patrol our blocks/estates for anti-social behaviour.
The wardens are tasked to patrol any address they are not patch based, this is mainly for patches that cause concern. Details to be advertised in Home Matters.
·  Mediation – Around nuisance or conflict with neighbour
·  Sustaining Tenancies – Identifying vulnerable residents and how we support and monitor them.
·  CCTV – why is there not more of them in hotspot areas.
3. / Warden Update
3.1 / ·  Established by Safer Merton to reduce ‘fear of crime’, support ASB management and provide re-assurance to the borough’s residents.
·  Transferred to CHMP as part of stock transfer in March 2010
·  Initially 10 wardens – each patrolling a different ‘patch’ plus 2 Supervisors
·  Recently moved to a ‘mobile’ service focussing on areas of demand and supporting case management
·  Remain a crucial contact point for vulnerable residents
·  Support community development activity and delivery of promises – youth schemes, Sports Blast
·  Team of 7 wardens and 1 supervisor on rota, 7 days a week ~ 2-10pm Monday to Saturday, 11am-7pm Sunday
·  Tasking sheets inform the team’s workload, directing the service on customer and organisational need
·  Each warden supports a Neighbourhood Approach team / area
4 / Guest Speaker Leasehold
4.2 / Lee House
Kim Stampton, Leasehold Officer was invited to our meeting to introduce herself as the Leasehold Officer for Lee House. Kim stated that she is aware of the roof works and has inspected the water damage. Kim advised the works have been put back due to the priority focus on decent homes work but she will obtain a full update concerning the roof works and the complaint raised with Anthony George. Kim will also speak to her manager Dee Tyrie on the following points raised;
When in this financial year will the roof be renewed?
No further updated received from the leasehold team since the consultation was carried out.
Concerning entry-phone systems PG felt it is reasonable to supply the forum with a list of the blocks currently being looked at and a programme of small block works for the next 2-3 years. It is also felt despite the priority on decent homes work – a programme should be produced for the small blocks. Kim to update.
Group would like Planned works team to attend next meeting and provide an overview of their priorities for the coming year and programmes agreed.
18 – 20 Lake Road Entry Phone, is this included on the entry phone programme? / KS to arrange update to the group
5 / Application Update
5.3 / Nadine reported that applications are still coming through with a closing date of 31st July 2015.
Agreed to meet members again on 5th August at 6.30pm to go through applications received and agree applications, the same process as before. Once agreed letters will be sent out to residents and the website updated.
Nadine reported that she had a letter from Merton Enforcement agency regarding Wide Way alleyway, having issues with ASB, graffiti and ongoing issues. They are asking if we can contribute to closing off the alleyway behind 59-177 Wide Way.
All resident in agreement to contribute to this coming out of the £50k Small Blocks and Street properties budget.
6 / Terms of Reference
6.2 / On average 5/6 residents are attending the SB&SP Forum, in light of this attendance – forum members agreed to change quorum from 11 to 5.
Everyone agreed happy with the terms of reference.
7 / Any Other Business
7.1 / Ricards Road door entrance mats not being replaced and filled with concrete as too expensive as advised by the Neighbourhood Officer Jackie Jackson, More information required what will be done instead? Could this be put forward as an application to Small Blocks and Street Properties grant? / NS to seek more info from Jackie Jackson

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 9th September 2015

Time: 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start

Venue: The Grange

Future Forum dates are: Wednesday 4th November 2015

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