Interview Recruitment Form

Course name and number:

Assignment name and number:

My name is ______and I am currently registered as a student in the above course at AthabascaUniversity. As part of my coursework, I would like to conduct an interview with you. This interview will cover the following subjects or topics:






The interview, should you agree to participate, will be conducted______[in person/by telephone/by email]. I will be asking you to answer several questions relating to the above-mentioned topics. Should you agree, our interview may be audio (or video) recorded and should take approximately _____ of your time. Before we begin, I will also ask you to read and sign a consent form.

Please note that your participation in this project is completely voluntary and you are free to decline to participate at any time prior to, or at any point during, the interview, without consequence. Any information you provide through the course of this interview will remain confidential and will be used solely for the purposes of completing this assignment. All notes and records of the interview will be held in a secure environment. The raw data will be offered to you no later than four months after the assignment has been completed. If you decline it, it will be destroyed. No information that could identify you will be used. I will be happy to provide you with a copy of my assignment.

If you have other questions concerning your participation in this project, please feel free to contact me at:

Student name:

Telephone number: email address:

or my AthabascaUniversity course instructor/tutor at:

Course instructor/tutor name:

Telephone number: email address:

or the Athabasca University Women’s Studies Course Coordinator at:

Coordinator name:

Telephone number: email address:

Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.