Case ID Ref.:
(WSM to complete)

Counselling Application Form

Please complete all relevant sections of this form:

Completed forms should be emailed or posted to us, see end of last page:

About you: Place an “X” in one box

Veteran / Complete sections A and C
Relative of a veteran / Complete sections A, B and C
Carer of a veteran / Complete sections A, B and C
Welfare officer / Complete sections A,D and E

Section A:

Veteran’s Details

Complete this section if you are a veteran, a relative a carer, or a welfare officer:

This section must be completed, even if you are not a veteran.

First names
Date of Birth
A veteran must be born before 01 January 1950
Male / Female / Transgender
Service Number
i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, TA
Regiment, Ship or Trade
Indicate your regiment, corp, ship or trade.
Associated Veterans’ Charity
Home Address
Mobile phone number (preferred)
Landline phone number
Email address

If you are a veteran, go to Section C:

If you are a veteran’s relative or carer, go to Section B.

If you are a Welfare Officer, go to Section D

Section B:

Relatives’ or Carers’Details

Complete this section if you are a veteran’s relative or a carer seeking counselling:

First names
Male / Female / Transgender
Home Address
Mobile phone number (preferred)
Landline phone number
Preferred number to contact you
Email address

Go to Section C

Section C:

Counselling Request Details

Complete this section if you are a veteran, a veteran’s relative or a carer seeking counselling:

Why would you like counselling?
You do not need to answer this question, but it can help us find the right counsellor for you.
Select face-to-face or telephone counselling?
Please select the applicable option / Face-to-face counselling
Telephone counselling
Are you able to travel to
visit a counsellor?
Please select the applicable option / Yes, I can travel to a nearby clinic
No, I need a counsellor to come to my home
Male or Female counsellor?
Please select the applicable option / Male
No preference
Do you have any special needs or language requirements?
Is there other information you want to share with us?
Best time to contact you?Between 9:30am - 5:00pm, M. – F.


I confirm that all the information I have provided is accurate and truthful.

Signature: / Date:

Section D:

Welfare Officer Details

Complete this section if you are a Welfare Officer or other charity support worker:

First name
Job Title
(Veteran’s charity)
Contact phone number
Email address
Your region / area
Your internal reference no.
Only if required by you.

Go to Section E

Section E:

Veteran’s Referral Details

Complete this section if you are a Welfare Officer or other charity support worker:

Summarise why the veteran may benefit from counselling?
Is there any relevant medical or mental health history?
Are they able to travel to visit a counsellor?
Please check the applicable option / Yes, travel to a local clinic
No, counselling home visit required
Do they have any special needs?
Any other relevant information
Risk Assessment: Is the veteran a potential danger to themselves or others?

This form should be emailed or posted to:


Post: WSM, 11a Turney Road, London, SE21 8LX