Village of Hamilton
Airport/Airpark Commission
Regular Meeting of June 30, 2015
4:00pm., Airport
Present: Chairman Carl Albrecht; Commissioners: Art Steneri, Harvey Kliman and Roger Rowlett; Village Administrator Sean Graham; Administrative Assistant Nancy Mitchell; Village Attorney Jim Stokes; AOPA Rep Jeff Rubenstein.
Absent: Treasurer Henderson; Commissioner Watkins; Trustee Servedio
Public Present: Jim Leach, PCD
Chairman Albrecht called the meeting to order at 4:00pm.
Public Comment: None
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
Approval of May 14, 2015, regular meeting minutes: Changes requested:
1. FOB Replacement-2nd to last sentence-change “graft” to “draft”
A motion was made by Commissioner Steneri to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2015, meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowlett and unanimously carried.
Security Substation: Administrator Graham reported bids were received and reviewed. They were approximately $65,000.00 over budget (includes ad alt). Administrator Graham, Attorney Stokes and McFarland Johnson are working with contractors to reduce the costs.
Fence: The DEC & Army Corps of Engineers is determining to fill in wetland by either using woodchips or a boardwalk.
“Aircraft Across America”: This political group contacted the Village for permission to use the Airport, but has since found another site to have their event.
PCD-New Marketing Position/Plans for the Airpark: PCD Board President, Mr. Jim Leach presented the following information: The PCD will be hiring a new executive director. Commissioner Steneri recommended that the job description for the new director needs to state how much time will be allotted to the Airport/Airpark. Mr. Leach explained to the Commission the reasoning behind the hiring of a new director. He explained that the PCD recognizes the need for economic development at the Airpark; not that the PCD would take it on, but that they would play a supportive role. A public hearing has been scheduled for July 21, 2015, at the Courthouse, to discuss CDBG Funds & CFA Application. Commissioner Rowlett asked if an evaluation of our business climate was to be undertaken. He stated it is the biggest impediment to prospective buyers, due to our tax structure. Mr. Leach will be added to the email distribution list for the Airport/Airpark Commission.
Chenango Trail: The Commission received a thank you card from the Chenango Canal Association for their support for the recent Trail Fun Run.
Establish an Incident Report with Protocol: The Commission has developed an incident report that will be reviewed by the Village Attorney.
Airport Operator Replacement: A motion was made by Commissioner Rowlett to enter into an executive session at 5:19pm for attorney client privilege. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Steneri and unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Rowlett to exit the executive session at 5:43pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kliman and unanimously carried. No action was taken.
Financial Report/Budget: Administrator Graham distributed the financials. Revenue is at 2%, expenses at 3%.
Claims: Questions: No claims presented.
Mike Cutshaw Entry Gate Key Request: Mr. Cutshaw has asked to have a key to the gate closest to his property. The Commission denied the request mainly due to Airport safety and liability. The Commission discussed what village personnel and emergency personnel have or should have keys.
Good Nature Brewing Festival: Canceled by owners of Good Nature.
Next Meeting will be July 9, 2015, at 4:00pm, at the Airport.
Adjournment: There being no other business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Steneri made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowlett and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:44pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Taranto