SNAP/TMF SNAP Vendor Agreement Template:

Please replace highlighted words with your market’s details. You may want to eliminate some highlighted sections, such as those regarding $5 debit tokens if that does not apply to your market. It is very important for vendors to read, understand, and agree to each section in this agreement. After deleting this section the agreement should be 2 pages long.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program EBT Program Vendor Agreement


This agreement is between ASSOCIATION, an association of eligible food vendors (herein referred to as “ASSOCIATION”) organized within [MARKET/NON-PROFIT NAME]and ______, an authorized food vendor (herein referred to as “VENDOR”).

This agreement allows the above-mentioned VENDOR to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card Program and That’s My Farmer SNAP Incentive Program at the [MARKET NAME].

VENDOR is bound by this agreement to follow all guidelines, as set forth by federal and state authorities and ASSOCIATION.

ASSOCIATION reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate VENDOR from the program if ASSOCIATION observes, or receives evidence of, failure to abide by any of the agreements below.

VENDOR may voluntarily quit participating in the EBT program at any time, but must notify ASSOCIATION of such action.

The EBT Card Program will operate in the following manner:

Patrons who have been issued an authorized EBT card, called an Oregon Trail Card in this state, may purchase scrip in the form of wooden tokens from designated ASSOCIATION staff. The patron’s EBT card will be debited for the value of the tokens purchased. Patrons will use the tokens only for purchase of eligible foods from authorized vendors at the ASSOCIATION.

Eligible foods include, but are not limited to: fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese or other dairy, bread or cereal, honey, salsa, most other processed foods, seeds and nursery plants intended for growing food.

Non-eligible foods include, but are not limited to: alcoholic beverages, non-food items (other than seeds and plants intended for growing food) or for any hot or ready-to-eat foods. (Baked goods other than bread and cereal may be eligible if they are not in a ready-to-eat form – i.e. no plate, utensils).

[Patrons may also use a debit card to purchase $5 tokens that are accepted for any purchase.]

Patrons have no time limit on the use of purchased tokens at the ASSOCIATION.ASSOCIATION staff will exchange tokens for [PAYMENT METHOD], each[PAYMENT PERIOD.

The only tokens used will be wooden tokens with the unique imprint of ASSOCIATION on each side, with the currency amount also imprinted on each side. The only tokens used will be [COLOR $VALUE] and [COLOR $VALUE] denominations.

The EBT Card Program will be strictly and carefully monitored at all times by ASSOCIATION.

VENDOR Agreements:

  • VENDOR agrees to accept only ASSOCIATION wooden tokens and will not accept any other market’s tokens and/or printed scrip.
  • VENDOR agrees to accept $1 Oregon Trail tokens ([COLOR]) and $2 incentive tokens ([COLOR])only for the purchase of food stamp program-eligible foods, including: bread products, produce, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, seeds, and plants which produce food to eat.
  • VENDOR agrees that no U.S. currency will be returned to the customer as change, if payment for product is solely by $1 and/or $2 tokens. The value of the tokens received by VENDOR will not exceed the posted value of the product purchased by the customer. (Customers will receive full value for their tokens.)
  • VENDOR agrees to accept [$5 debit tokens (COLOR) for any purchase and to provide change for purchases made with $5 tokens. OR If you wish to accept debit or credit, you might consider using Square or Intuit on

smartphones as a few vendors are already doing.

  • VENDOR agrees to not exchange any tokens for U.S. currency with any person except authorized ASSOCIATION staff.
  • VENDOR agrees to post a sign (to be provided by ASSOCIATION) identifying VENDOR’s stall as an authorized EBT vendor.
  • VENDOR agrees to turn in the tokens to ASSOCIATION by the end of [Payment Period].

Your signature is required below in order for us to allow you to participate in MARKET NAME token programs.


VENDOR Signature Space Number Date
I agree to follow the USDA Food Stamp Program rules and the That’s My Farmer SNAP Incentive Program rules, as outlined in this agreement and as otherwise

provided to me. This agreement is valid only for tokens accepted at MARKET NAME.