Thorndon CEVC Primary School- SEN Information Report

Special Educational Needs

New SEN Code of Practice cameinto effect 1st September 2014 and applies to Thorndon CEVC Primary School.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mr James Vink our SEN Governor is Mrs Jane Pattenden, who is a former teacher. If your child is unable to fully access the curriculum, then special arrangements can be put in place. All children with any sort of Special Need are monitored closely and have aSchool Support Plan (SSP). These are updated at least once a term and parents are invited in to discuss progress and how pupils can be helped at home. The school runs a number of intervention programmes, mainly for Maths, English and Social Skills. Our Special Educational Needs Policy is available from the school office and our website.

The school can meet the needs of all four categories of identified need:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

Thorndon CEVC Primary School staff and Governors are committed to the promotion of equality. This involves tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is celebrated and valued. It is our belief that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wide community.

Please see the Equalities Policy for details of the provision and accessibility details.

Local Offer

How we identify and assess pupils’ needs:

Thorndon Primary School knows its pupils need extra help through:

·Baseline assessments

·Careful tracking of data

·Observations of pupils

·Pre school checks

·Liaison with Parents/Carers

·Information from previous educational provision

·Feedback from Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TA)

·Phonics assessment

·Reading and spelling tests

  • Optional SATS

What provision do we make:

Area of Provision / Universal Offer (for all pupils) / Targeted Offer (for pupils at SEN support stage) / Complex Offer (for pupils with a statement/EHC Plan)
Literacy / High quality teaching including differentiated activities
BBC Biteszie
Access to Gifted & Talented Literacy activities at Stradbroke High School
Daily reading sessions
School library with extensive fiction, non fiction and reference books
Examples of literacy in the corridors and all classrooms / As Universal plus:
Active Literacy
Catch up literacy
Phonic interventions
Regular liaison with parents
Reading and comprehension
Sound discovery
Dancing bears
Accelaread /Acelewrite
Word Shark / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
Individualised phonic interventions
Numeracy / High quality teaching including differentiated activities
BBC Biteszie
Examples of numeracy in the corridors and all classrooms / Power of 2
Nessy Numbers
5 Minute Number Box
Number shark
Max’s marvellous maths
Springboard Units
Regular liaison with parents / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
Individualised maths interventions
Social Skills / Modelling of high quality interaction with peers in social settings
Mentoring in small group
School council
After school clubs / Socially speaking
Time to talk
Talking partners
Consequences games
Self esteem work
Positives books
Identified pupils attend lunch time activities / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
Additional Social skills groups
Support with groups and activities
Additional self esteem work
1:1 support in social situations
Medical Needs / Access to trained first aiders including Paediatric First Aid
Administration of regular medication
Regular visits by school nursing team
Liaison with paediatrician, ASD team, CAHMs etc as appropriate. / Specific training and information from school nurse/paediatrician/specialist for particular medical needs.
Care plan and risk assessments for significant conditions. / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
Support with understanding and coping with toileting and periods etc.
Support with access to cleaning/changing etc
OT delivered as required
Physiotherapy delivered as required
Close liaison with parents and medical professionals.
Speech, Language, Sensory & Communication / Modelling of high quality and appropriate language by all staff
Rooms decorated with sensory consideration / Socially speaking
Time to talk
Memory Games
Specialist seating arrangements/ sloping desk
SALT referral
Pencil grips/specialists pens
Visual timetable
CIR referral / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
SALT as required
Sensory toys
Use of timer
Specialise seating
Close liaison with parents
Separate eating arrangements
Behaviour, Emotional & Social / Modelling of appropriate behaviours in all settings by staff
Mentoring in small group
Positive/behaviour report card
Play ground buddies
School nurse referral
CAHMs referral
Close liaison with parents / Socially speaking
Time to talk
Talking partners
Consequences games
Self esteem
Lunch time activities
High ratio of adult to child supervision during unstructured time
Referral for 2 term PRU placement
Identified pupils attend lunch time activities (with direct supervision)
Visual timetables / As Universal & targeted plus:
As the school currently has no statement/EHC Plan the level of support indicated below is for guidance only.
Close supervision during social times
Named adult to provide "chat time" on a daily basis to alleviate worries before going home.
Support with secondary transition and visits.
Home school book
Close liaison with parents
Brain break/exit card

Information and Guidance

Statements of SEN will be converted to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) over the next three years. Pupils at points of transition within education (e.g. Reception to Year 1, Year 6 to High School) will be a priority. Any new application for recognition for Special Educational Needs, if successful, will automatically be an EHC Plan.

These new plans bring together Health, Education and Social care in one document with statutory accountability. The design of the plan ensures that all ofa pupils’ needs are identified and provision put in place rather than as previously where non educational needs were often overlooked.

The New SEN Code of Practice is available to download at the bottom of the page.Our school SEN Policy can be found on the policies page.

The links below maybe of interest to parents of pupils with SEN/D.

Access Unlimited:

On this new website you can find information about the full range of services that Suffolk County Council provides for families and carers who support children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.

Parent Partnership

We are a confidential listening advice and support service for parents and carers withconcerns over their child's education.

Just some of the issues that we can help you with are:

  • Special educational needs
  • Requesting statutory assessment
  • Statementing/EHC process
  • Exclusions
  • Bullying
  • Choosing/changing schools.

Please call the helpline number or send an email with your question, and we will get in touch with advice, information and support.

Helpline -01473 265210(office hours Mon-Fri)

Children's services Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

For more information about the Government reforms please visit the Department of Education website.

Suffolk County Council- Local Offer

Information about the Local Authority's provision for Special Educational Needs can be found by following the link below.

Personal Budget

Any pupil with a Statement of SEN or an EHC Plan (effective from 1stSeptember 2014) may be allocated a “Personal Budget”. The school can contribute to this personal budget up to the amount of money allocated through the “High Tariff Need” funding system.They cannot be expected to allocate more than this budget, for a child with a significant need this budget could come through the Health or Social Care Systems.

Glossary of Terms

ASD –Autism Spectrum Disorder.

BSS-Behaviour Support Service. A service to support pupils to improve their behaviour.

CAF Process-The common assessment framework - CAF - process can support improved outcomes for children, young people and their families by ensuring that they receive appropriate and timely support.

CIR-County Inclusive Resource, which is an outreach service to support schools who have pupils with ASD.

Connection Time-An identified weekly time where pupils can share successes and concerns with a named adult.

Code of Practice (CofP)-The new legislation (issued June 2014) around Special Educational Needs for children and young people aged 0-25.

Complex Offer-Support over and above the targeted offer that a pupil with a statement or EHC Plan may receive.

Differentiation-The adaptations and changes made to individual lessons to ensure that it caters to the needs of all pupils.

Ed. Psych- Educational Psychologist-Educational psychology is concerned with children and young people in educational and early years settings. Educational psychologists tackle challenges such as learning difficulties, social and emotional problems, issues around disability as well as more complex developmental disorders. They work in a variety of ways including observations, interviews and assessments and offer consultation, advice and support to teachers, parents, the wider community as well as the young people concerned. They research innovative ways of helping vulnerable young people and often train teachers, learning support assistants and others working with children.

EHC Plan- Education Health and Care Plan.New legal document (From September 2014) identifying the specific needs of a pupil. These will be replacing statements over the next 3 years.

High Tariff Need-The Suffolk County Council SEN/D mechanism for schools to apply for funding to support the needs of an individual pupil. There are four bands, Band 1, 2, 3 and 4. These represent the differing levels of need that pupils may have.

Intervention-Support programmes and activities used in school to help address a range of learning issues.

Local Offer-The support that schools can provide to the individual pupil, either through internal interventions or external services.

OT- Occupational Therapy-Occupational therapy aims to promote pupil’s health and wellbeing through everyday activities.An occupational therapist can identify problem areas inschool life, such as writing, appropriate seating and writing implements, and willhelp towork out practical solutions.By usingdifferent techniques, modifying the environmentand using newequipment, an occupational therapist can help ensure school life runs smoothly.

Paediatrician- Children’s doctor

Personal Budget- The funding allocated to support a pupil with a statement/EHC Plan.

Physio- Physiotherapy-Physiotherapy helps restoremovement and function when someone is affected by injury,illness or disability.

SALT- Speech and Language Therapy-Speech and language therapy is concerned with the management of disorders of speech, language, communication and swallowing in children and adults. Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are allied health professionals. They work closely with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors.

School Support- Level of SEN/D not meeting the threshold for an EHC Plan, but where a pupil requires extra support/interventions in school to allow them to make at least expected progress.

SSP- School Support Plan.Termly targets and interventions to help a pupil make progress, written in consultation with school, home and the pupil.

SENCo-Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

SEN Code of Practice-The SEN CoP is the statutory legislation explaining the responsibilities of Education, Health and Social Care to meet the needs of individual pupils.

SEN/D- Special Educational Needs / Disabilities.

SNO-Special Needs Officer- The Special Needs Officers play a leading role in the management of casework for children with substantial special educational needs and contribute to county initiatives.

Statement- Current legal document recognising the specific needs of a pupil.

Statutory Assessment-The process through which a pupil’s needs are assessed by Suffolk County Council to determine if an EHC Plan is required.

TA- Teaching Assistant-an adult that supports the teacher and runs interventions.

Targeted Offer-This is the extra intervention and support that a pupil may receive to ensure that they make at least expected progress.

Universal Offer-The level of support that all pupils receive in school at all times.