Los Angeles Robotics
Fall Workshop Presentations
Room Number TBA Saturdsy Morning: / Session I8:30- 10:00 / Session II
10:15-11:45 / Lunch
11:45-12:45 / Session III
12:45-2:15 / Session IV
Excelling Under Pressure / Excelling Under Pressure / Systems Engineering / Systems Engiineering
Introduction to Programming in C++ & Java / Introduction to Programming in C++ & Java / Pneumatic Systems / Pneumatic Systems
Arduino Basics / Arduino Basics
Winning the Chariman's Award / Winning the Chariman's Award
Electronics & Robot Wiring Step by Step / Electronics & Robot Wiring Step by Step
SolidWorks Project / SolidWorks Project / SolidWorks Project / SolidWorks Project
Strategy & Scouting / Strategy & Scouting / Strategy & Scouting / Game Breakers & Innovative Designs
Arms & Lifts / Arms & Lifts
Solidworks: A single, all-day workshop, limited to thirty students. Students will learn the basics of this application with the expectation that they will exit the presentation with a project that can be implemented. Exceptions: Students may bring their own computer with an operational version of SolidWorks, though seating will limit the total number of students. By Andy Crick, Spirit Engineering, FRC 4470
Excelling Under Pressure: A hands-on problem-solving project where students take project requirements, plan and build with only the materials available. By Allyson Yarbrough, Yarbrough Associates
Arduino Basics: Using a simple computer control system as pathway to learning the larger FRC RoboRIO system. By Kevin Nakano, Raytheon, LA Audiofile
Game Breakers & Innovative Designs: Using novel, quirky thinking to create and build a robot design outside of convention. By Eric Husmann, SpaceX, FRC 330, FRC 1197, FRC game referee.
Introduction to Robot Programming: Know a little Java or C++ but don't know where to startinprogramming your robot? This course provides an overview of robot C++/Javaprogramming from the ground up, covering control systems, sensors, code structure, development tools, and recommended development best practices. Combined lecture and demonstration.Entry-levelJava/C++ knowledge is recommended but not required (focus of the courseis on concepts rather than code). Peter Johnson, Northrop Grumman, FRC 294.
Systems Engineering: Taking the Game Rules and actually building a winning robot that meets objectives and then requirements. By Ric Roberts, Raytheon, FRC 330
Electronics and Robot Wiring Step by Step: Students will learn how to wire the FRC robot beginning from the power supply, robo rio, modem, and power distribution. Some common sensor and basic motor control will also be discussed. By Marlon Marquez, Northrop Grumman, FRC 1197