Meeting Minutes

Stillwater & Oak Park Heights Convention and Visitors Bureau

November 9, 2016 – Grand Stay Hotel & Suites

Voting board members in attendance: Jerry Helmberger, President; Alex Rojas, Vice-President, Steve Roll, Secretary,Larry Loyer, Shannon Oldsberg, Tiki Oswald. Quorum - Yes

Voting members absent: Chuck Dougherty, Treasurer

Others attending: Christie Rosckes–Fresh Avenue Marketing, Mike Runk-City of Oak Park Heights, Mike Polehna-City of Stillwater, Robin Anthony–Chamber of Commerce

Call to Order 10:45am by President Jerry Helmberger

Approval of Agenda: Jerry/Larry – approved

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes: Shannon/Larry– approved

Treasurer’s Report: None (Treasurer absent)

Partner Reports:

Mike Polehna – Stillwater: Gave an update on Hockey Day Minnesota, Ice Castle, the new National Guard armory is scheduled to open after the first of the year.

Mike Runk – Oak Park Heights: 4 AirBnB type lodging establishments have been permitted in the City. Gave update on some new projects being developed in the City.

Robin Anthony – Chamber of Commerce: Upcoming events and events in planning include a mixer December 13, Winter Gala February 10. Spring Art Fair will be discontinued with more emphasis planned for the Fall Art Fair. Discussion of a Food Truck Extravaganza in the summer – location TBD.

Marketing Report, Christie Rosckes: Quick overview given. Hacking issue of the DiscoverStillwater web site has been fixed.The 2017 visitor guide has been expanded by 8 pages.

Discussion Items:

Ice Castles – MOTION to approve reallocating a grant of $6500 from local concessions sponsorship to advertising. Tiki/Larry – Approved.

Ice Cream Social – Late funding request (due to a staffing change) for $500 was received for this event, which the CVB has previously funded. MOTION made to approve the requested grant. Tiki/Alex – Approved.

2017 Marketing Budget –A budget reserve of approximately $28,000 has been reached. The board determines this is an adequate emergency/reserve amount, so no additional reserve funding will be budgeted. The one time grant for Hockey Day Minnesota for $25,000 will be allocated under television advertising. Further review and discussion of the budget. MOTION to accept the budget as proposed, Tiki/Larry – Approved

2017 Meeting Schedule: Meeting time 10:30am unless changed, locations TBD

January 11, March 15, May 10, August 9, September 13, October 11 and November 8.

Next Meeting: January 11, Comfort Inn & Suites, 10:30am

MOTION to ADJOURN – Larry/Tiki - Approved