Drama I Disclosure

Teacher: Jolene

Room: 500 School Extensions: 452-4752

COURSE DESCRIPTION: During this semester introductory aspects of speech and drama will be studied. The basics of storytelling will be explored. The function and use of the voice will be discussed and practiced. Basic fundamentals of acting; including - movement,script writing, elements of the stage, and theatre history will be taught. Students will be introduced to the world of performing arts through active participation and study.

MATERIALS: Students are required to bring a pen or pencil and a 9 ¾ x 7 ½ composition notebook specific to this classthat will be stored in my room. Materials for in-class performances and/or the Drama Showcase(costumes, props, visual aids, etc.) are to be supplied by the students.

GRADING: Each student will be graded on performances, participation, and assignments. The grading scale is as follows:



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There will be written work, performance work, homework, tests, and class participation work in my class. Class participation work is worth 10 points and is given for “in-class” exercises. Attendance is important as these points cannot be made up. (I offer Extra Credit to help with lost participation points).

CITIZENSHIP GRADES: These will be based on attitude and behavior in class, not on academic performance or acting skill.In addition, three tardies result in an ‘N’ and five results in a ‘U’ grade in citizenship (school policy). Examples of inappropriate behavior:

  • Talking out of turn or being disrespectfulin class or during a performance.
  • Not sitting in assigned seat.
  • Swearing, discourtesy, and/or any rude behavior to the teacher or other students.
  • Bringing food or drinks (other than water) or using electronic devices without permission.
  • Defacing or destroying any classroom property.
  • Not participating in class activities or group work.
  • Not showing up to the Drama Showcase

END OF SEMESTER PROJECT:At the end of the semester the students will be required to perform in the Drama Showcase for their parents onWednesday, May 10 in the evening. Please calendar this date as it will be a large portion of your grade.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Work is expected to be turned in on the day it is due. Work will be put in the black bin marked with the class period; when graded it will be placed in the bottom black bin. If it is turned in late an automatic 5 points (for assignments up to 50) or 10 points (for assignments from 50 to 100) will be deducted.

MAKE-UP WORK: It is the student’s responsibility to get their make-up work from me when they return to class. Students will be allowed to do make-up work for full-credit with an excused absence only. You will have one week from that day you return to class to make-up any assignments.

LOST ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are placed in class period boxes when turned in and after they are graded. If a student feels an assignment has been lost they can look through the boxes to find it. I do not throw any student work away until the end of the semester.

ABSENCES: When a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed. Performances will be made up at the convenience of the teacher.Participation points (10 points for class activities) cannot be made up regardless of the circumstance; however, I do offer extra credit.

COLLABORATION/CONSULTATION:If you need extra time to make up a test, quiz, worksheet,make-up work, or have questions regarding the material or missing assignments/projects due to absences, please see me before school the first semester and after school the second semester. If these times don’t work for you, talk to me to make arrangements. Room 500.

TRUANCY: When a student misses a class due to truancy, no makeup work will be accepted.

HALLPASS: The hall pass is available for urgent needs only. Get permission from Mrs. Zito to use the pass. The hall pass may not be used 5 minutes prior to or after the bell.

EXTRA CREDIT: If a student has extended excused absences and/or has missed participation points that cannot be made up, he or she can get extra credit assignments from Mrs. Zito. It involves viewing a musical or theatrical piece on video or seeing a live theatrical production (There might be cost involvedthat would be the responsibility of the student).Extra credit work will only be accepted after all other regular assignments are turned in or performed to a maximum of 50 points.

MEDIA: As part of my curriculum I occasionally use examples from media. Any film or film clips used will be ‘G’ or ‘PG’ rated. Each film or clip will directly apply to the lesson and the goals of this class.


  1. Students will be attentive of others when talking in discussions or performing. The rights of fellow classmates, the teacher, substitutes, and any visitors will be respected.
  2. Gum is not allowed in class during performances!
  3. Electronic devicesand other distractions are not allowed to be used in class unless instructed by the teacher. (See school policy)
  4. No food or drink in class. (Water is the only exception)
  5. The student is expected to be honest.
  6. Appropriate dress is expected. (See school dress code)
  7. SAFETY FIRST!NO injuries in Drama Class!!
  8. It’s OK not to be perfect. Just try your best, and we’ll take it from there.
  9. YOU ARE ALWAYS AUDITIONING. I’m always watching! 
  10. Please talk to me or e-mail me with any concerns or questions you may have.

FEES: Each student in Drama is required to pay a $15.00 fee. This is used for additional class materials specific to what the students are learning in class. This is paid in the main office.


After reading the disclosure please sign and return to Mrs. Zito for 10 points. Thanks!!!

Parent/Student Verification of Disclosure Statement


Class Teacher Period

I have thoroughly reviewed the disclosure statement for the above listed teacher and class. I am aware of and will support the academic grading standards, citizenship, attendance, classroom policies and expectations as described. I am keeping the descriptive portion of the statement for future reference.


Student First and Last Name (please print)


Student Signature Guardian Signature Date