Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton

1255 Main Avenue

Clifton, New Jersey 07011

Regular Board of Trustees Meeting

April19, 2018

Call to Order

Ms.Meghani called the meeting at 6:52pm.



In conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act, Chapter 231, this is to announce that this Public Board Meeting of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton is being convened with adequate notice. Notice of this meeting has been posted in places of public gatherings, Herald News, and school website.

The Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton encourages the participation and input from members of the Public at its board meetings. However, in accordance with Board Policy, verbal attacks against individual staff members or members of the Board are not permitted. Persons are encouraged to address the board regarding comments relating to agenda items or issues concerning the educational process. The Board of Trustees thanks you for your cooperation.

Roll Call


Wafa Al-Rimawi Wendy Zupa



Renee Mendez


Additionallypresent at said meeting were Ms. Sandra Giordano, Head of School, Nick Indar, Assistant Lead, andMs. Bima Baje, School Business Administrator and Kimberly Izzi,Operations Coordinator

Approval of Agenda

Resolution 2018-04-01 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the April 19, 2018 Agenda.

A motion to approve the agendawas made by Wafa Al-Rimawi and seconded by Tulun Aydogan. All in Favor by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.

Approval of Minutes

Resolution 2018-04-02 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the March 15, 2018 Minutes.

A motion was made by HetalSopariwala and seconded by TulunAydoganAll in Favor by

the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.

Old Business

Facility update

  • Valley Road Property-

Teaching and Learning (Lead Person’s Report)

PARCC Testing

Pennies for Patients Assembly featuring The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society April 5th, 2018

School Safety Summit featuring the Clifton Fire Department April 6th, 2018

Autism Awareness Presentation

Upcoming School Events:

  1. Field Trip Updates
  2. Art Fair June 14th, 2018
  3. Paint Night Fundraiser May 4th, 2018
  1. Resolution 2018-04-03 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the following Field Trips for the 2017-2018 School Year:
  1. Grade 6: iPlay America- June 6,2018
  2. Grade 7: Humdinger’s – June 5, 2018
  3. Grade 8: Bronx Zoo- June 4, 2018
  1. Resolution 2018-04-04 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the 2018-2019 Academic Calendar.

A motion was made by ReneedMendez and seconded by TulunAydoganAll in Favor by

the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.

Finance and Facility

  1. Monthly Certification

Resolution 2018-04-05 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby accepts the Board Secretary’s Report for the month endingMarch 31, 2018.

Monthly Certification:March 31, 2018

Be it Resolved, that the Board approves the following Monthly Certifications for the month ofMarch 31, 2018

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A 23A-16.10(c), I certify that as of March 31,2018 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton Board of Trustees, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 18A 22-8 and 18A 22-8.1.

______Bima Baje, Business Administrator

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A 23A-16.10(c), Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton Board of Trustees certify that as ofMarch 31, 2018, after the review of the Business Administrator’s monthly financial report, appropriation section, and upon consultation with appropriate district officials, and to the best of our knowledge no major account fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A 23A-16.10(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the school year

  1. Board Secretary’s Report

Resolution 2018-04-06 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby accepts the Board Secretary’sReport for the month endingMarch 31, 2018.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Resolution 2018-04-07 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby accepts theTreasurer’sReport for the month endingMarch 31, 2018.

  1. Bill List 03.31.18

Resolution 2018-04-08 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves theBill list for the period endingMarch 31, 2018:

March 31, 2018

  • Fund 10 $ 143,037.37
  • Fund 20 $ 3,645.00
  1. Budget Transfer

Resolution 2018-04-09 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the budget transfer as recommended by the School Business Administrator as attached

  1. Resolution 2018-04-11 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby authorized the School Business Administrator to apply for Safety Grant through NJSIG.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-12 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves payment of the monthly hosting and maintenance fee to XY Web Solutions for the School Website for the amount of $250.00 monthly.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-13 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the hiring of Pro Maids Cleaning service until June 30th, 2018 @ 275/day.

A motion was made by HetalSopariwala and seconded by TulunAydoganAll in Favor by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees

Public Comment

  • Board Agenda and documents need to be published/uploaded at least four days before the meeting.
  • Minutes must be posted in the website.
  • Questions about bill list.
  • Ms. Cavelli expressed disappointment about salary that was owed to her from the previous administration.

Closed Session

Movement of the Board to reside into Closed Session at: 8:37 pmfor Confidential Matters

A motion to move the Board of Trustees into Closed Session was made by HetalSopariwala. This motion was seconded by Renee Mendez, and All in Favor by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.

Closed Session of the Board is CONFIDENTIAL and will remain as such until CONFIDENTIALITY is no longer needed.

Movement of the Board of Trustees to return to Open Session at: 9:02pm.

A motion to return the Board of Trustees into Open Session was made by HetalSopariwala. This motion was seconded by Renee Mendezand All in Favor by Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.

RESOLVED, The Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton has agreed to move into Open Session to continue the Regular Business portion of the meeting.


There was initial discussion about Lead person’s goal for 2017-2018. Lead person insisted that an evaluation cannot be done unless goals will be established in public by the board. Mrs. Giordano further mentioned that the board is in violation of something which not clear what lawdue to Lead Person’s goal were not established back in September 2017. Ms. Wafa Al-Rimawi suggested to postponed the discussion for as special board meeting that will be scheduled on May 3, 2018.

Board approved new hires.

  1. Resolution 2018-04-14 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the hiring of the following Special Education Teacher in the capacity of Per-Diem Special Education Substitute for $125.00:
  2. Candida C.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-15 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the hiring of EylemOvayolu for the Food Service Worker Position @ $13.00/hour for five hours daily.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-16 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves Maternity Leave of Katrina Bolchune effective May 15, 2018.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-17 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby accepts the resignation of Kent Klymenko effective June 30, 2018.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-18 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the hiring of the Rachelle Swede as maternity leave replacement @ 125/day.
  1. Resolution 2018-04-19 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the payment of the salary owed to Ms. Cavelli in the amount of 10,000.

A motion was made by Wafa Al-Rimawi and seconded by Renee MendezAll in Favor by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.


  • Financial Disclosure Follow up

Ms. Baje the Board Secretary, reminded the board of trustees to file their annual disclosure on or before April 30,2018

  • Nomination for Trustee replacement

The board interviewed 2 nominees, Ms. Korkmaz and Mr. Lake. The board appoints the aforementioned nominees to fill in the two vacant seats which terms ending June 30, 2019.

  1. Resolution 2018-04-20 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the expulsion of Trustee, Wendy Zupa due to attendance.
  2. Resolution 2018-04-21 Be It Resolved, that The Board of Trustees of Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton hereby approves the appointment of the following Trustee replacement:
  3. Leyla Korkmaz – term ends 6/30/19
  4. Gregory Lake- term ends 6/30/19

A motion was made byWafa Al-Rimawi and seconded by Renee MendezAll in Favor by the Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton, Inc. Board of Trustees.


Ms. TulunAydogan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm seconded by Ms. HetalSopariwala.

Next board meeting is scheduled on May 17, 2018 at 6:30pm unless it’s rescheduled.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bima Baje

Board Secretary