I love my Job Assemblies

We would still love offers from any parents to come and lead an“I love my job assembly” on Monday’s at 10.35am. If you know of anyone within the community that might be interested please ask them to see Miss Collison.

After School Clubs

We have an extensive range of clubs being offered for pupils to take part in, if your child would like to attend a club please do see the named member of staff or adult for a permission slip if the club runs after school. Most clubs will start the week beginning 14th September, but please see staff member to confirm:

Staff Member to see / Club / Year Group / Day / Location
Miss Collison / Circuit Club / Year 4,5, and 6 / Monday Lunchtime
12.55-1.25pm / Playground and Off Site
Louisa Young – See Miss Fahy / Art Club / Years3,4,5 and 6 / Wednesday’s
3.15-4.15pm / Year 5 Classroom
Louisa Young – See Miss Fahy / Recorder Club / Years 3,4,5 and 6 / Fridays
3.15-4.00pm / Music Room
Damoyn Hardy –
See Miss. Fahy / Ukulele Club / Years 3,4,5 and 6 / Tuesday’s
3.15-4.00pm / Music Room
Mr Huggett and Miss Dobson – see Miss Fahy / Homework Club KS1 / Year 1 and Year 2 / Tuesday’s
3.05-3.45pm / Year 3 Classroom
Mr Huggett and Miss Dobson – see Miss Fahy / Homework Club KS2 / Year 3,4,5 and 6 / Tuesday’s
3.15-4pm / Year 3 Classroom
Miss Collison / Football Club / Year 5 &6 / Thursday’s
3.15- 4.30pm / Sewell Park/KS2 Playground
Miss Fahy / Lego Club / All Year Groups / Friday Lunchtimes
12.30-1.30pm / Meeting Room

Jigsaw Sessions – will be visiting all KS2 classes on Thursday 10th September

Jigsaw is an educational charity which works with groups across the community to prevent exploitation online.They show the children a film which highlights the dangers and how to be safe online. The children participate in activities which help them to make good decisions about how to protect themselves. The intention is not for children to avoid the internet but to make sure that they know how to use it safely.

Children’s University

Reminder that if your child has achieved 30 hours or more in their passport, please send their passport into school so Miss Fahy can validate and arrange for them to attend the next graduation ceremony in December.

Diary Dates

Monday 7th 3:30pmYr 3 and Yr6 Parent Curriculum meeting in main hall

Tuesday 8th 3:30pmYr 2 and Yr4 Parent Curriculum meeting in main hall

Monday 14thYr4 Food Discovery


Permission Forms – please return to admin office ASAP

Annual Planner for Parents

Norse Menu Autumn/Winter 2015-2016

Attendance Guide for parents

Menu – Week 3 – please return ASAP.