November 18, 2016

After the Thanksgiving Break Pastor Eckert, will lead chapel next week. Hymn of the month for the school is “Praise and Thanksgiving” and hymn of the month for the ECC is “My God is so great”. The Bells will play and Ms. Lackey s’s PK3 class will sing. 2nd Grade will recite scripture. Offerings this month will go to Lutheran Ministry to the Armed Forces. Parents are invited and encouraged to join us for chapel throughout the year, but we ask that you sit in the last four rows, and of course, your child may sit with you. You may also sit with your child in their class row, but we ask that you sit near the outside of the row, so as not to block the view of the children sitting behind you. Chapel begins at 8:15. If you have any prayer requests, please let your child’s teacher know and they will inform our worship leader and we will include those requests in our prayers

HOLIDAY CLOSURE – The school will be closed Nov. 21st - 25th, for teachers’ education conference and Thanksgiving holiday. The ECC will be open Nov. 21st -23rd with a 1:00pm dismissal on the Nov.23rd. Both School and ECC will resume on Monday, Nov. 28th.

The school will be closed Dec. 19th-Jan. 3rd for Christmas break. The ECC will be closed Friday, Dec.23rd, Monday, Dec. 26th, and Monday, Jan 2nd. The school and ECC will resume on Tuesday January 3, 2017. SEE SCHOOL CALENDAR

After Thanksgiving, students in PK2 – grade 8 will begin rehearsing for their Christmas services. The ECC Christmas Service will be December 11th @ 3:00 pm and the school’s Christmas service will be December 15th @ 6pm. We hope that you will be able to attend both services. Children are expected to attend their own Christmas service.

Mid Terms- Mid Terms Reports are going home today. Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

Cold weather is upon us please dress your child accordingly. We have recesses in the morning when it is still chilly please send a jacket with your child. Thank You!

Pictures Retakes for all students will be Wednesday, November 30th. If you purchased picture they were sent home this week.

Christmas store will be in the school lobby on Thursday, December 8th. This is a fun time for the children to pick out a special Christmas gift for mommy and daddy. Order forms are being sent home today, all order forms are due back by Dec. 2nd. Any forms received after the due date cannot be accepted.

2016 Lights of Christmas Parade – The Trinity PTL will have a float in the Christmas parade this year. The parade in on Saturday, Dec. 3 and will start at 6:00 pm. Floats will be located at the start of the parade in the Shannon Parking Lot on 2nd and Oakes. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Discount Cards- Trinity Lutheran School is a member of the newly formed business San Angelocal. San Angelocal supports only local business around San Angelo and has 50 participating members all offering discounts to people that purchase the San Angelocal discount cards. Offers included retail, food, lodging, and other services. You may purchase these cards from the school office or from any 5th &6th grader at Trinity. Cards are $15 each and with every card you will receive a guide with all the San Angelocal offers. You may also download the free San Angelocal app from the App store.

Long Sleeve/Hoodie order forms- an order form for long sleeve and hoodies was sent home last week. We placed our first order today, if you missed the deadline and would like to order please submit your order form with money ASAP we will place just one more order on Dec.16th. There is normally a 2-3 week turn around on delivery.

Coats 4 Christmas- The Trinity National Junior Honor Society is participating in a Coats 4 Christmas campaign through the month of December they are collecting used coats (Child and Adult sizes) which will be taken to Holiday Cleaners for cleaning and then taken to the needy to have throughout this cold months. If you would like to participate please look through your closets and bring any coats you or your children do not wear anymore and bring to the school before December 16th.


Please join us Wednesday, November 23rd, for our Thanksgiving Eve service at 7:00 pm in the church.

(Also, you are welcome to join us on Wednesday, December 7th at 12 noon and/or 7:00pm for our first advent service of the Christmas season.)