Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club Application

Please return this signed application with your check and mail to:

P.O. BOX 501 ~ WESTCLIFFE, CO 81252


New Member? Yes or No 2014 Member? Yes or No (Office Use Only) ______

Date Paid Initials

Last Name ______

First Name ______Spouse Name ______

Children ______

If the child is 18 years of age or older, he or she must purchase an individual membership!

Mailing Address______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______

Email ______

2015 Membership Dues

[ ] Individual $25

[ ] Family $35


·  Use of Arena, Dressage Arena and Trail Obstacle Course

·  25% rental discount for Building & Arena

·  10% off any Saddle Club sponsored Clinics or Trail Rides

**For every 2 hours you volunteer up to and including Westcliffe Stampede Rodeo, you will be given ONE free rodeo performance admission

PLEASE NOTE: Colorado Equine Law under Colorado Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death

of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 13-21-120, Colorado Revised Statutes

I, as an individual, or We, as a family, waive any claims for injury or death as a result from the inherent risks of any and all Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club, Inc. activities or functions both on or off the premises owned by the Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club, Inc. I, (We) hold the Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club, Inc. it’s agents, members, volunteers, officers and board of director members harmless from any claim. I, (We) agree to indemnify the Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club, Inc. for any cost, award of damages, or other expenses incurred due to any such claim which I, (We) make in the future related in any way to these activities.

Signed ______

Signed this ______Day of ______20______