Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:03 P.M.

Members Present: Deopker, Nixon, McConkie, Kelley, Shrum, Kubin, Roehrs

Members Absent: Ward, Whitford

Also Present: Brandon Strong Student Phil Hansen DDA Director Katherine LaLone Planning Commission Secretary

Moved by Kubin, Supported by Shrum to approve the minutes from the regular meeting October 19, 2004. All ayes

McConkie discussed the Informational Letter that he had written to Dale Hamilton. Historical Society Depot Area Site Review The Planning members reviewed the site plan that Phil Hansen had presented to them.

Hansen stated that the Display building is where the Antique Fire Truck will be displayed. It will also be used partly as a storage facility for the Historical Society. Landscaping and lighting will also be done.

There will be a Toll Booth and a Plank Walkway. The Planning members stated that the lighting will help with security.

Hansen stated that the Historical Society used as much parking as they could.

Hansen stated that he will be presenting the Site Plan along with the Grant application to MDOT.

Moved by Kelley, Supported by Roehrs to approve the Site Plan to be submitted with a Grant application. All ayes.

Completed Land Use Plan Planning members discussed the Land Use Plan.

All members thanked Hansen for all of his work on the Land Use Plan. They said that it looked very nice. The only changes that the members suggested to be made to the Plan was to remove Margaret Boyd’s name from the City Council and replace it with Melissa Allen and to remove Tom Cavanaugh’s name from the Planning Commission and replace it with Mike Nixon.

Also to add Robert McConkie’s name to the Planning Commission.

Consultant to Finalize Land Use Plan Hansen had sent a letter to both Rowe, Inc. and Spicer group requesting a quote on Finalizing our Land Use Plan.

The quote from Rowe, Inc. was a complete quote, answering all that was asked of them.

The quote from Spicer group was not a complete quote. They did not answer all that was asked of them. Planning members asked if a letter could be written to Spicer explaining our decision.

Moved by Kelley, Supported by Shrum to approve Rowe, Inc. to be our consultant to Finalize the Land Use Plan. All ayes.

Hansen mentioned that the next Small Town Design meeting will be on February 17, 2005.

The Planning members that attended the last Small Town Design meeting were pleased with the turnout of the people and of the presentation.

Moved by Kelley, Supported by Roehrs to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine LaLone

Planning Commission Secretary


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:02 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, McConkie, Kelley, Shrum, Kubin, Ward, Whitford Members Absent: Nixon, Roehrs

Also Present: Brandon Strong Student Delegate Phil Hansen DDA Director Katherine LaLone Planning Commission Secretary

Moved by Kelley, supported by Shrum to approve the minutes from the regular meeting January 18, 2005. All ayes.

ReviewLand Use Approval Process McConkie explained the process required for approval of Land Use Plan. On March 15, 2005 planning members will review the plan and forward onto council for approval.

Moved by Kubin, supported by Ward to adjourn at 7:22 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine LaLone

Planning Commission Secretary

St. Louis Planning Commission Minutes

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The regular Planning Commission was called to order by Shrum at 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Nixon, McConkie, Kelley, Shrum, Kubin, Whitford Members

Absent: Doepker, Roehrs, Ward

Also Present: Brandon Strong Student Delegate Phil Hansen DDA Director Katherine LaLone Planning Commission Secretary

Moved by Kelley, supported by Whitford to approve the minutes from the regular meeting February 15, 2005. All ayes.

ReviewFinalLand Use Plan Hansen discussed the Final Land Use Plan with the board members. He asked that they review the maps. The members reviewed the Existing Land Use map and pointed out some discrepancies.

Members reviewed the Future Land Use Plan map and pointed out some discrepancies.

Hansen will discuss the discrepancies with Rowe, Inc. so the appropriate changes can be made to the maps.

McConkie explained the approval process of the Land Use Plan. August 6th is the approximate date that it shall be finalized.

Members viewed the Wetlands map, 100 Year Flood Plain, Soil Associations, Transportation, School District, Topography, and Housing Study map. No comments were made on these maps.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Whitford to recommend to the City Council that they approve the distribution of the Land Use Plan. All ayes.

McConkie presented a mini Site Plan from Hovey Companies. Hovey would like to move forward with the development and do a mixed income level.

Moved by Whitford, supported by Nixon to adjourn at 7:59 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine LaLone

Planning Commission Secretary

St. Louis Planning Commission Minutes

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The regular Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, Nixon, McConkie, Kelley, Shrum, Kubin, Ward Members

Absent: Roehrs, Whitford

Also Present: Dan Hubler Discount Muffler Doug Dice Signature Design Gurden Singh Nannan BP Gas Station Manltit Singh Nannan BP Gas Station Amrinder K. Nannan BP Gas Station Dave Bacon Plasti Paint Katherine LaLone Planning Commission Secretary

Moved by Kubin, supported by Kelley to approve the minutes from the regular meeting March 15, 2005. All ayes.

Discussion on Site Plan – BP Gas Station Doug Dice explained the proposed site plan for the BP Gas Station addition. McConkie indicated that it might not meet the requirements for a variance. Board members asked if the owners of the BP approached the owners of the adjoining property to purchase part of their property to use for the addition. They stated that they did not approach the owners but they would be interested in asking them. Kubin stated that he would contact Bear Truss to ask them if they would be interested in selling part of their property to the owners of BP.

Site Plan Review and Approval – Plasti-Paint Inc. Plasti-Paint presented a sit plan for paving their parking lot.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Shrum to approve the plans for the paving of Plasti-Paint’s parking lot. All Ayes.

Dan Hubler – Discount Muffler Site Plan Dan Hubler presented a site plan for the construction of his Discount Muffler building to the board members. Hubler stated that he would have four employees to start and eventually he would have six. He indicated that he would like to drain the water from the front of his building onto M-46 and Michigan Ave. The members did not agree with that. McConkie explained how the drainage should be kept on site. McConkie explained how he could slope his parking lot to accommodate the drainage. Doepker explained how MDOT could become involved if Hubler were to drain onto M-46 or Michigan Ave.

Moved by Kubin, supported by Ward to approve the site plan contingent on: 1. No lighting directed towards residential 2. Need Handi-Cap parking 3. Refuse container needs to be enclosed 4. Need drains in parking lot All ayes.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Nixon to adjourn at 8:04 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine LaLone

Planning Commission Secretary

The May Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of business.
St. Louis Planning Commission Minutes

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The regular Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, Shrum, Kubin, Roehrs, Whitford Members

Absent: Nixon, McConkie, Kelley, Ward

Also Present: Katherine Goettling Planning Commission Secretary

Moved by Roehrs, supported by Shrum to approve the minutes from the regular meeting April 19, 2005 with the following changes: Also Present: Gurden Singh Nannan, Manltit Singh Nannan, and Amrinder K. Nannan are from the Citgo Gas Station, not the BP Gas Station. Discussion on Site Plan should read Citgo Gas Station, not BP Gas Station. Site Plan Review and Approval – Plasti-Paint Inc. should read Plasti-Paint presented a site plan, not a sit plan. All ayes.

Moved by Kubin, supported by Shrum to set the Public Hearing for July 19, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. for the Land Use Plan.

Roehrs and Doepker would like to discuss changing the meeting dates at the next meeting.

Moved by Kubin, supported by Roehrs to adjourn at 7:10 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine Goettling

Planning Commission Secretary

St. Louis Planning Commission Minutes

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, Nixon, McConkie, Shrum, Kubin, Roehrs, Ward, Whitford

Members Absent: Kelley

Also Present: KatherineGoettlingPlanningCommission SecretaryPhilHansenDDADirectorNancyRoehrsCity Clerk/Treasurer

Moved by Kubin, supported by Shrum to approve the minutes from the regular meeting June 21, 2005. All ayes.

Public Hearing – Final Land Use Plan Chairman Doepker opened Public Hearing at 7:03 P.M. to approve the Final Land Use Plan and Recommend to City Council. Hansen stated that the City of Alma requested that the City of St. Louis refer to the Rails to Trails program and specifically mention the City of Alma in our Land Use Plan. They feel that it will benefit both the cities in the future with the population count in Grant applications. Members suggested changing the residential part on South Main St. to Commercial in the Future Land Use Plan.

Moved by Ward, supported by Whitford to approve the Final Land Use Plan with the changes of City of Alma trails being mentioned and the Residential along Main St. being changed to Commercial. All ayes.

Public Hearing closed at 7:13 P.M.

Meeting Dates Members discussed changing the meeting dates from the third Tuesday of every month to the second Wednesday of every month.

Moved by Roehrs, supported by Shrum to change the meeting dates from the third Tuesday of every month to the second Wednesday of every month. All ayes.

McConkie presented the members with an informational packet on Cooperative Land Use Planning with the Joint Municipal Planning Act. He would like the members to review it. He would like to see future cooperation between the townships and the city. The city needs to get Land Use Plans from the townships. Members agreed that would be a great idea.

Moved by Roehrs, supported by Shrum to adjourn at 7:40 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine Goettling

Planning Commission Secretary

The August Planning Commission Meeting was cancelled due to lack of business.
St. Louis Planning Commission Meeting

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, Nixon, Kelley, Kubin, Roehrs, Ward Members

Absent: McConkie, Shrum, Whitford

Also Present: Katherine Goettling Planning Commission Secretary Brittany Reed St. Louis High School Student Representative Ali Smith St. Louis High School Student Representative Bryan Nieman 323 S. Euclid St.

Moved by Kubin, supported by Nixon to approve the minutes from the regular meeting July 19, 2005. All ayes.

Lot Split A lot split request was submitted by John Ayris. John is requesting Lot 161 Westgate Park to be split in half, therefore allowing him to Combine the E 50’ onto Lot 162 of which he owns.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Ward to allow Lot 161 Westgate Park to be split in half. The E 50’ will be combined onto Lot 162 and the W 50’ will be combined onto Lot 160. All ayes.

Bryan Nieman submitted a request to operate a Pool Hall at 603 E. Washington. Mr. Nieman would like to have seven pool tables available for people of all ages to enjoy. He would like to have pool leagues Monday thru Sunday from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. He will provide soda and snack vending machines and no alcohol will be sold. The Planning members agreed that this type of business is allowed under the C-2 district, therefore; Mr. Nieman may operate such business.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Roehrs to adjourn at 7:15 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine Goettling

Planning Commission Secretary

The October Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of business.
There was no quorum for the November Planning Commission meeting.
St. Louis Planning Commission Meeting

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Doepker at 7:03 P.M.

Members Present: Doepker, Nixon, McConkie, Kelley, Shrum Members

Absent: Kubin, Roehrs, Ward, Whitford

Also Present: Katherine Goettling Planning Commission Secretary Phil Hansen Downtown Development Director

Moved by Kelley, supported by Shrum to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on September 14, 2005. All ayes.

Land Use Plans were distributed to board members. Discussed updates to City Ordinance. Re-Zoning Request A re-zoning request was submitted by the City of St. Louis. The City is asking to re-zone 210 North St. This property was recently purchased by the City and they would like it to be zoned C-1 to coincide with the property that adjoins it on the corner of Mill St. and North St.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Shrum to set a public hearing for Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. All ayes.

Moved by Kelley, supported by Shrum to adjourn at 7:43 P.M. All ayes.

Katherine Goettling

Planning commission Secretary