William O. Douglas Honors College

Unit Strategic Plan


January 2014Page 2


UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
1.1a) CWU DHC program will meet national honors teaching and learning standards / -NCHC External Review report with no major weaknesses / Programming meets or exceeds NCHC standards by end 2016 / Director of DHC / -Mapping of DHC curriculum (2014)
-Self-Study (2015)
-NCHC External Accreditation Review (2016) / $8,000 NCHC Accreditation Review
1.1b) DHC students and recent alums exhibit stronger career preparation and community engagement through participation in DHC leadership programming and participation in community based research / -LLC and DHC 101 include Leadership in programming and syllabus
-Increased DHC syllabi with distinct leadership component
-Community based research option built into syllabi and supported through DHC Civil Engagement track (see 4.1)
-?? How to measure outcome? / -Distinct leadership track built-in to LLC programming and based on DHC 101 syllabus
-15% of DHC courses include a leadership and/or community based research component by Dec 2015 / Director of DHC / Develop Leadership Track of DHC programming
- Revise DHC 101 syllabus; inclusion of team-taught section with CLCE
- LLC programming regularized to include Leadership track
-Targeting of DHC syllabi to most organically include leadership and community based research components (based on info from mapping exercise) / ?? Possibility we will need to contribute toward CLCE (Manuel’s) staff time for DHC 101
-$10,000. /two or $5,000./one new course(s) to support Leadership/mentoring track
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
1.2a) Recruitment and advising that results in increased enrollment in Upper Division Honors track / -Percent of students enrolled in Upper Division Honors track
-Two articulation agreements signed with Community Colleges / -10% increase in recruitment/ retention of students into Upper Division Honors track by Dec. 2015 / Director of DHC / -Strengthened attention to spring quarter sophomore class for recruitment into Upper Division Honors track
-Increased focus on full DHC degree in recruitment and outreach to prospective first year students and on upper division track to transfer/Running Start students / $3,000 Funding for travel, hosting, recruiting materials, rack cards

* Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective.


UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
2.1a) Strengthened sense of community among DHC faculty and students / -Attendance at ‘all-College’ functions
-End of year survey finds increasing sense of cross-class and student-faculty interaction / -75% student attendance; 30% faculty attendance
-Initial governance structure established and leaders elected by Dec. 2014 / Director of DHC / -Increased number of joint faculty/student functions
-Student governance structure established
-Increased emphasis on DHC faculty as a cohesive faculty / $2,000 Funding for hosting
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
2.2a) Recruit and retain diverse students / Percentage of students / -15% increase of students enrolled in DHC by Dec. 2015 / Director of DHC / -Strongly increase essay element of DHC application
-Ongoing outreach to CWU units that serve diverse constituencies
-Targeted outreach to prospective students
-Increased scholarship money
-Ensure DHC syllabi are inclusive of all contributors to disciplines under consideration / $8,000 Funding for travel, outreach materials, hosting events, scholarship support and possible dual language materials / It would be very helpful of OE could provide accurate data
2.2b) Mentoring programs targeted to low income and 1st gen. college students / -Pilot program with Thorpe Middle School established
-Pilot program with Kittitas County Youth Mentoring Services established
-Learning outcomes for mentorship track of DHC / -Pilot program with Thorpe agreed and developed by 2015 (Q3)
-Pilot program with Kittitas Co. Youth Services agreed and developed by 2014 (Q3) / Director of DHC / -CWU/DHC Thorpe Middle School agreement
-CWU/DHC Kittitas Co. Youth Services agreement
-Curriculum revised to include faculty mentored credits for mentoring engagements
-Learning outcomes and assessment mechanisms developed / $3,000 travel
2.2c) Recruit diverse faculty to College / Percentage of diverse faculty / Increase of diversity of faculty / Director of DHC / -Targeted outreach to prospective faculty
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
2.3a) DHC courses cover widest possible array of disciplines and content areas / Courses fully meet DHC course outcomes for diversity and inter-disciplinarity / Full compliance with course outcomes / Director of DHC / -Curricular mapping
-Syllabus review
-Outreach to faculty in gap areas for curricular development / Staff time for mapping and ongoing syllabus review and evaluation may exceed current DHC administrative capacity

* Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective.


UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
3.1a) Facilitate student participation in under-graduate research fora / -Student participation in SOURCE, WRHC and NCHC conferences
-Student publication of research
-Student/ faculty co-researched and presented work / -% increase of student conference presentations
-Course research components lead to student participation in conferences/ publication of research / Director of DHC / -Increase enrollment in Upper Division Honors track
-Outreach to faculty to ensure students are encouraged to submit research for presentation/publication
-Development of a DHC Faculty Fellows category based on co-researched work and presentation/ publication with students / $6,000 Increased funding to support student participation at professional conferences and faculty/student research (NCHC travel for 2 professional staff and 2-3 students)
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
3.2a) Obtain grant and private donation funding / -Grant proposals submitted
-% of donor cultivation leading to proposal review and prospect visits / -Increase grants and donations received / -Director of DHC
-Foundation Office
-Development Officer / -Development of Alumni database and outreach materials
-Quarterly outreach to alumni
-Increase support of External Advisory Committee to donor outreach
-Strengthened inclusion of alumni in DHC events / $4,500 Funding to support prospect outreach, including travel for visits

* Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective.


UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
4.1a) Develop Civic Engagement track of DHC programming centered on community-based research / -DHC 101 as foundation for addition of civic engagement curricular track
-Funding received for curricular development of multi-quarter civic engagement track
-curricular revisions in place / -Evaluations targeted to course experience in SEOIs
-Increased participation in civic engagement programming following participation in DHC 101 / -Director of DHC
-Development Officer / -Syllabus developed with and team-taught by Director, CLCE
-Use development of DHC 101 as cornerstone for development of DHC Civic Engagement programming track
-Grant proposals submitted
-Curriculum revised to include mentored credits for community-based research work / Funding for curricular development and staffing of civic engagement track
(student travel, faculty salary, course development - $12,000/two faculty or $7,000/one faculty)
4.1b) Develop International Experiential Learning Program with GIVE / Funding received for 2 quarter (spring and summer) IELP course in sustainable development and to support student participation / -5 students participate in GIVE from 2015 DHC cohort and 8 in 2016 cohort
-Student cohorts play forward their learning experience into further DHC study / -Director of DHC / -Syllabus developed and course staffed
-Funding sources identified
-Course outcomes developed / -$20,000. to support 10 students at 50% or 5 students at 100%
-$5,000. faculty salary for spring course
-$5,000 faculty salary for summer course
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment

* Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective.


UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
5.1a) Develop Ledger 2 funding sources / -Ledger 2 allocations / -Increase Ledger 2 funds / -Director of DHC
-Associate Provost / -Pilot summer course
-Outreach to Centers and development of clear designation of honors coursework on transcripts
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
5.2a) DHC’s three Program tracks increase or maintain FTES through enlarged course offerings and strengthened administrative structure / -FTES in all tracks
-Number of courses offered
-Monitor retention and enrollment / -Increased FTES
-Steady or increased retention to graduation / -Director of DHC / -Continued programming for and outreach to students
-Funding for increased DHC curriculum to allow for larger student body
-Funding for ½ time Assistant Director position
-Increase participation in Upper Division Honors track / -Funding for increased number of courses offered
-Funding for strengthened administrative structure
OE data would be very useful here, if accurate
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment
UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship.
Unit Outcomes / Indicators / Expected Performance
(Criterion) / Indicator/Performance Level Reported By / Key Strategies/ Initiatives / Budget/Resource
Analysis / Outcome Assessment

* Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective.

January 2014Page 2