Environmental Sciences Section (ESS) Phone Conference

February 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Participants: - Judy Morgan – Chair (Environmental Science Corporation); ); Jack Farrell-Vice Chair (Analytical Excellence); Richard Burrows (Testamerica); Annie Carter (Brooks Rand Labs); Charlie Carter (Testamerica); Zoe Grosser (Perkin Elmer); Tom Hungerford (S-F Analytical Labs); Joe Konschnik (Resteck); Joanne Simanic (Microbac Labs); Jerry Singh (RTI Labs); David Speis (Accutest Labs); Pete Unger (A2LA); Steve Vanderboom (Pace Analytical Services); Bob Wyeth (Pace Analytical Services); Milt Bush (CEO); David Friedman (Friedman Consulting); & Tony Anderson (SEO).

1.0  Call to order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. EDT.

2.0  Introductions:

Members introduced themselves as they joined the call.

3.0  Anti Trust Statement:

The members acknowledged they had read and understood their obligations under the statement.

4.0  Review and Approval of Minutes of January 20, 2010 Teleconference meeting

Motion to accept: Mr. Farrell

Seconded: Mr. Wyeth. Approved unanimously.

5.0  Value of Independent Testing Talking Points:-

Mr. Bush gave an overview of the value of Independent Testing video program that will be filmed at the Winter meeting and what we are looking for from the ESS section in particular. He went on to say that the day after the Winter meeting will be for visits to the Hill. The new web site on independent testing will be rolled out and running and there will be an opportunity to show staffers. The talking points from the previous year will be used as a starting point for the ESS video interviews.

Action: A task group consisting of Ms. Morgan, Mr. Wyeth, Mr. Farrell, Mr. Carter and Mr. Speis will develop the talking points for the ESS video.

6.0 ELAB Report :

Mr. Speis reported that there have been two ELAB meetings since the last ESS teleconference call: a face-to-face meeting in Savannah and the regular teleconference meeting yesterday. The format for face-to-face meeting was changed to allow some mini presentations on the topics they have been working on. One topic was the sufficiently sensitive methods rule that came out last summer and some bullet items had been put together on areas of disagreement. There has been an effort to work with the Office of Water to get them to discuss our concerns. Regarding the Methods Innovation Rule, ELAB submitted some detailed concerns which resulted in a joint discussion with the final result being a draft SW846 policy that both ELAB and the Office of Resource, Conservation and Recovery (ORCR) deemed suitable. The next step is to get senior management review and sign-off and will be included in Update V of SW846. New issues include recreational water quality criteria and data quality objectives. There was considerable discussion at the face-to-face meeting about third party accreditation.

Mr. Bush read an e-mail (attached) from Cabot Earle following a lobbyist meeting held last week in New Jersey concerning laboratory accreditation in the State. The lobbying firm is putting together a proposal on how to move forward. ACIL is considering bringing the issue to ELAB for assistance, but further discussion is needed to determine what role ELAB may have as the initiative progresses.

Action: A teleconference call to be set up to discuss the situation on third party accreditation, and in particular the NJ opportunity. Members of the ESS and Government Relations Committee to be invited to participate on the call with Cabot Earle.

Ms. Morgan asked Mr. Bush what was the status of listserv. Mr. Bush stated that it was being Beta tested at the moment.

Mr. Vanderboom brought up the issue of new legislation in Minnesota exempting Municipal laboratories from being certified for drinking water and wastewater discharges. He inquired about the process to get ACIL involved. Mr. Bush asked Mr. Vanderboom to send him an e-mail regarding the matter.

Action: Mr. Anderson to send the information to the ESS section. (Already actioned).

It was suggested that the Rhode Island model be used to respond to this proposed legislation.

6.0  Winter Meeting Planning:

Mr. Friedman presented the final agenda for the Winter meeting. (attached). Judy Biggert of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, will be the Plenary and opening speaker. She will be giving and update on their activities and priorities. Then the ESS section starts at 9:00 and runs till noon. The luncheon speaker will be Pat Gallagher, Director of NIST. There will be invited EPA people at the luncheon that will be participating in the ESS sessions in the afternoon. Mr. Friedman has talked with Jerry Parr of TNI to get the meeting announcement in Catalyst, and it will be put in. Mr. Parr will not be attending the meeting. Mr. Konschnik stated that he would put something up on the Restek web site announcing the meeting.

Action: Mr. Anderson to ask Mr. Bright if phone in capability can be provided. Greg Small Director of the Office of Water is one EPA official who wants to participate along with several others from the Office of Water. Mr. Bright to contact Judy Morgan to work out the logistics.

7.0  NEMC Planning:

Mr. Speis reported on the NEMC ACIL Session and stated that so far no topics had been sent in to him. The call for papers is about to be sent out and is posted on the NEMC Web Site. Mr. Speis reminded members that the idea is to create some visibility for ACIL. The session title is the same as last year, “Operational & Advocacy Issues for the Commercial Environmental Laboratory Industry.” The deadline for submission is March/April. Possible topics and presenters were discussed including someone from the National Governors Association with regard the third party accreditation issue. It was suggested Mr. Bush might be able to speak on that issue from ACIL.

Action: Ms. Morgan reminded members that papers for NEMC should be sent in by the deadline, which is March 28, 2011

8.0 Membership report:

Mr. Bright was not available to be on the call. Tabled till the next meeting

9.0 State Accreditation – White Paper:

See agenda item 6.0.

10.0  Possible time change for ESS teleconferences:

There have not been sufficient responses to the section poll so far to see whether a time change would be necessary. Tabled until next meeting.

11.0 Status of Action Items:-

Items had been covered on the call.

12.0 A.O.B.

Mr. Anderson reminded Ms. Morgan about setting up a call with Cabot Earle regarding the third party accreditation initiative.

Action: Ms. Morgan to organize.

Action: Ms. Morgan to send Mr. Anderson a request for papers for NEMC for distribution to the ESS Section.

13.0 Next Conference Call: March 17, 2011; 11:00 a.m. EST

Note: there will be an ESS Section meeting at the ACIL Winter meeting on March 29, 2011 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT.

14.0 Adjournment: 12:10 p.m. EST.


ESS EC Minutes 02-17-11