British Columbia Criminal Justice Association

Affiliated with the Canadian Criminal Justice Association


Certificate of Incorporation:S 5360Charity Number: 0879429-59C

MINUTESBoard of Directors Meeting

Thursday March 19, 2009 at 12:00PM

Justice Institute of British Columbia

Room A128 (Beside the Cafeteria)


Sandra Manzardo – Chair / Teal Maedel / Jim Phelps
Jim White / Christopher Thomson / Tim Stiles
John Braithwaite / Joe Bailey / Art Gordon
Glenn Angus

NB. Quorum (five or more Members)


Judy Croft / Sandra Thiessen / Cari Turi – Hawaii!!!
Tim Veresh / Jeff Christian / Lara Davidsen
Bob Lusk / Mike White / Jake McCullough
(Palm Desert)
David MacIntyre / Peter Coulson / Patrick Lussier
Michael Wilson

N.B. There was no Program Committee Meeting

1.Approval of Agenda
Motion to Approve March 19, 2009 Agenda

Motion by:John BraithwaiteSeconded by:Tim Stiles


2.Approval of Minutes
Motion to Approve Minutes of the February 19, 2009 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Moved by:Christopher ThomsonSeconded by:Teal MaedelApproved

3.Committee Updates


Host CCJA Congress in 2013 – Jeff Christian

The following motion was passed at a previous meeting:

BCCJA open exploratory discussions with CCJA on holding Congress 2013 in BC

Motion by:John BraithwaiteSeconded by:Glenn AngusApproved

The BCCJA Board made a formal submission to hold the 2013 Congress in BC, which included suggestions to change the planning process and structure of the Congress. John Braithwaite presented our proposal at the CCJA Board Meeting in October 2008. CCJA welcomed our proposal and agreed to engage in discussions focused on the organization and process required to improve planning, financing and promotion of this and future Congresses.

It was felt that BCCJA might need staff to develop and operate this Congress.

Jeff Christian will arrange a meeting with Kathy Gregory and Irving Kulik to initiate planning for the 2013 Congress

Jeff Christian has contacted Irving Kulik. Jeff would like to hold a meeting in BC between the BCCJA Board and Kathy Gregory and Irving Kulik to discuss the proposed changes to future Congresses.

Kathy Gregory is also considering a trip to Victoria to assist in the development of the Victoria Branch of BCCJA.

CCJA Congress 2009 in Halifax – Jeff Christian

Regarding the 2009 Congress, the Board discussed the possibility of presenting BC programs, such as Insight and Community Court, at the 2009 Congress. It may be possible to arrange funding for resource persons to do the presentations.

Jeff Christian will contact the Planning Committee to explore their interest in BC Content and Resources at the upcoming Congress.
BCCJA contact the Government of BC (Attorney General) to request financial support to send Speakers to make presentations, e.g., Drug Court and/or Insite, at the 2009 CCJA Congress

Moved by:John BraithwaiteSeconded by:Sandra Manzardo


Tim Stiles arranged for the government to pay transportation costs to send Judge Gove, Community Court, to speak at the Congress.


Dave MacIntyre will contact Vancouver Coastal Health to explore the possibility of sending a Speaker from Insite to the Congress

CSC Community Forums

CSC is arranging 3 – 5 Community Forums. BCCJA could help develop the Program and provide Moderators. Topics suggested include Sex Exploitation, Gangs, and Technology (Facebook used to find offenders). It was suggested that Victim’s Groups be invited to Community Forums.

BCCJA will collaborate with CSC to create the Community Forums

Moved by:Tim VereshSeconded by:Bob Lusk


Forums will be delivered in a variety of communities. Topics will include:

  • Managing High Risk Offenders in the Community
  • Prevention of Crime in Communities

Tim Veresh, Cari Turi and Chris Thomson will be involved.

Two Forums have been approved to date. BC Yukon Halfway House Association has made a submission proposing 3 additional forums. The Victoria BCCJA group will assist with the Victoria Forum.

A Forum: Public Safety is Everyone’s Business, was held on March 4th, 2009 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at the SFU Campus at #250 – 13450 102nd Ave., Surrey, BC. Teal Maedel reported that the Forum went well. The delegates included approximately 100 CSC employees, various Criminal Justice representatives and professionals, and a few citizens.

BCCJA planned to participate in the Kelowna Forum. Joe Bailey and Teal Maedel were scheduled to go to the Forum on March 19th but the Forum was postponed.

Should we be looking at a Branch of BCCJA in Kelowna?

Third Biannual Forensic Mental Health Conference – Art Gordon

The Regional Treatment Centre (CSC) in collaboration with UFV, SFU, etc., is arranging this conference, which will take place October 20 – 22, 2009 at the Simon Fraser University Downtown Campus. Approximately 200 delegates (by invitation only) could attend at this venue. There is no registration fee. CSC pays $25,000 of the $28,000 costs to hold this Conference. It may be appropriate for the CCJA President to attend and the Mental Health Report to be an Agenda item for the conference.

Art Gordon contact the conference organizers to explore the involvement of BCCJA and CCJA in this conference

Moved by:Art GordonSeconded by:Lara Davidsen


BCCJA contribute $1500 to become a partner in this Conference and will receive 20 seats at the Conference and arrange Speakers, Events and Display

Moved by:Art GordonSeconded by:Tim Veresh


The money will be requested from the Treasurer when it is needed.

BCCJA/UBC Innocence Project Event –Tim Veresh


Tim Veresh will explore possibility of Joint Sponsorship of a Forum in June on the UBC Innocence Project

Tim Veresh provided this update by email dated March 17, 2009:

Regrettably, I am unable to attend the Program Committee Meeting and the Board Meeting on March 19, 2009.

I would like to provide you with an update on the BCCJA/UBC Innocence Project Event. We have set the date of Thursday June 18, 2009 at the Law Courts Inn, Vancouver, between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm. We are planning on approximately 100 people attending. There will be a cash bar and appetizers.I am requesting the BCCJA Board consider the Motion to support this event in the amount of $1,500.00. These funds will go towards the rental of the space and the appetizers. BCCJA will have the opportunity to moderate this event, provide signage and solicit memberships. All BCCJA Members will be invited to attend and the invitation may be posted on the website.

We are planning on an address from the Blackmore Foundation, UBC Dean of Law, Innocence Project Advisory Representative and an attorney who has successfully exonerated their client (name to be announced).

If you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to contact me. Tim


BCCJA provide $1500 funding for the BCCJA/UBC Innocence Project Event.

Moved by:Jim PhelpsSeconded by:Art Gordon


Program Calendar – Jim White

ACTION – Jim White

Jim will develop the Calendar listing BCCJA Projects with dates and it will be placed on the BCCJA Website

He will add a number of useful links to the BCCJA Website, as well

4.Treasurer's Report – Judy Croft

Total assets are $22,304.74 of which $20,000 is in term deposits. One of the terms comes due monthly ($5,000) so we can access funds when we need them.

Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report

Moved by:Joe BaileySeconded:Tim Stiles



Karen Spears Resignation

A Letter of Resignation was received from Karen Spears. She has accepted a one year temporary assignment as a Policy Analyst within the Victim Services and Crime Prevention Division, and the commitments of the new position do not allow her to attend and participate in the BCCJA meetings.


The Resignation of Karen Spears is accepted with regret.

Moved by:Chris ThomsonSeconded:Tim Stiles


The President will write Karen Spears.

6.Old Business


A presentation to the Board on the “Victim Safety Unit will be arranged.

Chris Thomson advised on Feb. 18, 2009:

I have confirmed that Anita Lee or one of the other staff from Victim Services will be available on April 16th for our next meeting.

The Victim Services Presentation will occur at 12:10PM. Anita Lee and Bruce Foster (Victim Services Unit Director) will make the presentation.


John Braithwaite, Jim Hackler, and Bob Brown are developing a Victoria Branch of BCCJA. They may request funding from BCCJA.

Pete Coulson and Marna Leland may be interested in the Victoria Branch. Chief of Victoria Police, Jamie Graham, is willing to participate. Camosun College may be the venue.

The Victoria Branch is planning to meet around September 2009.

2009 Joint Symposium with BC Crime Prevention Association – Jeff Christian

The next Symposium will be held September 24th – 26th at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel in Surrey. Chris Thomson will represent BCCJA at the planning meetings. He participated in a Conference Call and the next meeting is planned for April 2009. Topics under consideration include: Gangs, Technology and Intervention with Youth. They are looking for Speakers.



Tim Veresh will arrange for a presentation

Tim Veresh will arrange for Mark Townsend from the Portland Hotel Society to present at the May Meeting of the Board


From: Linda Windibank [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:05 PM
Cc: 'Rick Craig', 'Patricia Byrne'
Subject: Consent to Use Name

Dear Mr. Christian,
I believe you spoke earlier with our Executive Director, Rick Craig. As he explained, we are about to start the process of changing our legal name to Justice Education Society of British Columbia and want to verify that there are no conflicts with other organizations. Rick indicated that you did not have any objections but that you needed to pass it by your Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting. Attached is the ?Consent to Use Name? form that needs to be signed by an authorized signatory for your organization and returned to my attention. Please do not hesitate to contact Rick or myself if you have any questions at all.
Thank you very much for your help.
LindaS. Windibank| Finance & Facilities Manager
Law Courts Education Society of BC
260 - 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5
T. 604-775-0131 | F. 604-775-3476

Registrar of Companies

2nd Floor, 940 Blanshard Street

Victoria, B.C.

V8W 3E6

The British Columbia Criminal Justice Association, a society duly incorporated under the laws of British Columbia hereby consents to the incorporation or change of name of a society under the name "Justice Education Society of British Columbia", or any variation thereof acceptable to you.

Signed and dated the ______of ______, 2009.


Per: ______

Authorized Signatory


Jeff Christian will change the wording and sign the declaration, which will be sent under a covering letter.

Moved by:Jeff ChristianSeconded by:Lara Davidsen


Action Completed by Jeff Christian


ACTIONBCCJA has two tickets to the “Power Within” which may be given as a prize at the BCCJA display at the Forum on March 4, 2009.

Tim Veresh gave the tickets away.

A number of suggestions were made:

  • Use Members to work on BCCJA projects (an up-to-date list of Members is needed – Glenn Angus
  • Create a BCCJA Award – John Braithwaite
  • Hold an Open House with coffee, appetizers, etc.
  • Newsletter
  • Publicize BCCJA at the Justice Institute
  • Award to organizations in the community that make a contribution to Criminal Justice System – Chris Thomson
  • Joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce


Members are Bob, Glenn, Jeff, Jake and Chris.

Search will include efforts to obtain young Members who are active in the Criminal Justice System. We may need to alter meeting times and dates so they can attend Board Meetings. The next Executive needs to be established.

7.New Business
8. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday April 16, 2009 at 12:00 Noon

Justice Institute of BC

Room C205

(Come at 11:30AM for Lunch at the Cafeteria. Tell Cashier that you are with BCCJA and your lunch will be paid for by BCCJA)

9. Adjournment

Motion by:Art GordonSeconded by:Jim White

NB. Send Jeff Christian final Minutes to be posted on the website.