296.John de Lungeviller'aliasde Lungwilleresaliasde Lungvylers.

Writ, 25 Oct. 38 Hen. III.Inq. (undated.)
He died on Friday after St. Michael last. John, his son, aged 24, is his heir.

Lincoln; Lindsey.Apelby, a moiety held of the king in chief by ½ knight's fee (fn. 1) .

York.Writ, 25 Oct. 38 Hen. III.Extent. Thursday the vigil of St. Leonard, 39 Hen. III (defaced).
Hoton manor in Richemundsire (extent given) held of Sir Roger de Mubray in chief.
Kyrkeby upon Werf manor (extent given) held of Edmund de Lassi, service unspecified.
Farnelay town (extent given), tenure unspecified: Isabel de Wrydelesford holds part for life, and the abbot of Kyrkestal has 12s. yearly from a watermill.
Akanescale (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Hetun town (extent given), including a moiety of a mill out of which the abbot of Kyrkestal has of the gift of the said John's father 5s. with his body, tenure unspecified, but the said abbot has 26s. 8d. yearly of the gift of the said John for one pittance.
Brerelay manor (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Colling manor (extent given), tenure unspecified.

Lands held by knight's service in Cravene, viz:—
Heton, 3 carucates held by Eustace de Ryleston by foreign service, and 3 carucates by Henry de Sevyle.
Geregrave, 2 carucates similarly held by John le Flemmeng.
Akewrthe, 1½ carucate similarly held by the said John.
Neusum, ½ carucate similarly held by Adam de Neusum.
[Farnhil], 1 carucate similarly held by William de Farnhil.
[Conotlay ?] 5 bovates similarly held by Elias de Conotlay.
Cuniglay, ½ carucate similarly held by William [F?]rapefaute.
[Farnhyl] ½ carucate similarly held by Alexander de Farnhyl.
Farnhyl, 2 bovates similarly held by Tirille (?) daughter of Adam.
Geregrave, 2 carucates similarly held by William de Bramton.
Farnhyl and Cuniglay, 1 carucate similarly held by the prior of Boue[lton].
Esseton, ½ carucate similarly held by Robert de Esseton, and ½ carucate by the abbot of . . .
Kirkeby, Farnelay and Brerelay manors were held by the said John de Lungewylers of Edmund de Lascy by (2 knights and ½ (?)) and ¼ knight.

452. / Richard De Percy and William de Percy.
York. / Extent(undated).
Tadecastre manor (extent given); the mills and fisheries which pertain to the king, save 62s. 8d. which the prior of Park, Robert de Brus and Thomas le Lardiner receive yearly, and of which the late wife of William de Percy ought to acquit a third part, (are worth) 11l. 10s.
York. / Extent(undated but endorsed43Hen. (III)).
Spoford manor (extent given), including a pasture called Wetecroft and Tidouerker; and the parson's men owe to the king 3s. 2d. for 4 carucates and 26 swathes (fauciliis) yearly.
Linton manor (extent given).
York. / Inq. (undated.)
Toppeclive manor (extent given), including Aystanby.
Carleton (extent given with names of tenants).
Grisethwayth, 2 bovates land held by Robert the forester, rendering 6s. yearly.
Wilton manor, held by John de Bulemer, rendering 10l. yearly.
Marton Grange, held by the abbot of Fountains, rendering 8s. yearly.
Tatecastre manor (extent given with names of tenants).
Spoford manor and advowson (extent given with names of tenants), including:—
Kereby manor, held by Thomas de Arches by 6s. yearly.
Linton manor (extent given with names of tenants).
Langestrothe (extent given with names of free tenants), viz.:—
Setel manor, held by Henry de Percy by 50s. yearly.
Raheved, pasture held by Rayner de Scotthorp by 5s.
Swinden, 4 bovates land held by William Pollard by 6d.
[Halton?] 2 bovates by Hugh de Halton in the same by 4d.
Westby, held by Ada de Westby by 8s. 6d.
Malgum, held by the abbot of Fountains by 5s.
Treskefeld, held by John de Hamerton by 11s.
Ilkelay, held by Peter de Percy by 21s. 4d.
Gersington, held by the heir of Nigel de Plumton by ...
York. / Inq. (undated but endorsed43Hen. III).
Catton manor and advowson (extent given), including 7 mills on one pond in Derewent at StamfordBridge (Pontem Belli).
Nafferton manor (extent given), including cottars in Wandesford and Foston, members of Nafferton, and 12a. and 1r. land in Lekinfeud.
470. / William de Kymaaliasde Kyme.
Writ(of certiorari)de feodisto the sheriff of York, 13 Oct. 44 Hen. III.Inq. (undated.)
York. / Wlsington, 2 carucates land, whereof 12 make one knight's fee, held by Mauger le Vavasur of the said William directly.
Neuton town, 2½ bovates land, whereof 14 carucates make a fee, held by Hugh de Brinkel; 2 bovates held by John de Oxkumbe in the same town; 4 bovates held by Elias, son of William Clerk; 1 bovate held by John Broket; and 1½ bovate held by John Clerk, of the same fee.
Touleston, 1½ carucates, whereof 14 make a fee, held by William de Elkenton.
Coningeston and Smawes, 3½ carucates, whereof 12 make a fee, held by Ralph de Normanvile.
Torneton and Ylkelay, 1 carucate whereof 12 make a fee, held by Peter de Percy in free marriage.
Tornet[on], 2 bovates held by William le Rus.
Kellebrok, 2 bovates of the same fee held by Matthew de Kelbrok.
Euerby, 1 bovate held by Geoffrey Wyllun; and 2 bovates held by Godfrey de Alta Ripa, whereof 12 carucates make a fee.
Catherton, 2½ carucates, whereof 14 make a fee; of which the prior of Park holds 9 bovates and 40a. of William de Katherton, who held of the said William de Kyme; the abbot of Furnes holds a toft and 20a.; Adam le Cerf of York holds 3 tofts, and ½ carucate of the said W. de Katherton, who held of the said W. de Kyme; Walter de Grimeston similarly holds a toft and 1 bovate land; and the rest the said W. de Katherton held direct.
Touleston, 1 carucate, whereof 14 make a fee, is held by Thomas de Katherton of William de Katherton, and ½ carucate similarly held by the prior of Park, and the said William held them of William de Kyme.
Neuton in Cravene, 4 carucates, whereof 14 make a fee, held by William de Katherton direct.
Elleslakein Cravene, 2 carucates, whereof 14 make a fee, held by Ralph Darel of William de Catherton, who held of the said William de Kyme; and 1 carucate held by William de Marton direct of the same W. de Kymb'.
Thorneton, 1 bovate held by William Tempeste direct; and 1 bovate by Robert de Stock.
Wylberfoss, 5 carucates, whereof 23 make a fee, were held by foreign service, viz.—William son of Simon de Wylberfoss held 9 bovates direct; William le Rus 3 bovates, whereof Thomas de Boulton holds 2 in wardship of the gift of W. de Kyme, and the wife of W. le Rus holds one in dower; Robert Burdun 6 bovates of Alan de Katherton, and he of W. de Kymb'; the prioress of Wylberfoss 3 bovates of Robert Burdun, and he of Alan de Katherton, and he of W. de Kyme, 3 bovates of William son of Simon, and he of W. de Kyme, and 1 bovate of the heir of William le Rus, and he of W. de Kyme; Peter le Rus holds 2 bovates of the said heir, and he of W. de Kyme; Thomas son of Randolph holds 1 bovate of William son of Simon, and he of W. de Kyme; Peter le Rus similarly holds one bovate; Goscelin de Wylberfoss holds 2 bovates of Robert Burdun, and he of Alan de Katherton, and he of W. de Kyme; Hugh son of Hugh similarly holds 2 bovates; Laurence son of Thomas 2 bovates; Laurence son of Alan 2 bovates; Robert son of Simon 2 bovates; and Nicholas Walding and Agnes daughter of Alexander de Wylberfoss 1 bovate. (SeeNo. 690.)
C. Hen. III. File24. (5.)

30th Henry 8th augmentations

327. / Sir Wm. Percye. 104l. 6s. 8d. annuity out of lands of the late earl of Northumberland in Preston, Gysborn, andLangstrothdale, Yorks., with stewardship of Pokelington and Catton, Yorks.: and a sum of 62l. 8s. 4d. for arrears. 14 Jan. [On surrender of patents by the late earl and his father].
8 / LangstrothdaleChase, parish of Arncliffe.
9 / Now called Crey, Hubberholme, Yockenthwaite, Raysgill, Deepdale, Beckermonds, and Oughtershaw. The latter is grossly corrupted from the original Ughtred-stall.
10 / Now called Cray gill. The enclosure is called Cray Cow Close.

No. 66.—At Lancaster, on the morrow of St. Martin, 26 Henry III [12th November, 1241].

Between John, Abbot of Fountains, by brother Robert, his Monk, put in his place, and William de Percy, (fn. 7) by Richemann Calle, put in his place, upon the plea that the said William deforced him from pasture in Longestrode, (fn. 8) contrary to the charters of his ancestors and his own, which the said Abbot has, and which William acknowledged before the Justices Itinerant at York, and warranted to the said Abbot. And the said Abbot complained that albeit he recovered his seisin in the said pasture against the said William before the Justices at York, nevertheless William raised lodges and hays in the said pasture, and enclosed about eight score acres of good pasture, whereby the Abbot has so much the less access thereto.

William grants for himself and his heirs, that the Abbot and his successors shall have pasture to the quantity of twenty brood mares (matrices), with offspring of three years, and eight stallions throughout Longestrode, except within the enclosures around William's lodges, to wit, of Crey, Huberham, Yoghannetheit, Risegile, Depedale, Bekeresmotes, and Uhtredestal, (fn. 9) but so that these horses shall not be impounded if they by chance enter the said enclosures, but shall be driven out without injury. Also it shall be lawful for the Abbot to have his stud-men in the forest, and a lodge for their use, and to make folds where they will of the said William's wood, or of stone if he will, and to make fire of the wood to brand his horses. And the said William shall cause his foresters, stud-men and cow-herds to swear that they will not maliciously terrify nor chase the said horses, by horn or shout or by other device (machinamentum terroris), in order to drive them quickly from the said pasture, or terrify them so that they shall less freely and fully feed in any part of the pasture. And if any forrester, stud-man or cow-herd of the said William transgress in this respect and be convicted, William and his heirs shall make reasonable amend. Further the said William grants three cows with offspring of one year in the common pasture of Bukeden, and if by chance they make their way into the forest of Longestrode, they shall not be impounded by William and his heirs, or bailiffs, but driven out without injury. Further he grants that the stud-men of the Abbot and his successors shall take sufficient estovers for fuel in the common wood of Bukedene.

For this concession the Abbot grants to William and his heirs the free enjoyment of an enclosure, which by consent of William and the Abbot, has been made upon Creybecke (fn. 10) , saving to the Abbot and his successors pasture within the same for his horses; and free enjoyment of all the lodges which have been made on the day hereof in the said forest, and liberty to enclose, dyke, and hedge at their will, without gainsay of the Abbot and his successors. But it shall not be lawful to William and his heirs to make more lodges, or more enclosures than already exist, or to enlarge them, except by consent of the Abbot. The Abbot also consents that William and his heirs shall cut hay in the said forest where they will, saving that the places where they do so shall not be put in fence, whereby the Abbot shall be deprived of pasture before harvest time (quo minus), or after at his will.

Be it known also that the Abbot and his successors shall cause their stud-men and cow-herds to abstain from chasing or terrifying William's cattle by horn, or shout, or other device, but if they do so, upon conviction, the Abbot and his successors shall make reasonable amend as abovesaid.

On Saturday night the enclosed schedule (fn. 18) was set upon Arnclif church door, and the vicar, who is rural dean of Craven, gave the parishioners to answer that if they would be bound by writing to discharge him against the King and his ordinary, concerning his body, benefices and goods "he would apply unto them because he was not of power to resist against a multitude." My lord (fn. 19
19 / The Earl of Cumberland.
) , who has had but late word thereof and could not sign this letter, has desired me to inform you that you may advertise my lord Cromwell that the tenants of the earl of Northumberland have destroyed almost all his game inLangstrothdaleand throughout are so wild that they will not live in quietness. The people in every parish demand like beads, Skipton, Sunday night.
18 / Probably the document noticed in Vol. XI., No. 655
Hol., p. 1.Add. Endd.:
"Sir William Fayrfax bill for goods spent and wasted at the abbey of Fereby."
An account of provisions, from which it appears that malt is 6s. 8d., wheat 8s., and pease 5s. a qr., "brawnes" 7s., great fat hogs 6s., hens 3d., veals 2s. 2d., geese 7d. and pigs 5d. each, salt fish 14d. per couple, barrels of white herring 16s., mays of red herring 6s., chaldars of coal 6s., hay 2s. 8d. per load. Fresh fish is mentioned as bought from Andrewmas until the 3rd week in Lent; also a gelding "which they took from Feryby" and barley and wheat "by them destroyed, stolen," &c. Total 199l. 4s. 1d.