Nether Kellet Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting 7th September 2016

Those Present: Cllrs. David Manning (Chairman), David Whitaker, Ian Williams, George Smith, Peter Riley, Chris Halhead; Michael Watson (Clerk); City Cllr. J Roger Mace: Mr Steve Hinde (Chairman of Nether Kellet Village Hall Committee)

Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Judith Bentham

Minutes from the Meeting: 6th July 2016 (enclosed with agendas and previously circulated by email as provisional) were agreed and signed as a true record.

Declarations of Interest: None

PACT (Police Matters): None.

Matters Arising:

(a)  Road Safety and related matters: Pothole on Back Lane bend: some work had been undertaken but further reminder to be sent. Warning lights on Back Lane; this would be taken up at the quarry liaison meeting on 13th September as the lights on approach to Back Lane quarry entrance from Carnforth had not been working and the warning sign on approach from Nether Kellet was considered to be inadequate. Clearance of footway by Back Lane; this was now at its worse; The LYOT, due to cutbacks and change of staff, had not been able to deal with the problem but it was still on the agenda for action. Damage to M6 boundary fence by entrance to Whorleys Lane had been reported to County Highways who indicated that it was probably a Highways Agency issue and they have now been advised. SpID operation: It had been noted that the device had not been operating for at least a month. It was suggested that enquiries be made regarding possible change use to solar power. A reminder to be sent regarding the bollards on the verge on Kellet Lane.

(b)  Not otherwise covered by the agenda:

6  Planning:

(a)  16/00622/ADV: Advertisement application for the erection of a free standing directional sign for Mr Geoff Billington @ corner of Main Road/ Longdales Lane LA6 1EA ~ permission refused by city planners

(b)  16/00606/FUL: Erection of an agricultural building for free-range hens and creation of a new access point for W A Agriculture Ltd @ land to south east of Lower Addington Farm Kirkby Lonsdale Road Halton ~ Following the July meeting (refer Item 6f) consideration was given to concerns raised by residents of Swarthdale by councillors. It was considered that the proposed development was a legitimate agricultural development within an agricultural area and that provided that due concern was given to pollution issues, all legal requirements were adhered to, and that the existing tree cover on the Halton to Kirkby Lonsdale Road was retained or enhanced that there were no objections. A response to planning had been submitted.

(c)  Tree preservation order NO 579 (2016) referring to trees along the south side of Kirkby Lonsdale Road. It was agreed that if planning permission was granted for 16/00606/FUL (6f above), that any trees removed as a result should be replaced by others to increase the shelter belt here. Order approved by City Planners

(d)  16/00954/FUL: Erection of a porch to front elevation for Mrs V Atkinson @Glendene 19 Shaw Lane LA6 1EY ~ No objections ~ Email to planners

(e)  16/01061/FUL: Erection of a replacement porch/garden room to the front for Mr Carl Westworth @ Lunesdale Laithbutts Lane LA6 1EB ~ No objections ~ Email to City Planners

(f)  LCC/2016/OO61: Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 01/06/2004 to permit the use of the existing batching plant until 22nd Feb 2022 @ Dunald Mill Quarry ~ No objections and no action necessary

(g)  16/01053/FUL: Erection of a hay and straw agricultural storage building for Mr A Riley @ Westfield Farm Kellet Lane ~ No objections ~ Email to City Planners

7  Accounts:

(a)  Receipt of donation from Carnforth Rotary towards the cost of the defibrillator cabinet £350.00 CR

(b)  Receipt of Wind Turbine grant from Back Lane Renewables £1025.00 CR

(c)  Community Heartbeat Trust ~ Defibrillator Cabinet (VAT £164.00) £ 984.00

(d)  Mike Ashton ~ Mower Parts (VAT £96.13) £ 576.77

All Accounts matters approved unanimously

8  LALC ~Report from Local meeting 25th July: Police reported that crime figures were down and that in future the police would rely on and use social media. Carnforth Police station is to be sold. In future there is a move for City Council to introduce a charge for collection and use of green bins Next Local meeting Monday 26th September (venue to be advised) Papers to Cllr. David Manning when received.

9  Quarry Matters: Next liaison meetings ~ 13th September ~ As there was a possibility that neither Cllrs George Smith or Ian Williams would be available to attend the Tarmac meeting at 12 noon it was hoped that someone else would attend in their stead. Cllr Smith reminded the councillors that the Tarmac meetings are open for all to attend. Refer also to 5a above.

10  Lengthsman Report: Mainly grass-cutting (6 X since July meeting), strimming of play area, weed-spraying on Main Road and removal of 3 large bags from Village Hall to the tip. One fly-tip removed from Whorleys Lane. 3 site visits to play area with Cllr George Smith. (refer 19 below) Repairs to mower. (refer 7e above) Permit received from ‘County’ for Mikes’s use at Carnforth waste disposal facility

11  Twinning Association: A successful visit to Bussieres took place in July more details of which will be reported next month. A party from France is expected in April 2017.

12  Web-site: No report.

13  Fly Tips: A large ‘tip ’on Whorleys Lane had been reported to City and was speedily removed. A further tip was removed by Mike Ashton. A communication to be sent to Mark Davies with a copy to Cllr Mace asking for City to consider the installation of CCTV to deter miscreants.

14  Footpath Report: The ramp on the approach to the bridge over the M6 had become overgrown with nettles making it uncomfortable for walkers using the path. Cllr Chris Halhead is to visit the site with a view to suggesting what could be done to deal with the problem. The gate on Longdales Lane leading to the path between there and Hill Lane had been painted by the probation service team. Mention was also made of the Lime-kiln situated on the concessionary path, which was becoming overgrown. Whilst it would appear that the face of the lime-kiln, apart from the gate to prevent access to the interior of the kiln, is open to the path, nevertheless it is s concessionary path and the owner is to be consulted if anything is to be done to clear excess growth to reveal this example of industrial archaeology to its full advantage.

15  Defibrillator: The cabinet would be ordered this week (refer 7c above) and then arrangements would be made for it to be installed outside the village hall. The village hall committee would arrange for the electrical connection to be made and any other necessary works. All expenses would be met from the donations already received with any additional costs being met by the parish council.

16  Projects: Cllr Peter Riley has obtained information from suppliers regarding the information board, which was passed to the Chairman for his consideration and to move the project forward.

17 It was agreed that the project would receive the support of the parish council. This would be included in the report for Round and About.

18  Vandalised pay-phone: Cllr George Smith had been in contact with British Telecom and the problem had now been dealt with.

19  Play Area Issues: Following the July meeting a representative from Wicksteeds, who have now taken over the business of PPL and are well-respected in the field of play areas, visited the play area. After an extensive examination a quotation was received from them for repairs to the safety surfacing and the springy animal. The quotation was comprehensive but was at a figure, far beyond what was anticipated. Cllr George Smith had made further enquiries from various sources but was awaiting information from others so that he could submit a full report to councillors for their consideration. It was disappointing to note, however, that the maximum guarantee from any contractor would be only for twelve months.

20  Emergency plan: Steve Hinde chairman of the village hall committee confirmed that he was in agreement to the village hall being used as a focus point for the provision of emergency equipment but would bring the subject up with the rest of the committee. It was suggested also that consideration be given to use being made of the congregational school rooms in the event of an emergency obviously withy their permission. Clerk to contact Mr Bartlett once again for provision of templates to submit a claim for funding. Clerk also to contact Over Kellet Parish Council for a copy of their successful bid.

21  Items for Circulation: CPRE Fieldwork & Countryside Voice Summer’16, Clerks and Councils Direct Sep’16

22  Items for Next Agenda: Nothing

23  Next Meeting of Parish Council: 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 5th October 2016