Research Paper

Honors English 9 Mrs. Day

Paper topic: You will be researching a Times Magazine’s Person of the Year. You will choose one from the list provided, no student in the same class may research the same person. All topics must be approved by the teacher. Choose a person that you not only find interesting but also one that you feel like you will be able to find lots of facts and information about. The point of this paper is to show all sides of an issue.


Use MLA style throughout the paper, complete with proper heading and header with last name and page numbers (beginning with the first page with the heading and ending with the works cited page)

Double-space outline, heading, text of paper, and works cited page. Do not put extra spaces between paragraphs, heading, title, etc. Double-space throughout.

Font: Times New Roman; font size: 12 (Do not use bold type anywhere in your paper.)

Length: Paper should be 5 paragraphs in length. All paragraphs should be 8-10 sentences in length.

Introduction: Introduction should clearly introduce your paper topic in an interesting way, and the thesis (controlling idea for your paper) should be stated at the end of your introduction, suggesting subtopics to be discussed in your paper.

Body: The body of your paper should consist of four-five well-developed, well-documented paragraphs with clearly stated topic sentences and concluding statements. Paragraphs should be 8-10 sentences in length with attention to sentence development and variety.

Conclusion: The conclusion of your paper should include the thesis restated in different words, and it should logically conclude your paper.

In-text documentation: Paper must contain parenthetical citations in MLA style. Failure to document your sources will result in a zero. Such an offence is plagiarism.

Works Cited: Include a page entitled Works Cited; follow MLA style

Note cards: A minimum of 12 note cards is required. Note cards should be a combination of good quotes (keep them short) of key points, paraphrases (written completely in your own words), and summaries (use to summarize key points in a magazine article—one-two sentences). Don’t put too much material on each note card. You should be able to see at a glance the information that is on the card so that you can determine where to use the information in your paper.

Source cards: You should have a minimum of three source cards. All sources may be reliable internet articles.

Information on the source card should be written correctly in MLA format as it will appear on your works cited page. Time taken to do this correctly early in your research will save time later and make typing your works cited page easier. Just alphabetize your source cards and type your works cited page from your cards. There is a method to the madness!

Rough draft: You will turn in a rough draft of your entire research paper. We will peer edit the drafts as a class. In addition, I will briefly look over your paper and make suggestions about how to improve your paper.

Final draft: Turn in the following items in a yellow envelope: Final copy, rough draft, source cards, note cards, printed resources, and outline.

Late papers will be penalized 20 points for each day after the due date. Allow a margin for error; in other words, prepare your final draft ahead of the due date so that you will have time to correct any last-minute glitches you may run into. Eliminate stress and finish this assignment early. In reverse, there will be bonus offered for early papers. I will notify you of these specifics as the time grows nearer.

DO NOT bring me your paper on a flash drive the day the paper is due. Work out any printer problems before the critical print time! I repeat, allow a reasonable margin for error.

Outline: This will be typed as a separate document from your final paper. Follow MLA style when typing your outline. Outline must be typed: double space everything. Included on your outline page is your last name in the header, your title, thesis, and outline.


  • 3x5 note cards
  • Large yellow envelope with clasp (I will provide ONE envelope, replacements may be purchased for 25 cents).

Grading: You will receive daily grades for practice exercises in classand major grades for each stage of the process: source cards and note cards, rough draft, and final draft. The final research paper will be worth 2 writing grades.