Annual Report April 2014 - 2015
A little about our WI: Louise, our Chairmanrealised that there was a need for a new WI in our area when she tried to join her local Farnborough group in 2014 and was put on a waiting list! She made contact with the WI Federation and then decided she was going to set up a new WI and called on a small group of ladies to help support her. A venue was found at Trinity Church Hall, Blackwater and a start date of 9thApril 2014 was decided. A lot of interest was generated and new members came forward after a write-up appeared in the local newspaper. There have been several articles about our WI in local newspapers and publications.
We are anew and developing WI with traditional ideals but with a modern twist, bringing together women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. The Tilly WIdgets offers women in the local community the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and, most importantly, to have fun together. Some of us might not have specific skills to share, but what we all have in common is that we enjoy getting together and trying new things- and also great enjoyment is to be had in sampling the array of wonderful cakes and biscuits kindly donated, made or boughthere each month by members. We have also been lucky enough to be very well supported by our local Morrisons & Sainsbury’s branches.
The Committee – the Committee have met monthly to plan the programme from a list of ideas given by members and Tracey Bridgman (Programme Organiser) & Louise Pitman (Chairman) have organised the programme well supported by Dawn Hyland, Jenny Fryatt (Membership), Caroline Ireland (Moodle), Mandy Pike (Secretary), Christine Garland (Refreshments) & Lynda Young (Events). Lynda has since had to stand down for personal reasons. We are currently looking for a new member to fill this role. Please come forward if this could be you. We have also had help from our local WI adviser Sharon Hurrell to guide and advise us.
An open meetingto gauge how much interest there would be for another WI in the area was held on 9thApril 2014 and was attended by 60 people and as a result of this our 1st meeting was held on 14th May 2014 and the speaker was Heidi Strickland Clarke speaking on Health & Happiness. Our first AGM is to be held on Wednesday 8th April2015 at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Hawley Road, Blackwater, GU17 9BJ at 7.30pm.
Our name Tilly WIdgets came about after a vote was taken after our first meeting. It is in memory of a local aeronautical engineer Beatrice (Tilly) Shilling who invented a widget which went into the engines of fighter planes during World War II. This widget prevented engines from cutting out when diving or when making tricky manoeuvres in combat situations.
Members of Tilly WIdgets WI are always keen to try new experiences and some of the highlights from our 2014/15 programme include healthy eating & keep fit from Heidi, a talk by Hannah Powell from Alana House Women’s Centre, a wine & cheese tasting Christmas party withfood and wine donated by Morrisons, a personal safety demonstration given by Tracey, James Donaldson from Fleet Bee Association gave an interesting talk on the plight of the honey bee and there was a sale of cosmetics made from honey, beeswax and propolis, a theatre trip, a summer walk at Merrist Wood College, a chocolate workshop by Ruth Siegler from Pour Mes Amis, entertainment by actress Trisha Lewis which was also attended by members from neighbouring WI groups, a burlesque dancing activity by Carli, a talk on a day in the life of a parole board officer by Maggie Dunne.There is a suggestion box for your input into what talks or events you would like to see on the events schedule.
Membersshare their creative talents by running a craft/knitting workshop once a month on a Wednesday at 7.30pm in the quiet comfort of the café in Sainsbury’s Queensmead, teaching their fellow members how to knit, crochet & more (bring your own refreshments as the café is closed when we meet!). We are currently making Twiddle Muffs for the local Alzheimer’s community. Allmembers are welcome to join this group and we are currently looking for a craft co-ordinator. Please make yourself known to us if this could be you.
Events to look forward to will cover topics from the traditional to the contemporary such as our First Birthday celebrations on 13th May(more to come on this!),shabby chic furniture, a talk on the Cove Meadow project, a summer walk,crochet with a twist, sequence dancing, crafts for Christmas and Carols by candlelight.We are very proud of our specially designed centenary programme. Make sure you have a copy of ourprogramme and don’t forget to put the dates in your diary.
Raffle – We organise a monthly champagne raffle which is dressed and decorated every month by the member who wins the previous month’s raffle. The raffle raises approximately £20 per month. Please continue to buy tickets for this which goes towards paying for hall rental, our speakers and activities.
Hart Group and Hampshire County Federation of WI’s (HCFWI) – Tilly WIdgets has joined the Hart Group. This is a group of local WI’s that meet twice a year as one large group. They also hold committee meetings to which committee members from the Tilly WIdgets can attend. There are social events attached to these groups. Also, the Hampshire County Federation have 2 council meetings per year. The last one was the Spring Meeting held in Portsmouth which was attended by some of our members. The next one will be the Autumn meeting which will be held in Basingstoke.
Website – Over the last year Louise has worked with a web designer to build the Tilly WIdgets new website – see This website has information about the Committee, our WI programme, photographs and links to Hampshire County Federation WI and National Federation WI amongst others. Members are directed to the website to see details of future events. Shireen Walker has kindly volunteered to take over the running of the website and she will be posting events and activities which will be of interest.
Facebook& Twitter – Our group is live on Facebook & Twitter and photos and events are regularly updated to draw members’ attention to the latest news and activities.
Membership – All members were sent information during late 2014asking if they would like to renew membership for the following year. There were several members who declined to renew membership for various reasons. At the time of this report there are 33 members.
Bramshill Police College – a group of members attended the Police College Open Day on 14 September 2014 where wesupplied and served cakes, scones and refreshments which were sold to raise funds for the Hart WI Group. We met members from other WI local groups and the WI-Flyers from Farnborough who have been kindly supporting our Committee with advice and guidance in this our first year as a new WI.
Resolutions and Mandates – A Democratic Process. Every year WI members have the chance to put forward issues as ‘resolutions’that they want to see the national body campaign on. The WI is an entirely member led organisation and the resolution process ensures that every WI member has the opportunity to set the direction of the National Federation of WI campaigns and policy from the grassroots up. Resolutions go through a yearlong debating and consultation process. Our WI voted for the ‘Failing to Care’ resolution and our vote was sent via Hampshire on to National Federation. Our resolution was successful, see below.
2015 Resolution
Failing to Care – Assessment of Need in Long Term Care – This resolution calls on HM Government to remove the distinction between nursing care and personal care in the assessment of the needs of the individuals in order to advance health & wellbeing.
Looking forward to - Another varied and happy year ahead. Please tell your friends about us! We are happy to have visitors. Please also let us know if you have any suggestions for new start-up groups.
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green & pleasant land.
Written by William Blake