The Laboratory of Atomic SpectroscopY

The laboratory was established in 1979 as a part of the Automation and Metrology Center ASM

Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,

Academiei str. 3, MD-2028 Chisinau, Moldova

Phone: + 373(22) 73 99 77;


Main fields of activity:

Ø  Performance of analyses for Institutes of ASM

Ø  Elaboration of new techniques and adaptation of the available ones to new objects

Ø  Performance of analyses for economic agents of RМ

The laboratory uses the following methods of analysis:

• atomic absorption,

• flame photometry,

• photocolorimetry,

• chemical (titrimetric, gravimetric).

The laboratory occupies 6 rooms and has the following equipment in the possession:

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers ААS – 1, ААS-1N, ААS-3, Spectrophotometers Spekol -221, Spekol-11 firms Carl Zeiss Yena, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Perkin-Elmer 403.

Determination of chemical elements: К, Na, Sr, Be, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mo, Sn, Ag, Ti, Pd, Se, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Al, Mn, Fe, Si, V ;

Determination of chemical components: NO3 -, NO2 -, NH4 +, S-2, HCO3 -, CL -, SO4-2, PO4-3, F-.

Objects of analysis: plants, soils, rock, underground and surface water, complex compounds, activated coal, wines, brandies, juices, feedstuff, propolis, pollen, materials of animal source, metals and alloys, technological solutions, etc.

Scientific collaboration

1. Laboratories of the Institute of Chemistry

2. Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology

3. Institute of Applied Physics

4. Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology

5. Institute of Geology and Seismology

6. Institute of Electronic Engineering and Industrial Technologies

7. State Agricultural University of Moldova

8. National Museum of Archaeology and History

Participation in the international and national projects

·  Study on the quality of rural drinking water ( The World Bank) 1997.

·  Prut river water management (TACIS) 1999-2000.

·  Actions to improve environment situation in village Bacioi, Chisinau 2001.

·  Improvement of drinking water sources in village Mindresti jud.Orhei 2002.

·  Elaboration of the technology of waste utilization from spirit manufacture 2007.

·  Technology of complex processing of grape seeds into a food substitute and manufactured feed concentrate 2007.

·  Studying the mechanisms of residual photoconductivity attenuation in Pb, Sn

Te (In) 08.820.06.41 RF.

·  Optimization of propolis production technology 02.2008.

·  Evaluation of the influence of “Criva” carrier on the water, air and land ecosystems of the adjacent territories, taking into account geochemistry of overburden rocks. 2008.

Laboratory accreditation

The laboratory was accredited by the Center of Accreditation in 1994, 1997, 2000. The laboratory was accredited in 2007 in conformity with SN SR EN ISO-CEI 17025:2006.

Laboratory structure:

1.  Mitina T.- head laboratory (Izmaylova D. 1979-2000, Marcoci L. 2000-2006)

2.  Bondarenko N. - research associate

3.  Коptenco E. - leading engineer

4.  Apostol L. - research associate

5.  Bunciuc O. - junior scientist

6.  Тhoreak V. - engineer.

7.  Cialic V. - engineer


1. S. Fedorciucova , M. Erhan , L. Marcoci , T. Mitin Valoarea nutritivă şi dietetică a fructelor uscate în funcţie de conţinutul unor macroelemente . Conferinţa ştiinţifică a Universităţii Cooperatiste şi Comerciale din Moldova. Chişinau 2003, pag.125.

2. Митина Т., Maркоч Л., Бондаренко Н., Коптенко E. Фотометрическое определение ионов фтора в окислителе ракетного топлива. Culegere CMA AŞM: Contribuţii în metrologie, certificare, informatizare şi inovare. Chişinău 2003, pag. 221.

3. Marcoci L, Mitin T., Bondarenco N., Coptenco E. Posibilităţile analitice ale secţiei de Spectroscopie Atomică. Culegere CMA AŞM : Contribuţii în metrologie, certificare, informatizare şi inovare. Chişinău 2003, pag. 22.

4. Carolina Pânzari, Olga Tanasachi, Tatiana Mitin, Ion Bulhac. “Cercetarea calităţii apei potabile în unele localităţi rurale”. A doua conferenţă ştiinţifică a corpului profesoral-didactic şi a studenţilor. Chişinău, 2003.

5. Maria Negru, Cristina Negru, Ludmila Marcoci, Tatiana Mitina, Nadejda Bondarenco.

Starea actuală sanitaro-igienică a surselor de apă din jud. Cahul. Ecologia, evoluţia şi ocrotirea diversităţii regnului animal şi vegetal. Chişinău, 2003.

6. V. Guţul, A. Guţul, N. Bondarenco

Aspecte privind evaporarea solvenţilor de pe suprafaţa pielii acoperită cu lacuri şi vopsele. Culegere de materiale ştiinţifice ale colaboratorilor Facultăţii Urbanism şi Arhitectură. Chişinău, 2004.

7. М. Negru, L. Marcoci, N. Bondarenco Expertiza ecologică a apelor subterane din com. Mîndreşti, jud. Orhei. Culegere Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM . Chişinău 2004, pag. 35.

8. T. Datsko, V. Matveevici, V. Zelenţov, T. Mitina

Inlăturarea ionilor de fluor din apele naturale de către oxihidroxizii de aluminiu.

Materialele Congresului 30 ARA , 05 . Chişinău 2005, pag.1158-1161.

9.A. Romanov, V. Zeletsov, L. Marcoci, T. Mitina

Tehnology and instalations for water purification from toxical components by electrodialysis method „ Transfer tehnologic în inginerie electronică, materiale multifuncţonale şi mecanică fină. 17 sept. 2005, Chişinău.

10. Митина Т , Maркоч Л., Бондаренко Н.

Использование методов атомной спектроскопии для решения научных и практических задач. „ Transfer tehnologic în inginerie electronică, materiale multifuncţonale şi mecanică fină. 17 sept. 2005, Chişinău, pag. 267-269.

11. V. Parshutin, N. Sholtoian, S. Sidelnicova, T. Mitina, E. Coptenco

”Dynamics of change of the water medium composition during steel corrosion inhibition by salts of gluconic acids”. 12th International Conference on Physical Chemistry. 6-8 september 2006, Bucharest, Romania.

12. Анисимов В.К., Берзан В.П., Тыршу М.С., Постолатий В.М. Лупашку Т.Г., Жеру И.И., Гареева С.Н., Митина Т.Ф. О возможности энергоэкономичного экспресс-анализа некоторых органических веществ. 2006 1 Проблемы региональной энергетики ISSN 1857-0070.

13. Булхак И., Щтефырцэ А., Туртэ К., Шафранский В., Зубарева В., Брынзэ Л., Бучачая С., Митина Т. Трехъядерные кластеры некоторых 3d- элементов, проявляющие биологическую активность. ХХШ Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. 4-7 сентября 2007, Одесса. Тезисы докладов стр. 318.

14. T. Gutsul, A. Nicorici, A. Todosiciuc and T. Mitina High temperature solution – phase synthesis of SnTe and PbTe/SnTe nanoparticles passivated with organic shell. 4-th International conference on materials science and condensed matter physics. Abstract, p. 182.