“Learning, Glorifying, Celebrating, and Following …”


Gathering Music

The Ringing of the Bell


Minute for Mission: Jim Trimpe, Finance Team


PreludeSimple Gifts DAVID EVAN THOMAS

Lighting of the Candles

*Call to Worship Kim Pappas

Leader:God calls people from the farthest places of the earth.

People:From east and west, from north and south, the people of God gather together.

Leader:From all ways of life and every experience, the people of God gather together.

People:We have heard God’s call, too, and come as this congregation to be the gathered people of God.


*Hymn 267All Things Bright and Beautiful ROYAL OAK

Call to Confession and Prayer

Majestic and merciful God, once again we come before you a wayward people. We too often forget your intentions for us and reject the way of Christ; we disregard the power of your Spirit and we worship ourselves and the things we have made. Forgive us, restore us in the knowledge of whose we are, and make us alive to serve you with faith, hope and love. In Christ’s name hear our silent prayers …

(A Time of Silence for Personal Confession)

Assurance of Pardon

Leader:With God, there is no chasm that cannot be bridged, no loss that cannot be recovered, no mistake that cannot be forgiven, and no life that cannot be redeemed.

People:By the grace of God in Christ Jesus, our sins are forgiven and the ability to begin again is ours.

Leader:Glory be to God who makes all things new!

*Response 322Spirit of the Living GodLIVING GOD

Passing of the Peace


Time for Young Disciples Kim Pappas

At the conclusion, children may return to their families.


Scripture Matthew 6:1-6

Sermon PRACTICING OUR PIETY Rev. Joel Weible

*Hymn321Holy Spirit, Truth Divine SONG 13


*Affirmation of Faith for Stewardship Season

We believe in God, Creator of the Universe, Giver of every good gift, Author of Life itself.

We believe in Jesus Christ who reminded us that God’s Kingdom is already among us and commanded us to care for those in need. Who taught us not to store up treasures on earth, but to empty ourselves in self-giving love.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who inspires us to the faithful stewardship of God’s gifts and in whom we live and move and have our being.

We believe that stewardship is an act of worship and a means of praising God who has blessed us so abundantly. God has great things in store for us, for it is in giving that we receive. Amen

Time of Giving Thanks


Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

OffertoryChorale in E-flat GEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN

*Doxology 592Praise God,from Whom All Blessings Flow

*Prayer of Dedication(unison)

Loving God, we dedicate this morning’s offering in prayer – our commitments to the present and our promises for the year ahead. The coins and paper are our work, expressing in a clear and visible way our love and thanks. But we also offer the fragile dreams and hopes that we have for this church and its future. Receive all, we pray, for it is offered in love. Amen

** Election of ELDER CLASS of 2019: Please see Insert **


*Hymn491Stand Up and Bless the Lord CARLISLE

(stanzas 1,3, and 5 only)

*Charge and Benediction

*Benediction Response

*PostludeFanfare on Grosser Gott FLOR PEETERS

When the bell rings and the doors open, depart in JOY!

PLEASE NOTE: Food and drinks are not allowed in the Sanctuary.


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“We have found in this church a spiritual home

where we learn to serve others,

enjoy and glorify God,

celebrate differences,

and faithfully follow the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Sunday Morning Worship

October 30, 2016 / 24thSunday after Pentecost