Genre Project Information: (Donovan)

Requirements for all classes…

1. Read a book from one of the genres listed on the back.

2. Create and present one of the projects listed below for that book:

Commercial – “Sell” your book and its genre. You must appear on screen in your commercial, and you may use other people in your commercial. Your commercial will summarize the book and tell the required genre elements. Submit a DVD of your presentation or perform it live.*

Movie Trailer—Showcase your book and its genre while performing a scene from the book. You must appear on screen in your trailer, and other people may be in it, too. Submit a DVD of your trailer.*

Song—Write a song (any kind: rap, hip hop, familiar tune, etc.) that summarizes the book and shares the required elements of its genre. It must be performed as a song, not just read aloud, and you must submit a copy of the lyrics. Submit a DVD of your song or perform it live.*

Puppet show/Animation— Showcase your book and its genre, while showing a scene from the book using puppets or animation. Submit a DVD of your presentation or perform it live.*

Live skit- Showcase your book and the book’s genre, while performing a scene from the book. You must submit a copy of your script. You may use classmates from YOUR LANGUAGE ARTS CLASS ONLY to perform in your skit.

*A Note on Live Performances: You may use other people in the presentation of your project, but the grade will only be for the person whose book and genre are being showcased. If you choose to do a live performance, you must select classmates from YOUR SAME LANGUAGE ARTS CLASS to be in your commercial/song/puppet show/skit.

*A note on recorded performances: You may also post your presentation to YouTube or in your school Google account. You are strongly encouraged to test your project in advance so you don’t lose points if it doesn’t work on your presentation day.

3. Rubric for Grading

Genre Elements =
30% of grade / Clearly state which genre your book belongs to and at least three characteristics of that genre that you found in your book.
Book Summary =
30% of grade / Summarize your book’s plot and include information about the main characters and setting.
Time Requirement =
15% of grade / Practice your presentation so it lasts from 3-4 minutes. Time yourself at home so you know you’re in that range. You’ll lose points for being under 3 minutes or over 4 minutes.
Creativity and Effort =
15% of grade / Show effort—don’t wait until the night before to get this done! Creativity counts—be unique and demonstrate the thought you’ve put into your presentation.
Speaking Style =
10% of grade / Use a clear voice and speak loud enough that the whole class can hear you. Practice at home!
Citation =
Separate grade / You must submit a typed and printed citation for the book you chose. Your citation must follow MLA format.

4. Due Date: My project will be presented on ______.

All projects must conform to our school’s Code of Conduct. Get permission for everything you do from a parent or guardian, and do not endanger yourself or anyone else in filming your presentation.