Leadership Education in Action Program 1

What’s Your Leadership Style?

February 26, 2016

8:30am – 2:30pm

Location: UCEN 322

I.  Breakfast ………………………………………………………………………………. 8:15 – 8:30

Menu: Breakfast croissants with egg, fresh fruit, coffee

II.  Welcome and Introductions…………………………………………………… 8:30 – 9:00

Facilitator: Ms. Leslie Carr

·  In your profession, what do you most want to get from LEAP?

·  What is one topic or skillset you are wanting to learn most about?

III.  LEAP Program Overview…………………………………………………………. 9:00 – 10:15

Presenter: Dr. Dianne Van Hook

·  What is LEAP?

·  Building Your Ability to Lead and Shape Change

·  Inspiring Innovation

IV.  Break……………………………………………………………………………………… 10:15 – 10:30

V.  DiSC Personal Profile Assessment………………………………………………. 10:30 – 11:00

Facilitator: Ms. Leslie Carr

VI.  What’s Your Leadership Style? DiSC Personal Profile Assessment……. 11:00 – 12:00

Facilitator: Ms. Tamara Jahelka

Tamara will lead us in a large group activity to define the strengths

and challenges of each style.

VII.  Lunch…………………………………………………………………………..………………… 12:00 – 12:30

Menu: Assorted cold cut and hot sandwiches, garden salad,

Chips, fresh fruit, pasta salad, dessert, and beverages.

VIII.  Implementing the Four Styles of the DiSC Assessment………………….. 12:30 – 1:30

Facilitator: Ms. Tamara Jahelka

Tamara will lead us in a large group activity to help us learn how to use the four distinct DISC styles in the workplace to enhance communication and collaboration.

IX.  Introduction to the California Community Colleges………………… 1:30 – 2:15

Presenter: Dr. Jerry Buckley

·  Where did community colleges come from?

·  What is the mission of CA community colleges?

·  How are we funded?

·  How do we intersect with the local high schools and 4-year universities?

·  Why aren’t we a 4-year university?

·  What makes COC different from other community colleges?

X.  Leadership Case Study Discussion……………………………………………….. 2:15 – 2:30

Facilitator: Dr. Jerry Buckley

XI.  Solution Team Project Overview……………………………………………………. 2:30

Presenter: Dr. Diane Fiero and Ms. Leslie Carr

XII.  Preview of March 4th session and homework assignments……………… 2:30

Facilitator: Ms. Leslie Carr

·  March 4th Session: Advocacy – Making the Case for Your Department, Program and College of the Canyons

·  Special Guest: Mr. Scott Wilk, California State Assemblyman.

·  Site visit to Santa Clarita City Hall – LEAPers will have an opportunity to meet City Manager Ken Striplin and Mayor Bob Kellar.


·  Complete your online leadership skills pre-assessment by Friday, March 4th.

·  Read bios for Mr. Wilk, Mr. Striplin, and Mr. Kellar and come prepared with 1 – 2 questions for each one.

·  Review past LEAP Solution Team Projects and business plans online at www.canyons.edu/offices/pd -- go to the LEAP tab at the top of the page.

·  Submit a LEAP Solution Team Project proposal to Professional Development by

Wednesday, March 2nd at noon, if you so desire. Be prepared to provide a 3-minute “sales pitch” for your proposed project idea. Please bring 36 copies of your proposal to the next LEAP session.

·  Read the How to Make the Perfect Sales Pitch handout

·  Read the Thoughts on Advocacy Handout

·  Learn what is happening with advocacy right now at the state level by reviewing the following:

o  Community College League of California Legislative News - http://ccleague.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3841

o  Chancellor’s Office State Legislative Update - http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/ExecutiveOffice/Board/2016_agendas/January/Attachment-4.7-GR-State-1.pdf

o  Key Facts About California Community Colleges - http://californiacommunitycolleges.cccco.edu/PolicyInAction/KeyFacts.aspx

o  CCLC Fast Facts - http://www.ccleague.org/files/public/Publications/FF2016.pdf

·  Each person will review one of the following Assembly Bills and complete a form in which they identify how the potential impact of the bill on COC, the key facts in support of the bill, and the key facts in opposition of the bill.

Ø  AB 1594 - McCarty

Ø  AB 1653 - Weber

Ø  AB 1654 - Santiago

Ø  AB 1690 - Medina

Ø  SB 66 - Leyva

Ø  SB 893 – Nguyen

·  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billSearchClient.xhtml

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session, participants will:

·  Examine behavioral strengths and challenges in themselves and in others

·  Analyze the differences and strengths of othersand compare those to their own differences and strengths

·  Develop teambuilding and conflict resolution strategies

·  Analyze how various communication styles impact work groups and teams