Student Profile Report

Revised 10-08

The Student Profile Report is published by the IR Office in September for the fall term and January for the spring term. This report provides demographic data and summaries by headcount and credit hours for students enrolled in ASCE (Arts, Sciences and Career Education) degree/certificate courses.

1.  Two weeks prior to downloading data for Student Profile Report, ensure all A1 and E1 errors are corrected using the Enrollment Data database. Verify with the Registrar to ensure all data corrections are completed no later than 5 p.m. on the published Last Day for Tuition Refunds. By completing these corrections ahead of the download, the data will be more accurate. Corrections done after the download will require manual corrections in the Access database.

  1. Run downloads 8 a.m. following the Last Day for Tuition Refund for the term (check credit schedule book for exact date each semester).
  2. XLSE download captures course information used in the Profile report. The LSEA data is not imported into the Student Profile database.
  3. Refer to the LSEA Download procedure for instructions on running this and importing into the LSEA database
  4. After importing the data, go to the Student Profile menu (from the LSEA main menu)
  5. Run and print each report—as you write the report, return to this menu and use the queries to generate data to Excel for copying and pasting into Word as needed
  6. Export and save
  7. Click button to Archive data. This will allow the data to be retrievable in the future as the database stores archived information.
  8. Exit LSEA database—NOTE: If need to review data in LSEA again, be certain the file dated the 10th day of the term is the current data, if not reimport the file.
  9. XA1B download captures student demographic information (see instructions below for download and importing procedure). This information is imported into the A1 database, reviewed for errors, and then it is brought into the Student Profile database.

NOTE: The download used for the Student Profile is the same download used for the A1 and E1 submissions. Once the data is imported into the Student Profile access database then the data frozen so future downloads will not overwrite the data.

Once you have locked in the A1 data for 10th day do not run the following again steps 3 - 5. Only run the XA1B if you did not lock down 10th day data while running A1. Skip to Step 6 if already locked down:

2.  To export data from Datatel

  1. Open Datatel and enter XA1B mnemonic
  2. Enter a reporting year
  3. Enter output file name—make note of file name as it will be needed in following steps

3.  Import Datatel files to A1 Database:

i.  Open WS-FTP application

ii. Only complete if you have not set up your login for ftp, only set up once :

§  Profile Name = HP2, Host Name/Address =, Host Type = Automatic detect, User ID = enter E number, Password = enter Datatel password

iii.  From HP2 tab (on right of the screen), open Datatel/live/collive/R18ILReports—sort by the date column to find the 6 files created by the process in step 1 above.

iv.  From the My Documents tab (on the left of the screen), open \\Srv10463\database\ICCB\A1\Imports folder

v. Highlight the 6 files from the right side and click the (ß) to transfer to the ICCB Imports folder

vi.  Exit WS-FTP application

4.  Open the A1/E1 Enrollment Database (\\Srv10463\database\ICCB\A1\A1app.mdb)

a.  To import files:

i.  Enter fiscal year

ii. Select term from pull-down menu (fall, spring, or summer)

iii.  Enter current term from pull-down menu

iv.  Enter Import File Name (XX in file name below represents the file named used above in Step 2aii above) Ex: (A1_A1090907SP_CREDIT)

1.  Enter the file name and click corresponding button as outlined below:

File Name / Button Name
A1_XX_CREDIT / Import Credit Data
A1_XX_DEMOGRAPHICS / Import Demographic Data
A1_XX_HSINFO / Import High School Data
A1_XX_DISADVANTAGED / Import Disadvantaged Student Data
A1_XX_GRADS / Import Graduate Completers
A1_XX_ TECHPREP / Import Tech Prep
A1_XX_GEDEDP / Import GED/EDP Completer

i.  Click each button, in order, in the Build Tables column to create the data files.

ii.  Click each button in the Edit Reports column (except the Build and Edit E1 Data button) to verify all corrections have been made. Send edit reports listing remaining errors to Registrar for corrections in Datatel. NOTE: Due to the importance of capturing the E1 as of the 10th day, the file will not be downloaded again from Datatel. Therefore, once corrections are made on Datatel, the edit reports must be manually corrected in the A1/E1 Access Database.

  1. Make necessary data corrections.
  2. Look up student’s courses before correcting record as you only need to correct records for students in L term courses because those students are the only ones included in the Student Profile report.
  3. Re-run edit reports after manual corrections to ensure all errors corrected

5.  Once all data is cleaned in A1 database:

  1. Open the Student Profile access database
  2. Enter fiscal year (2009)
  3. Select Current Term (20093)

d.  Click Import A1 and E1 Data button

  1. Enter Year “2009”
  2. Enter Profile Date (e.g., 01/24/2006)—use date froze data file; this date is recorded in the table
  3. Click Setup Student Profile button
  4. Click buttons in order listed under Reporting heading
  5. Print all reports for office paper file

6.  Import placement testing information for all first time students:

  1. Click Export First Time Students button. Click OK to the export complete message.
  2. Open Datatel:
  3. Click Options from the toolbar
  4. Select Export File
  5. Open
  6. Look in //my network places/root rvc cluster, ICCB /StudentProfile/Downloads directory and select “uploadSSNs.wis” file.
  7. Click Open
  8. OK
  9. Exit export viewer when complete.
  10. Enter XEXP mnemonic. F9/Update to proceed.
  11. Enter XXTS

ix.  Enter

  1. Use the Import file option
  2. Open
  3. Look in the directory //srv10463/Database/ICCB/StudentProfile/Downloads to get the “TESTSCORES.WIS” file.
  4. Click OK
  5. Exit import viewer when complete

7.  Return to the Student Profile access database

  1. Click Build Test Scores Table button
  2. Click the Placement Testing button and print all reports
  3. If you need to rerun reports:

i.  FY

ii.  Term

  1. Run Reports (first 4)
  2. Click “Placement Testing”
  3. After complete generating reports from Student Profile database

8.  Verify totals on reports match.

  1. Some data elements are blank and may be corrected in the CurrentlyEnrolledLTermStudents table.
  2. Verify the totals on the E1 10th Day Enrollment Survey Report (file is saved on the IR Common/ICCB/E1) match the numbers on the report printed out from Student Profile database: Student Headcount Total Credit by Area (A,S,CE).
  3. If the headcount on the First Time High School report does not match the headcount on the First Time Demographics report, open the FirstTimeStudents0 query and sort on the LocalID field to find high schools with a missing LocalID.
  4. Also check the table HighSchools in the Student Profile to add HSFICE codes that are missing. See below. Refer to MIS manual pg. 187-207. If FICE code is not listed check online at:
  5. Type in the high school name to find 6-digit FICE code

HighSchools /
HSFICE / Name / City / State / OtherID /
143693 / Rockford Auburn High School / Rockford / IL / 01
140275 / Belvidere High School / Belvidere / IL / 02
140276 / Berean Baptist High School / Rockford / IL / 03
143697 / Boylan Catholic High School / Rockford / IL / 04
140460 / Byron High School / Byron / IL / 05
143694 / Calvary Baptist Christian School / Rockford / IL / 06
143698 / Rockford Christian Life High School / Rockford / IL / 07
141660 / Durand High School / Durand / IL / 08
143700 / Rockford East High School / Rockford / IL / 09
143703 / Rockford Guilford High School / Rockford / IL / 10
143705 / Harlem High School / Loves Park / IL / 11
143735 / Hononegah High School / Rockton / IL / 12
143712 / Rockford Jefferson High School / Rockford / IL / 13
143706 / Keith Country Day High School / Rockford / IL / 14
143537 / North Boone High School / Poplar Grove / IL / 15
143707 / North Love Christian School / Rockford / IL / 16
143315 / Oregon High School / Oregon / IL / 17
143410 / Pecatonica High School / Pecatonica / IL / 18
143711 / Rockford Baptist High School / Rockford / IL / 19
143724 / Rockford Christian High School / Rockford / IL / 20
143709 / Rockford Lutheran High School / Rockford / IL / 21
143717 / Roosevelt Alternative High School / Rockford / IL / 22
143935 / South Beloit High School / South Beloit / IL / 23
144020 / Stillman Valley High School / Stillman Valley / IL / 24
144425 / Winnebago High School / Winnebago / IL / 25
140185 / Rockford West High School / Rockford / IL / 26
555555 / RVC GED Graduates / 306602 / 27
308714 / RVC External Diploma Program / 308714 / 28
143726 / Our Lady of Sacred Heart Academy / Rockford / IL / 29
140279 / Belvidere North High School / Belvidere / IL / 30
999999 / Unknown/Missing / 41
406 / GED / 42
777777 / Home Schooled / 43
408 / Out of District Illinois High Schools / IL / 44
409 / Out of State High Schools / 45
990000 / Foreign High School / 46
142682 / Firstborn Christian Academy / Loves Park / IL / 47
0 / Student With No HS Code / 99
First Born H.S. / 47
  1. This field is entered on the institution record via INST and if blank the database cannot categorize the high school for the report. Correct in database and institution on Datatel.

9.  click the Archive Student Profile button

10. Check the Archives STuProfile Table to verify current term is listed in the table


·  Use report from previous fall/spring term as template for new Student Profile report.

·  After detailed Student Profile report completed, develop Student Profile Trends Analysis report for Board of Trustees.

·  Email both the detailed Student Profile report and the Student Profile Trends Analysis report to the President’s office for distribution in the Board of Trustees packet. Follow up with the President’s assistant to determine the date by which she must have these documents.

·  After reports shared with Board of Trustees, post to the Quarry (At-A-Glance under Enrollment Reports) and complete a Daily News announcement.


Institutional Research Office