Lesson 2 – Roles in Energy Guided Notes Name ______

7th Grade Environmental Science

Mrs. Krempa Date & Section ______

Use your textbook pages 19 through 26 to define the following terms and answer the questions that go along with the terms.

Questions are numbered. Page numbers can be found following the question.

Terms (vocab) are identified by a letter.

1. Engage your Brain (Blue “Bubble”) #1. Describe. Record answers in text. (pg. 19)

2. Engage your Brain (Blue “Bubble”) #2. Predict. Record answers in text. (pg. 19)

3. Active Reading (Red “Bubble”). #3 Synthesize. (pg. 19)

Herbivore: ____to eat plants______

Carnivore: _____to eat meat______

a) Producer ____ Uses sunlight to make food in a process called photosynthesis _____


b) Autotroph ___also known as (AKA) a producer______


c) Decomposer ____an organisms that gets energy and nutrients by (chemically)

breaking down the remains of other organisms. Nature’s recyclers – change dead animals & plants into water and nutrients for other organisms to use again.

Examples: ____ Fungi (mushroom), bacteria, some worms ______

d) Consumer _____an organism that eats other organisms.______


e) Herbivore ____a consumer that eats only plants______


f) Carnivore _____a consumer that only eats other animals (meat)______


g) Omnivore _____a consumer that eats both plants and animals______


h) Scavenger ____a specialized consumer that feeds on dead organisms.______

Examples: ____Turkey Vulture, Hyena, Crow, Fox______

4. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #7. List. (pg. 21)

Moose _____Herbivore______

Hedgehog __Omnivore______

Komodo Dragon____Carnivore______

5. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #8. Infer. (pg. 21) Carnivores affected by no plants?

No plants? No food animals that eat plants (prey). Prey dies.

No prey? No food for carnivores. Carnivores die.

6. Active Reading (Red “Bubble”). #9. Infer. (pg. 22)

Grasshopper stores some energy from grass. Rest used for?

The energy is used for other activities like breathing and moving.

i) Food Chain ____The path of energy transfer from producer to consumer. ______

_____ (A single line of who is eating who) ______

7. Active Reading (Red “Bubble”). #10, 11, 12, 13. Record answers in text. (pg. 22,23)

*Re-draw food chain on pages 22 and 23 below.

The arrows point to _____who is doing the eating ______.

Because the arrows _____ follow the flow of energy (nutrients) ______.

j) Food Web ___the feeding relationships among organisms in an ecosystem______

_____ (Made up of many food chains) ______

8. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #15. (pg. 24)

Puffins get energy by eating ______Herring ______, _____ Squid ______and

______Sand Lance ______

Energy flows up the food web when ____ Gulls ______eat puffins.

9. Hand draw the Food Web found on pg. 25 below.

10. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #16. Identify. (pg. 26) See diagram in book.

11. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #17. Predict. (pg. 26)

With no herring to eat, how might the eating habits of cod change?

____ With no Herring to eat, the Cod would have to eat more squid ______


12. Visualize it! (Purple “bubble”) #18. Infer. (pg. 26)

How might the Gull population be affected by the disappearance of the Herring population? (even though Gulls don’t eat Herring…)

Without the Herring, the Gull population would decrease.

No Herring? No food for Gull’s prey and prey die.

No Prey? No food for Gull (death).

k) Energy Pyramid (pg. 92 for diagram – use glossary definition)

A triangular diagram that shows an ecosystem’s loss of energy, which results as energy passes through the ecosystem’s food chain.

Each row in the pyramid represents a trophic (feeding) level in an ecosystem.

The area (size) of a row represents the energy stored in that trophic level.