The PDI ProcessForm 1010 — Client Informationpage 1of 2
Country/Region: / Project Client:

(1)What is the official title of the Client Agency:

(2)What territory is served under the Client Agency’s jurisdiction? (Define the service area and demarcate the boundaries. Provide any relevant available maps as attachments):

(3)What is the structure and the political organization of the Client’s Agency? (Provide a chart or other graphic illustration of the organizational framework, indicating the positions of each of the individuals and offices with whom PDI will interact in carrying out project development activities):

(4)Who has the legal authority in the Client Agency to commit to any project to be undertaken?(Indicate each position—and the name of the corresponding current office holder of each—that possesses the nationally recognized authority to commit the organization to international contracts for development projects.):

(5)What local law provides the Client Agency’s authority to commit to any project to be undertaken? (Briefly summarize the legal jurisdiction as provided by the constitution, legislation, charter, or legal code that empowers the Client’s decision makers.):

(6)What is the relationship of the Client’s Agency to each higher level of political organization up to the national government?(Indicate which higher authorities, if any, must approve or sign off on any international contracts):

(7)Who are other local key persons or organizations with potential interest and influence in the project development process, and what are their roles?

(8)What is the chain of command for project approval? (List the name and title of each of the decision makers whose approval is required to begin the project development process and to commit the Client to such.):

(9)What are the specific development activity sectors for which assistance is being initially sought? (Refer to the document Scope of PDI Projects):

The above information accurately describes the legal status of this agency as of this day. PDI shall be notified immediately in the event of any changes to the above information so that PDI may determine any possible impact on the approach of its services on our behalf.


(Printed Name & Title of Authorized Agency Representative)(date)