Venue STICKFORD Community Centre
Meeting held 5th July 2016 starting 7.30pm
Number of Residents present, NIL
Official attendees read Y for attending N for non attendance
Chairman Mrs Pamela BryantY
Vice Chairman Mr Robert CatlinY
Councillor Mr Graham BradleyY
Councillor Mrs Lesley ReesonY
Councillor Mr Robert MorleyY
Councillor Ms Teresa KeyYarrived at 8pm
There is a councillor vacancy, this post has been advertised and one applicant
Parish Clerk Mr John SpencerY
ELDCCouncillor Mr Jim SwansonY
LCC Councillor Mrs Victoria AylingYarrived at 8pm left 8.15pm
Visitor Mr Craig Leyland Leader of the Council at ELDC
- The Chairman opened the meeting welcoming everybody. Although the meeting was to be recorded this was not deemed necessary.
- There were no apologies for absence. Both Councillor’s Key and Ayling
had given notice of possible lateness.
- No resident or members of the public attending.
Page 1 of 4 Signature of Chairman…………………………………Dated……………….
3. There were no Declarations of Interest.
- Due to police duties no officer was available to attend. It was noted that due to limited time no report was available. The local police stated recently thatan area report rather that a local report may be possible in the future.
- Our Lincs rep left before giving any report but said an email would be sent giving the council an update when available.
- Our ELDC Councillor Jim Swanson showed the meeting a 300 plus pages consultant document about the local planning and housing settlement suggested the council looked at the full document on line at the ELDC web site.
- ELDC Craig Leyland gave an overview of the main issues facing ELDC for devolution, and an elected Mayor representing all 10 councils in Lincolnshire. There are three consultation documents on the ELDC web site for residents to make comments by 8th August.
A resident requested information about charges for bin collection and
concerns about flytipping. It was stated that there were no plans to
charge for the black orrecycle bin but an increase charge for the garden
waste was possible.
Thequestion of fly tipping was raised due to possible reduced collection
of household waste bin. The chairman asked why does Lincolnshire
County Council at their Kirkby on Bain site takes all types of plastic and
ELDC only takes PET and HDPE plastic. It was suggested that LCC and
ELDC work together, this would increase recycling collection and less going
to land fill. ELDC are aware of the many placeswithin ELDC area that are
fly tipping concerns.
- A review of issues raised at the Annual Meeting of the Parish and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. See appendix A to these minutes
The councillors reviewed issues raised at both meetings. The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be approved in May 2017
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 16th May 2016 were recorded as a true record.
Approved by Councillor Lesley Reeson.
Seconded by Councillor Robert Morley.
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- Financial Matters:-
The Parish has received information the Pension Regulator for Parish Council
employees, with downloads and calculations to be carried out. The start
for the parish is May 2017. More updates at the next meeting.
Bill to be paid:: 1. Clock Winder Wages 1st of 2 payments £101.60
2. War Memorial Flowers paid in full £25.00
3. War Memorial Gardener paid in full £43.20
4. War Memorial refurbishment £7978.20 bill to be paid when
the War Memorial Trust grant £5530.00 is received. This
payment does not include War Memorial Clock repair bill of
£864.00. All vat paid will be reclaimed.
10.War Memorial update:-
The refurbishment of the Memorial is complete. Payment to the Cumbria
Clock Company will be paid when the clock has been regulated correctly.
The Chairman has informed the Cumbria Clock Company of the situation.
Nil to report
12. Planning
S/120/01240/16 Mr A Craven’s planning application 2nd phase is still under
review, the parishcouncil has responded with some concerns. Full details
on the ELDC website.
- Co Option.
The parish has had one applicant and the councillors have agreed to have an informal discussion with the applicant.
- Any other issues from councillors
The councillors will purchase a replacement seat to be sited at the junction
near the main notice board on Fen Road, with the grant money provided
by the LCC Councillor Ayling
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- Date of next statutory meeting will be September 6th 2016 at 7.30pm
- Closing statement from the chairman
The Chairman closed the meeting, requesting councillors to remain for a
closed session where personal matters will be discussed
Appendix A. See para 8 above. Issues raised.
- Damaged cycle signpost at entrance of the pathway to Hagnaby Road. Highways reported they willnot replace it and it will be removed when themaintenance team are in the area. Highways were asked if they could replace the hand rail at the Church Road cycle pathway. The Parish Council have been told they will have to fund the replacement hand rail. Highways do not have the finance.
Item to be considered at the next meeting.
- The village pathways should be walked and condition reported back to the council soonest.
Item to be considered at the next meeting
- Highways to fill in pot holes when in the area, but needed roads to be identified
Item to be considered at the next meeting
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