
ERASMUS Student Mobility - Incomings


  • The ERASMUS Coordinator of your home university should send us a nomination email by April 30
  • For the application, you may use the form of your home university or – alternatively - our Student Application Form (see below). The application must be signed and sealed by your ERASMUS Coordinator.
  • Enclose an official Transcript of Records signed by your home university
  • Enclose a proposed study programme (Learning Agreement) approved by your home university. Please use the form issued by your own university.
  • Enclose a proof of your German language knowledge (test form below)
  • Submit your application until

31 Mayfor winter term (October until mid-March)

30 Novemberfor summer term (end of April – beginning of July)

  • Send your complete application

as a scanned copy to:

or by regular mail to: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

Akademisches Auslandsamt (OE 9140)

D – 30623 Hannover; Germany

After receiving your application our ECTS Coordinator Dr. Fischer checks and confirms your proposed study programme and we will return it by email(scan copy) to your home university, together with an official Letter of Acceptance.

You will find further information in our European Student Guide as well an overview about the clinical courses and the structure of the clinical studies on our homepage

As for accommodation in our own student hostel, we will make a prereservation in our students dormitory, and you will be contacted later by the administrator.

Please feel free to contact our ERASMUS Officer or our ECTS Coordinator () for any further information.

ERASMUS - Student Application Form

Home University: / Academic Year ______
Host University: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover



Family name: / First name(s):
Date of birth: / Gender:
Place of birth: / Nationality:
Permanent address: / Correspondence address (if different from permanent address):
Tel. / Fax


Subject to be studied at the MHH:
Planned period of study / stay at the MHH
Do you wish to participate in a language course at the MHH? / Yes / No

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Subject studied at the home university:
Starting date: / Expected graduation date:
Years of full time study before going to the MHH:
Expected degree on graduation:
Please list the courses already taken at the home university in a “Transcript of Records” on a separate sheet. Include those you plan on taking before your stay at the MHH.


(Please specify extent of ability for each language: 1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good
Native language:
Foreign languages: / Reading / Writing / Speaking / Listening
*Please present the test form enclosed below, or an equivalent certificate


Please give a full description of your study plans at the MHH, including all relevant information such as course codes provided and the number of ECTS credit points (if known).
Please find encloseda separate “Learning Agreement” + a separate “Letter of Request” and “ Health Certificate” (for last-year students doingpractical training only) + Test of German language


I the undersigned hereby certify that the information provided by me in reply to the above questions is to my knowledge true and correct. I also accept that my personal data will be registered by the host University and that the data may be used by teaching and administrative staff for administration purposes.

Enclosures: Transcript of Records Learning Agreement/ Health Certificate

Letter of Request

Date / Signature

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To be completed by the homeuniversity:

We hereby certify that the student ______

has been nominated as participant in the ERASMUS Programme to study at HannoverMedicalSchool.

Date / Signature / Seal

To be completed by the MHH:


We hereby acknowledge the receipt of the application, the proposed Learning Agreement and the candidate’s Transcript of Records. The student has been accepted for the ERASMUS exchange with the MHH.

Institutional Coordinator
Professor S. Lenzen

Please send your application by email (scan copy) or ordinary mail to:

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

Akademisches Auslandsamt

z.H. Frau Angela Steinhusen

D – 30625 Hannover


Deutsch - Sprachzeugnis für ERASMUS-Bewerber

German Language Certificate for ERASMUS Applicants

Zutreffendes bitte ankreuzen/Please tick as applicable
Vom Bewerber auszufüllen/To be completed by applicant
Name/Family name: / Vorname/First name:
Fachrichtung/Degree subject:
 ERASMUS - Studium in / ERASMUSstay planned in
Geprüfte Sprache/Language tested: / GERMAN
Wie lange wurden Sie in der Sprache unterrichtet?/How long have you received instruction in German?
Vom Prüfer auszufüllen /To be completed by the examiner
  1. Verstehen/Listening Comprehension
a)Versteht komplexe allgemeinsprachliche Hörtexte sowie Hörtexte der o.g. Fachrichtung ohne Mühe/ Understands complex general listening texts as well as listening texts relevant to above subject without any difficulty.
b)Versteht anspruchsvolle allgemeinsprachliche Hörtexte sowie Hörtexte der o.g. Fachrichtung, z.B. Vorlesungen / Understands demanding general listening texts and listening texts in above subject, e.g. lectures.
c)Versteht den wesentlichen Inhalt einer Vielzahl von Hörtexten in allgemeinsprachlichen Situationen und im Kontext von Studium und Praxis in der o.g. Fachrichtung/ Understands main content of a variety of listening texts pertaining to general situations and in the context of work and studying in above subject.
d)Versteht die wichtigsten Informationen in deutlicher Standardsprache zu bekannten Themen/ Understands the main information in clear standard language on familiar topics.
e)Kann einfache Äußerungen meist nur mit Mühe verstehen. Wiederholungen und Übersetzungshilfen sind notwendig / Can usually only understand simple expressions with some effort. Help needed with repetition and translation.
f)Hat extreme Schwierigkeiten, einfache Äußerungen zu verstehen /
Has great difficulty in understanding simple expressions.
II. Sprechen/Spoken language
a)Spricht in allgemeinsprachlichen Situationen und im o.g. Fachgebiet problemlos und stilistisch angemessen/
Has no problem in speaking in general situations and in context of subject named above using appropriate register.
b)Spricht flüssig, jedoch mit vereinzelten Fehlern, zu allgemeinsprachlichen Themen und zum o.g. Fachgebiet, z.B. in akademischen Diskussionen / Speaks fluently but makes occasional errors in general situations and on subject named above, e.g. in academic discussions.
c)Spricht verständlich, trotz Fehlern, mit einem gewissen Grad an Flüssigkeit unter Verwendung eines begrenzten Wortschatzes zu allgemeinsprachlichen Themen und im Kontext von Studium und Praxis in der o.g. Fachrichtung / Speaks comprehensibly, despite errors, with a degree of fluency and uses a limited range of vocabulary on general topics and in the context of work and studying in above subject.
d)Spricht über Alltagsthemen unter Verwendung einfacher Strukturen und eines begrenzten Wortschatzes, jedoch nicht korrekt und fließend / Can speak about everyday topics using simple structures and a limited range of vocabulary but lacks fluency and makes mistakes.
e)Verfügt über eine Anzahl häufig vorkommender Wendungen in typischen Alltagssituationen /
Can make use of a number of common expressions relevant to everyday situations.
f)Hat extreme Schwierigkeiten, sich verständlich zu machen /Has great difficulty in making self understood.
III. Schreiben/Written Language
a)Schreibt in allgemeinsprachlichen Situationen und in der o.g. Fachrichtung problemlos und stilistisch angemessen / Has no difficulty in writing in general situations and in context of subject named above using appropriate stylistic register.
b)Schreibt flüssig, jedoch mit vereinzelten Fehlern, zu allgemeinsprachlichen Themen und zu Themen der o.g. 
Fachrichtung, z.B. Belegarbeiten / Writes fluently on general topics and on topics relevant to subject named above, e.g. assignments, but makes occasional errors.
c)Schreibt verständliche Texte mit einem beschränkten Wortschatz zu allgemeinen Themen und im Kontext von Studium und Praxis in der o.g. Fachrichtung / Can write comprehensible texts with a limited range of vocabulary on general topics and in the context of work and studying in the above subject.
d)Kann einfache Texte mit beschränktem Wortschatz verfassen, wenn auch mit fehlerhafter Grammatik /
Can write simple texts with limited vocabulary but makes grammatical errors.
e)Kann kurze einfache Äußerungen zum persönlichen Umfeld verfassen, wenn auch sehr fehlerhaft /
Can write brief statements on personal matters but makes numerous errors.
f)Hat extreme Schwierigkeiten, einen Gedanken schriftlich zu formulieren /
Has great difficulty in formulating thoughts in written form.
IV. Leseverstehen/Reading Comprehension
a)Versteht komplexe allgemeinsprachliche Lesetexte sowie Lesetexte des o.g. Fachgebietes ohne Mühe / Understands complex general texts and texts relevant to above subject without any difficulty.
b)Versteht anspruchsvolle allgemeinsprachliche Lesetexte sowie Lesetexte der o.g. Fachrichtung, z.B. in Fachzeitschriften / Understands demanding general texts as well as written texts on above subject, e.g. periodicals.
c)Versteht den wesentlichen Inhalt anspruchsvoller Lesetexte zu allgemeinsprachlichen Themen und im Kontext von Studium und Praxis in der o.g. Fachrichtung / Understands the main content of demanding written texts on general topics and within the context of work and studying in above subject.
d)Versteht die wichtigsten Informationen in Lesetexten zu bekannten Themen /
Understands the most important information in written texts on familiar topics.
e)Kann einfachen Texten spezifische, vorhersehbare Informationen entnehmen /
Can select specific, predictable information from simple texts.
f)Hat extreme Schwierigkeiten, auch einfache Texte zu verstehen /
Has great difficulty in understanding even simple texts.

Zuordnung der Sprachkompetenzstufen des Europarates und des UNIcert-Systems/In accordance with the levels of language competence of the Common European Framework of Reference and the UNIcert System:

(a) etwa C2 / UNIcert-Stufe IV/(a) approx. C2/ UNIcert level IV; (b) etwa C1 / UNIcert-Stufe III / (b) approx. C1/ UNIcert III; (c) etwa B2 / UNIcert-Stufe II / (c) approx: B2/ UNIcert level II; (d) etwa B1 /UNIcert-Stufe I / (d) approx: B1/ UNIcert level I

Prüfer/Examiner / Berufliche Stellung /Position
( Stempel/Stamp )
Ort und Datum/
Place and Date /
Unterschrift / Signature